Professor Jordan Peterson is often controversial but invariably offers an interesting perspective. Here the Canadian celebrity clinical psychologist weighs in on Trump.
Did you not listen to the video? This is how Peterson begins his commentary. Start at 0:30 and listen to what the interviewer poses and then to Peterson's response. He agreed the characterization might be right.
I didn't hear that from Peterson at all. He said to the commentator "it's "Possible". That's ALL !
Well what do you think I wrote? What does the word 'might' mean in your language??
I watched the whole thing. It is basically a waste of 6 minutes of your time, but we all waste minutes on similar diversions. I've seen Peterson before, as most of us probably have by now, and I do agree he "talks real good".
What did he say as he monopolized this video for 6 minutes? (The other guy barely says a word) He spent part of the time saying that America is not as polarized as people think, oddly using as an example the fact that presidential elections lately have been near 50-50 in the vote. Maybe it's just me, but an even split indicates polarization, not widespread agreement.
It also struck me, but didnt surprise me since his main audience is youngish "conservative" males, that in his fairly detailed description of Trump, as Peterson sees him, he never mentions the most obvious thing people detect in trump after a short period - that he is a serial and constant liar. For Peterson not to mention that makes me question his worth as a Trump analyst.
The worst thing about Trump, per Peterson, might be his elevation of the troll (making it okay to be a troll).
Where did you get that from the Video ?
I didn't hear that from Peterson at all. He said to the commentator "it's "Possible". That's ALL !
He says Trump is an anomaly, Noisy, Provocative, Disagreeable, Divisive, etc …… Not a "Troll" !
Only the Commentator "Used" the word "Troll".
Did you not listen to the video? This is how Peterson begins his commentary. Start at 0:30 and listen to what the interviewer poses and then to Peterson's response. He agreed the characterization might be right.
Well what do you think I wrote? What does the word 'might' mean in your language??
And Peterson agreed. Hello?
Yeah, he can get controversial but can offer plenty of reasons, quote studies, etc. on the fly. Beats the hell out of those who simply proclaim truth.
Did you not read my post 1.1 ?
"He said to the commentator "it's "Possible".
Not "Might" !
Did YOU not listen to the video ?
If you are going to USE a video commentary, at least word it correctly and not adlib.
If you think that 'might' and 'is possible' are contradictions then it might be impossible to communicate with you.
Now kindly stop with the gratuitous nit picking and make a topical point.
It's not "Nitpicking" to use ones actual words in the video.
Like I said before, "Trump" can be a "Troll" was NEVER used by Peterson, but apparently it was ?
Your words Comment #1 (not Petersons):
"per Peterson, might be his elevation of the troll (making it okay to be a troll)."
You might find this interesting:
I watched the whole thing. It is basically a waste of 6 minutes of your time, but we all waste minutes on similar diversions. I've seen Peterson before, as most of us probably have by now, and I do agree he "talks real good".
What did he say as he monopolized this video for 6 minutes? (The other guy barely says a word) He spent part of the time saying that America is not as polarized as people think, oddly using as an example the fact that presidential elections lately have been near 50-50 in the vote. Maybe it's just me, but an even split indicates polarization, not widespread agreement.
It also struck me, but didnt surprise me since his main audience is youngish "conservative" males, that in his fairly detailed description of Trump, as Peterson sees him, he never mentions the most obvious thing people detect in trump after a short period - that he is a serial and constant liar. For Peterson not to mention that makes me question his worth as a Trump analyst.