
Elections Have Consequences: Sometimes They're Not the Ones We Want


Category:  News & Politics

By:  docphil  •  6 years ago  •  7 comments

Elections Have Consequences: Sometimes They're Not the Ones We Want

I am writing this for all the true republicans, independents, and democrats out there who, either voted for Donald Trump in 2016 or sat out the election because they didn't like Hillary Clinton. Many of you, I am certain, are suffering from a severe case of buyer's remorse. This isn't what we expected. This is turning out to be catastrophic.
I fully understand the adage, "to the winner go the spoils". If the Democrats had won in 2016, it would be a Trump supporter writing this. But, in this real world of Trumpian dystopia, the actual disassociation between what is happening in the nation and what the majority of the American people want is increasing each day.
Allow me if you will, to share some of the national polling data with you:
1, By an 85 - 15% majority, the American public believes that the redrawing of Congressional districts should be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission. {from "I Side With Polling", June 2018} The Trump administration wants to keep the redrawing of Congressional districts in the state legislatures.
2. By a 79 - 15% majority, the American public supports "Dreamers" to remain in the United States and be able to apply for citizenship. {Quinnipeac Poll, June 18, 2018). The Trump administration has taken DACA safeguards away from the "Dreamers" and is holding them hostage to his wall.
3. By a 79-21 majority, the American public believes that women should be paid equally to men for the equivalent work. {"I Side With Polling" May, 2018}. The Trump administration has done little to assist in establishing gender equity for pay.
4. By a 67 - 28 majority, the American public wants stricter laws on gun sales. {Gallup Poll, May 20, 2018). The Trump administration supports the NRA position on guns.
5. By a 67 29 majority, the American public wants to keep Roe v,.Wade intact. {Kaiser Family Foundation, June 2, 2018). The Trump administration position is supported by less than 30% of the population.
6, By a 67 -33 majority, the American public believes same sex marriage should be legal. {Gallup Poll, May 23, 2018}
7. By a 66 - 27 majority, the American public opposes separating children and parents when families illegally cross the border. {Quinnipeac, June 18, 2018), The Trump administration implemented the family separation actions.
8. By a 62 -38 majority, the American public believes the government should increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change {I Side With, May, 2018) and
9. By a 61 -38 majority of Americans believe the environment is getting worse.{Gallup Poll, June 18, 2018}. President Trump has been a climate change denier.
10. By a 61-33 majority, Americans disapprove of the way Trump is handling race relations in the nation. {Quinnipeac, June 6, 2018}
11. By a 59 - 37 majority, Americans believe that the Trump administration is ethically and morally deficient. {Gallup Poll, May 24, 2018}
12. By a 57 - 41 majority, Americans do not believe that Trump will handle matters relating to the Mueller investigation appropriately. {Real Clear Politics, May 22, 2018)
13. By a 49 - 41 plurality, Americans want the Affordable Care Act to remain in place. {Real Clear Politics June 17, 2018}
14. By a 43 - 36 plurality, Americans disapprove of the tax bill supported by President Trump. {Real Clear Pollitics June 26, 2018}
Yes, elections have consequences. A president was elected in 2016 who is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans on almost every major topic of the day. The consequence of that election is an autocrat for a president and a congress that has relinquished it's "checks and balances" requirement of the Constitution. Now they are trying to set up a court system that will be equally compliant to the will of the minority.
That cannot happen. There is only one way to stop this insanity. That is at the polls in November. There must be a check placed on an administration that only listens to a base that is a minority of the population. If you are registered, vote. If you are not registered, register and vote. The solution doesn't lie with a feckless congress or a partisan SCOTUS. It lies with the American majority.
There must be a rallying cry for 2018...…..WHATEVER YOU DO...….VOTE BLUE


jrDiscussion - desc
Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1  Trout Giggles    6 years ago

I plan to. All of my congress critters are republicans and those that up for re-election are OUT! if I can help it.

Same goes for my governor and most especially my attorney general

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    6 years ago

Elections have consequences?

Especially the ones when a sizable per cent of the electorate has made itself susceptible to foreign propaganda. 

Putin is smart except he helped install a dullard. 

This too;   Former Malaysian Prime Minister Razak was arrested hours ago.  Wasn't that long ago that Trump had him at The White House and said, "Razak is his favorite Prime Minister."  Do we have birds of a feather here?  Razak went down because of money.  Trump money in Malaysia?


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