Christian Activist: Abortion-Loving Satanists Use Fetal Blood as a Power Source
Christian Right activist Dave Daubenmire, who said earlier this year that men shouldn’t touch themselves because it’s totally gay, explained on his “Pass the Salt Live” webcast yesterday the real reason some people didn’t want Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.
It’s because he might be the fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, and Satanists rely on the blood of aborted babies to retain their power.
And just in case the crazy wasn’t evident, Daubenmire said all that while wearing a literal tinfoil hat.
“Why are they so upset about abortion?” Daubenmire asked, rhetorically. “Why are they so interested about death? Why do they want so much, the most important right they are ever going to have is the right for a woman to be able murder her unborn baby?”
This question prompted one of the participants on the livestream to explain that abortion is “the basis of their power” because “these people are satanists [who] sacrifice children and they use the children’s blood for their drug, adrenochrome.”
Daubenmire agreed, claiming that the left uses abortion and torture to create an “adrenaline rush” in fetuses and young children, who are then killed so that their adrenaline-filled blood can be extracted and consumed.
“I know this is ultimate tinfoil hat,” Daubenmire admitted. “But can somebody explain to me why the left wants to kill babies?”
For someone who refuses to Google a question with clear answers (including the fact that the left has no desire to kill babies), he sure finds the most complicated theories to explain the gaps in his knowledge.
But at least we know the truth know. Brett Kavanaugh was sent by Jesus to cure liberals of their addiction to adrenochrome.
Something like that.
men shouldn’t touch themselves because it’s totally gay
...says the thumper with yellow shoes.
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Tired? Try some adrenochrome! Available at your friendly neighborhood abortionist.
I, myself , am pro choice..... crazy comes in all walks of life, this guy takes the cake......
Even he knows how insane he sounds.
“I know this is ultimate tinfoil hat,” Daubenmire admitted.
Sadly, he cancels out his admission of insanity by continuing with“But can somebody explain to me why the left wants to kill babies?”
He is just another product of the misinformation and lies put out by the religious right who make the false claim of those on the left being "pro-abortion". I am not pro-abortion, I do not want anyone to have to make such a difficult decision, yet I'm also pro-choice because the only thing worse than having to make such a decision is not being allowed to make a decision.
We can all laugh and point at the totally ridiculous tin foil hat morons who inform the religious right, but the fact remains, their misinformation sadly does have an effect on policy and the more we simply dismiss these crazies the more their false claims seep into the religious rights common misconceptions. We need to keep up the pressure pushing for expanding women's privacy rights over their own body and never take the nut balls too lightly. I recall it wasn't so long ago that the nut balls had people believing the nonsense about Planned Parenthood supposedly selling baby parts for profit, using their blood for some adrenaline drug, as crazy as it sounds, isn't really that far away.
Is it just me or does there seem to be more loons crawling out of the woodwork lately?
And here I thought we liberals were using fetal blood as gasoline and I was gonna get mad because nobody told me!
Adrenochrome? Is that anything like Advil?
I'm fresh out of all of it....sad too, because I have a headache....
I buy the economy sized bottle because I like to drink
Who doesn't?
I'm beginning to like you.
I'm pretty likable We all have our moments
They come in small, medium, toddler and Big-Gulp...
But didn't you vote for Trump even though he said that women who have abortions need to be punished?
Typical orange conman toddler in chief voter. Crazies coming out of the wood work since "it" has been in the white house.
And I'm so sure this jerk never ever ever played with himself as a preteen or teen. /s
Whether it's this crap, Birtherism or a pedophile ring operating out of the basement of a pizzeria which lacks a basement, the scary thing is that the vast majority of Trump voters are dumb enough and gullible enough to believe it.
Dummy doesn't even know that I drink it for them stemcells. I am 51 and damn if I don't look 50.
I guess 99% of men are gay now, or we at least know what he thinks about when diddling himself.
It also improves