Democrat apologizes after hurling anti-Asian slurs at her opponent

A Michigan state Democrat apologized Thursday after calling her opponent and the rival's campaign staff “ching-chongs” – in reference to the candidate’s Asian heritage.
Scott reportedly referred to her opponent as “ching-chang” and "ching-chong" to voters outside polling precincts. She also allegedly made other offensive comments, including telling one of Chang's campaign volunteers “You don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.”
In addition, Sean Gray, Chang’s African-American husband, said Scott scolded him for marrying Chang.
Scott also reportedly told a voter that immigrants from China were “coming over and taking our community from us” and that it “disgusts” her to see “black people holding signs for these Asians and not supporting their own people.”
Chang and Scott were running against each other in the Democratic Party primary for Michigan's 1st Senate District. Chang won the primary with nearly 50 percent of the vote.
“We expect better from anyone who wants to call themselves a Michigan Democrat,” the party’s chairman Brandon Dillon said in a statement. “Bettie Cook Scott needs to apologize to the entire Asian-American community. If an individual doesn’t share our fundamental values of tolerance, decency, and respect, they should find another party.”
Following the criticism, Scott released a statement apologizing for the remarks.
“Those are not the kinds of comments that should be made nor are they the kind of comments I would normally make,” Scott said, according to the Detroit News. “I humbly apologize to Rep. Chang and to her husband, Mr. Gray, and to the broader Asian-American community.”
“We live in a time of increasing divisiveness,” she added. “As a state representative, I should never do anything to contribute to an atmosphere of divisiveness and for that, I am terribly sorry. I look forward to meeting with Rep. Chang to express my apologies directly to her as soon as she’s able to meet with me.”
Well, obviously ignorance and stupidity know no bounds....chastising the woman's husband for marrying an Asiana nd not a black woman? Ching-Chongs?
Why in the hell would Represenatative Chang take her time to go meet with this racist ass? Representative Cook should be going, hat in hand to apologize directly to Representative Chang AND her husband. And no one should need to tell her something this obvious.
Morning Spike .. ignorance never has, never will know boundaries - seems as though one can let their emotions run wild, lash out at someone saying things they themselves never thought they would say. If what individuals like the Obama's believe is true, racism is part of the United States DNA -
I have no answers .. yet I think part of human nature is to strike out and hurt others [without excuses like it is a nations racist DNA] .. I do not believe one needs to be racist in order to be hurtful and be derogatory towards others while focusing on what makes them different from oneself .. as ignorance prevails probably more often then not..
I could be wrong...
I always love those "It wasn't the real me" …. or ….. "That isn't what I really meant" from the "Pure" left, after they get blasted for actually saying what they said.
They get a pass.….AND.....Get elected too.
But the article "IS" about a "Lefty".
By the way, it "WAS" a Democrat that put "Asians" in concentration camps in this Country.
For Sure !
The 'point, let me explain it to you, the point is that it doesn't take party affiliation or which side of any spectrum you fall on to be a racist asshole. In this case, the racist asshole is on the left, in Michigan.
Yeah but, an article "Doesn't" restrict what is in reality. Neither did your post that I replied to.
One of the things I've noticed in the idology one upmanship war of words is, Most of this stuff really does work Both ways.
My hope is that by pointing that out people it will be recognised more and done less.
" By the way, it "WAS" a Democrat that put "Asians" in concentration camps in this Country."
But the article "IS" about a "Lefty"
Isn't that as off topic as my words were ?
Just working words both ways...
Ok, sorry, I was actually responding to your statement of "I always love those .......from the "Pure" left.
When people say or write stuff directed at a group such as the "Pure" left I'd say most of us deduct the meaning of these words or statement is directed at the group mentioned.
As groups of left and right people from what I, see most of the insults and unhappiness thrown back and forth about the other side from both sides can be used flip-flopped both ways as well.
people say, "That isn't what I really meant" after they get blasted for actually saying what they said.
They get a pass.….AND.....Get elected too."
IMO: This works for trump too !
Flipped and Flopped
See what a Flop it is ? Yet everyone's doing it. Back and forth... What good is it ?
Until Americans stop the in-fighting we will never unite to solve our problems.
Our politicians will use our division to get elected and our media will use our division to sell their goods and we are the fools that pay for it all and allow them to do it to us, time and time again.
WHY.. WTF do we get out of this ?
PS: Have a nice afternoon all
Apparently you haven't met ALL the seeding, article writing members yet.
"IMO: This works for trump too !"
it actually can work for ALL of Humanity.
"Our politicians will use our division to get elected and our media will use our division to sell their goods and we are the fools that pay for it all and allow them to do it to us, time and time again."
2 Bazillion "Thumbs up" on that comment.
LOL .. or many of the moderators eh ?
True !
Point taken, Thankfully. I've been both somewhat careful and probably somewhat lucky so far (knocking on wood) that I've not had my comments disappear into non reality here ..... so far.
But yeah I see reality disappearing from the articles here as well. good point.
Busted !!!!