A note to readers - by Charles Krauthammer

I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me.
In August of last year, I underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in my abdomen. That operation was thought to have been a success, but it caused a cascade of secondary complications — which I have been fighting in hospital ever since. It was a long and hard fight with many setbacks, but I was steadily, if slowly, overcoming each obstacle along the way and gradually making my way back to health.
However, recent tests have revealed that the cancer has returned. There was no sign of it as recently as a month ago, which means it is aggressive and spreading rapidly. My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live. This is the final verdict. My fight is over.
I will miss the guy if his prognoses and "Note to Readers" is true !
"God" bless you Charles !
I hope that you don't mind that I add the following link to your seed. I couldn't read your WaPo article, because I'm not a paid subscriber but I found what seems to be the same info on Fox News that also contains Dr. Krauthammer's letter.
No problem !
I will miss his articles and his appearances on Bret's evening show. After the others panelists finished, Charles always wrapped it up with common sense wisdom which was never mean spirited nor snarky. Great intellect and wonderful writer. Your opinions will be missed, sir
I don't think I've ever seen a text from Krauthammer that I didn't disagree with, vehemently.
But cancer is a hard way to go, regardless.
Bon courage, Charles...
That's so sad. A gifted mind, an excellent writer. I may not have agreed with him but he still spoke rationally and with an authority. Farewell Sir, I wish you a painless exit and a fair judgement. History from those you leave behind will be kind to you.
He wasn't afraid to go after Republicans, in a Republican setting.
Regardless of party...he wasn't afraid to speak his mind intelligently.
Nope ! He , at least to me, was a straight shooter !
I don't like the ideas that he defended but I would never wish anyone to have to deal with cancer.
I didn't agree with a lot of which he believed in, but I did find that he was intelligent and more than willing to debate and put forth a excellent argument. Plus, what he had overcome in his life was amazing.
A cruel disease and I wish you a painless departure from this world. I believe that regardless of your political bent you will be missed by many on both sides of the political spectrum.
My sentiments also.
Very sad news. He never let being paralyzed stop him from succeeding in his goals. A fighter until the end. I wish him peace and comfort in his final days.
Dr. Krauthammer is a brilliant man who's faced decades of physical challenges but never gave up. Whether or not we agreed with him, he always offered thoughtful, insightful columns that challenged us to open our minds to differing opinions.
I admired everything about him, I will miss him.
He has a lot to be proud of in his life. Very accomplished person who has had to bear many hardships and hurdles. Keep fighting Charles!
I agree with a lot of others here. I might not have agreed with a lot that he said yet he was always sincere in his beliefs and well spoken. Even a sense of humor on occasion.
We need more people like him and not less.
Cancer is a thief, it steals people from all walks of life. I cannot personally imagine getting that diagnosis of only a few weeks to live. My heart goes out to him and his family in this difficult time.
A voice of reason. He will be missed