
It's a big mistake to write Trump off (opinion)


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  it-is-me  •  7 years ago  •  147 comments

It's a big mistake to write Trump off (opinion)

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

CNN - By Paul Callan 

For those who have been hoping for an end to the Donald Trump presidency, Tuesday appeared to be cause for celebration. On that day, a Virginia jury returned eight felony convictions against the president's one-time campaign manager, Paul Manafort, at nearly the same time that Trump's personal attorney and "fixer" Michael Cohen entered guilty pleas to a variety of financial and election law crimes. In short, Trump's critics could revel in the hope that the conviction and imprisonment of both men might foreshadow Trump's exit.

It is premature for anti-Trumpers to dance in the streets.

The charges against Manafort were largely unrelated to the Trump presidency, and the trial judge virtually banned the use of Trump's name through most of the trial. Furthermore, none of Manafort's crimes were ever linked to the president, and the vast majority of his alleged criminal activities predated his appointment as Trump campaign manager.

In pleading guilty, Cohen admitted to participation in a scheme to pay hush money payments to two women -- Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels -- with whom Trump is alleged to have had affairs. Missing, though, were the details of Trump's intentional involvement in criminal activity substantial enough to tip the Constitution's "high crimes and misdemeanors" scale.

Recall that, in 2012, attempts to convict former North Carolina Senator John Edwards on similar but far more serious campaign finance violations resulted in a failed prosecution. Edwards, while running for president in 2008, allegedly used unreported funds provided by campaign supporters and "friends" not only to buy silence but to safely house and feed Rielle Hunter-- with whom he was having an affair, and who was pregnant -- while his wife suffered from a terminal form of cancer.

A jury acquitted Edwards on one count and could not reach a unanimous verdict on the other counts in his indictment.


As a candidate, the law gives Trump, unlike Cohen, the right to make unlimited campaign contributions to his own campaign.


There may be other criminal offenses chargeable against Trump as more is revealed about Cohen's shady dealings, but Trump's opponents shouldn't put on their dancing shoes just yet.


jrDiscussion - desc
It Is ME
Masters Guide
1  seeder  It Is ME    7 years ago

There just isn't any "THERE"....."THERE".

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @1    7 years ago
There just isn't any "THERE"....."THERE".

"FECA’s definition of “contribution” in 52 U.S.C. § 30101(8)(A) includes “any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office.” Importantly, there is no requirement that a “contribution” be labeled as such or that the money actually pass through a campaign’s coffers: a third-party’s payment of a candidate’s campaign or personal expense qualifies as a “contribution,” except where “the payment would have been made irrespective of the candidacy” (11 C.F.R. § 113.1(g)(6)). Candidates may spend personal funds to support their campaign—and, importantly, these contributions are not subject to the $2,700 per person per election limit applicable to other donors ( 52 U.S.C. § 30116 )—but these contributions still must be disclosed ( 11 C.F.R. § 104.3(a)(3)(ii) ) and properly reported on FEC filings."

"The biggest unknown at this point is the original source of the $130,000 that Cohen transferred to Daniels. As explained below, I don’t think it matters ultimately from whose pockets the payment originally came— the $130,000 will still qualify as an undisclosed “contribution” regardless of its source ."

"Cohen told Judge William Pauley III that “ in coordination with, and at the direction of, a candidate for federal office ” he arranged payments to two women for their silence “ for the principal purpose of influencing the election .”

Seems like there's quite a bit of "there" there.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.1  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.2    7 years ago

He said, He said.....and no proof anything came from "Campaign" money.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.2.2  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.1    7 years ago
He said, He said.....and no proof anything came from "Campaign" money.

Here's a difference for you, of course you won't accept it but, I gotta try. Cohen made the statements under oath in front of a judge to seal his plea deal, if he lied that is not only perjury it is breaking his plea deal which means he will get the full sentence not just a few months.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.3  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.2.2    7 years ago

"Cohen made the statements under oath in front of a judge to seal his plea deal, if he lied that is not only perjury it is breaking his plea deal which means he will get the full sentence not just a few months."

I already understood that part. your acting like Cohen is smart. If he was sooooo smart...he wouldn't be where he is now. Going to Jail.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2.4  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.3    7 years ago

If he were smart, he never would have taken Trump as a client to begin with.  He is truly now a criminal lawyer.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.2.5  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.1    7 years ago
no proof anything came from "Campaign" money

As the Harvard law review points out, it doesn't matter where the money came from, "the $130,000 will still qualify as an undisclosed “contribution” regardless of its source.".

So don't tire now, pick up those goal posts you're so fond of moving and try again.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.6  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.2.4    7 years ago
If he were smart, he never would have taken Trump as a client to begin with.

It's all about the Bucks.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2.7  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.1    7 years ago

Considering that Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.  His foundation (Trump Foundation) is made up from other people's money and not his own.

In another case, court papers say one of Trump’s golf courses in New York agreed to settle a lawsuit by making a donation to the plaintiff’s chosen charity. A $158,000 donation was made by the Trump Foundation, according to tax records.

The other expenditures involved smaller amounts. In 2013, Trump used $5,000 from the foundation to buy advertisements touting his chain of hotels in programs for three events organized by a D.C. preservation group. And in 2014, Trump spent $10,000 of the foundation’s money on a portrait of himself bought at a charity fundraiser.

Or, rather, another portrait of himself.

Several years earlier, Trump used $20,000 from the Trump Foundation to buy a different six foot tall portrait. 

Is it really such a reach that he would use campaign funds to pay hush money?

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.8  Skrekk  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.2.7    7 years ago

Note that Cohen was just subpoenaed by NY to testify about what he knows about Trump's tax fraud with his "charity."    Some it seems to be hooked up with campaign finance fraud too.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2.9  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.8    7 years ago

He also spent foundation money ($10,000) to buy some bs autographed football.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.10  Studiusbagus  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.8    7 years ago
And the best part?? All the kids and Trump are in those sights... Now for the absolute best part....Trump can't pardon his kids in thst case. They're on their own.
Sophomore Quiet
1.2.11  Skrekk  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.10    7 years ago

Oh-oh.....Trump's Pecker has turned on him!

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.12  Studiusbagus  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.11    7 years ago

Well, now it's really looking like Trump is going to be a write-off, maybe even a haul off...

Weissellberg, the Trump Co.s main financial guy since the days of Fred Trump just got immunity too....did I mention Weissellberg is also the honcho of the Trump Foundation?

These guys aren't being summoned, they have their balls in the Federal vise and got immunity....

Trump is fucked!

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.13  Skrekk  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.12    7 years ago
Weissellberg, the Trump Co.s main financial guy since the days of Fred Trump just got immunity too....did I mention Weissellberg is also the honcho of the Trump Foundation?

I've been meaning to post that since I first heard about it today.    Trump's diapers must have a YUGE skidmark today.

Just wait for the weekend tweet storm.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.14  Studiusbagus  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.13    7 years ago

Best is that most of the Trumpvestites are imploding but have too much exposure to admit he's fucked. They're waiting for some way to blame this on somebody else.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.15  Skrekk  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.14    7 years ago

I heard about a hard core Trump supporter who removed their Trump yard sign the other day.    That must be a first.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.16  Studiusbagus  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.15    7 years ago

Oh....it's going to get fun around here when the hammer drops...

Were you on the other site when Obama was elected? It was a ghost town for a few weeks, then they started trickling back in either saying "I'm an independent" or dumping their screen name altogether to try and escape their bullshit.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.17  Skrekk  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.16    7 years ago

Yep, I remember that - they couldn't believe a black guy had actually been elected.    Although to be fair it was similar to the several weeks of shock which all ethical folks experienced after Trump was elected by the EC, just coming from a profoundly different world view.

I know all countries go through a reactionary phase but it's a shame this current one couldn't be avoided.    Can you imagine how much better we'd all be off today if, for example, Biden's son hadn't died and thus Biden ran for prez?     Not even Putin could stop that landslide.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.18  Sparty On  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.16    7 years ago
Oh....it's going to get fun around here when the hammer drops...

Yeah, the last year and a half sure has been a blast.

Hilarious watching libs spin around like whirling dervishes.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.19  Studiusbagus  replied to  Sparty On @1.2.18    7 years ago

Going to be fun watching your heads explode. 

The last year and a half was the warm up act. 

He's so fucked...his attorney, his CFO of Trump Co. and the Trump Foundation, and his savior for public scandals have agreed to spill their guts...two of them for immunity, which means their balls are in a vise and they're saving them by spilling Trump's criminal activity.

Remember, the NY AG wants him too...and his kids are in play there.

Sooooo fucked.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.21  Studiusbagus  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.20    7 years ago

You mean more "Benghaaaazzzzeeee!" ?

Or does start another umteen years of "Lock her up!" ?

What will you scream "Fake evidence, fake conviction!" ?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.23  Sparty On  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.19    7 years ago

Don’t hold your breathe; one, for ANYONE to actually finally find something realistically actionable against Trump and two, for my head to explode if you manage to.

I’m not a sanctimonious partisan little bitch like many on the left are.    He goes down on something real, i’ll gladly wave buh bye with you.      Although not with a heart filled with over the top, partisan hatred like you.    Big difference there.

i must say though, the fun of watching the left whine like little babies refused a binky has worn off over the last year or so.    Now, deep down, I just sorry for you.   Really!     Going though life with all that hatred in your hearts is no way to live.    No way at all.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.24  Studiusbagus  replied to  Sparty On @1.2.23    7 years ago
i must say though, the fun of watching the left whine like little babies

Who's whining? I'm relishing watching the righties fall all over themselves because their political jesus that they have been strutting as being the only person that can save the world is turning out to be the criminal the left has been warning them about since before the election.

You can call it hate, I'm calling it just desserts for the arrogance shown.

His lawyer and ex-VP of his company, has been convicted, his CFO of the company and the Trump Foundation, and His media mogul friend that has bought volumes of scandalous reports about Trump all have their balls in a Federal Vise because a crime that scared them that much has seen them make a deal for immunity to roll over on Trump.

This is just getting started...as I said on the old site and here, he won't get impeached because he's going to cut a deal and resign in disgrace.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.25  Sparty On  replied to  Studiusbagus @1.2.24    7 years ago
Who's whining?

Lol .... you can not be serious with that comment.     Oh, I guess you can considering the source.

Professor Principal
1.2.26  JBB  replied to  Sparty On @1.2.25    7 years ago

That was an insightful snappy reply /s. The Cons are all hilariously in deepest denial...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.27  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @1.2.26    7 years ago

If that helps you sleep at night then by all means, use it.

A good nights sleep is very important.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.28  Studiusbagus  replied to  JBB @1.2.26    7 years ago

Not actually denial, the Trumpvestites know this is coming and will decline anything in public. 

Gotta keep that image up until it gets to be too much reality and them will come the name change to escape their bullshit like they did when Obama kicked their asses both times.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.30  Studiusbagus  replied to  dennis smith @1.2.29    7 years ago

Oh? Too early to repeatedly shout " Lock him up !" ?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
3  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

Who is "writing Trump off"?

PhD Quiet
3.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Bob Nelson @3    7 years ago


even on my taxes

Professor Expert
3.2  Krishna  replied to  Bob Nelson @3    7 years ago

Who is "writing Trump off"?

Certainly not Robert Mueller! Laugh
Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    7 years ago

It's past time to recognize a terrible but true "truth" - ( Deleted )

Oh ok moderators, they are not the worst in their personal lives, in some or many cases, since we have no way of knowing that. Where they are worst is in striving for what is best for America. If you support Trump you are supporting chaos, UNETHICAL, DEMORALIZING  chaos.  Trump's presidency has been literally a litany of one lie, one corruption, one unjustified attack on innocent people, after another, every day for 570 days in a row. Even the USA cannot survive this unbelievable barrage of ignorance and unethical behavior indefinitely. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5  seeder  It Is ME    7 years ago

"none of the claimed offenses by Trump occurred during his presidency, further damaging any claim that impeachment is warranted under the circumstances."

Even Liberal Alan Dershowitz thinks Liberal Lanny (I Luv the Clintons) Davis is a moron.

Professor Quiet
5.1  Jasper2529  replied to  It Is ME @5    7 years ago
Even Liberal Alan Dershowitz thinks Liberal Lanny (I Luv the Clintons) Davis is a moron.

Dershowitz is a breath of fresh air and logic in the Dem Party's morass.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.2  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @5    7 years ago

Man passes out..jpg

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2.1  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @5.2    7 years ago


Professor Quiet
5.2.2  Jasper2529  replied to  It Is ME @5.2.1    7 years ago

Shhhh ... be kind. It's all they've got.  chuckle

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2.3  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Jasper2529 @5.2.2    7 years ago
Shhhh ... be kind. It's all they've got.

sorry.….didn't know "Blaming the other guy wasn't the "IN" thing anymore.

Sophomore Silent
6  Rmando    7 years ago

So is the Russian collusion narrative totally dead at this point or is the left bringing it up next week when Trump is still President and hasn't been impeached yet?

Oh and thank God for Alan Dershowitz. He is often the lone voice of reason.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Rmando @6    7 years ago
So is the Russian collusion narrative totally dead at this point

Yep !

It was a "Nothing" from the very beginning. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
6.1.1  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @6.1    7 years ago

It was a "Nothing" from the very beginning. 

I'm not so sure it was a nothing. IMO: anytime any people are running for such an important US government position IMO: they should Never have anything to do with any foreign government especially one who is not really friendly with America to begin with. 

And yes that includes anything and everything trump's opposition did as well.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1.2  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @6.1.1    7 years ago
IMO: they should Never have anything to do with any foreign government especially one who is not really friendly with America to begin with. 

We actually have to have someone governing. chuckle

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
6.1.3  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @6.1.2    7 years ago
We actually have to have someone governing

That's what they tell me. Maybe someday somehow they will put forth a candidate I can support but I'm certainly not holding my breath till then. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1.4  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @6.1.3    7 years ago

Personally....I'd like to see a TOTAL do-over everywhere, But I'm told that isn't possible, as it would mean a new learning curve for the newbies.

Face Palm I think that's what we are really looking for....Actual NEW.

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
6.1.5  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @6.1.4    7 years ago
I'd like to see a TOTAL do-over everywhere,

Hell, we cant even get term limits from these assholes in charge. Or campaign finance limits. or non insider trading practices passed. Yep we're screwed !

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1.6  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @6.1.5    7 years ago
Hell, we cant even get term limits from these assholes in charge.

Name recognition voting. not listening

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
6.1.7  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @6.1.6    7 years ago
Name recognition voting.

coupled with loads of money and the promises of doing better and doing more for the people next time. Agreed !

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.1.8  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @6.1.7    7 years ago
and the promises of doing better and doing more for the people next time.

Professor Principal
7  JohnRussell    7 years ago


It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  JohnRussell @7    7 years ago

hillary Lies.jpg

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.1  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @7.1    7 years ago


th e.jpg

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1.2  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @7.1.1    7 years ago

Are you bragging ? laughing dude

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.3  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @7.1.2    7 years ago
Are you bragging ?

LOL, I wasn't done. Now I am. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.4  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @7.1.1    7 years ago

OOps ! Here's the full one, now corrected, thanks.

th e.jpg

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1.5  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @7.1.4    7 years ago

What's a "Bug Deal" ? LOL !

Junior Quiet
7.1.6  KDMichigan  replied to  It Is ME @7.1.5    7 years ago
What's a "Bug Deal" ? LOL !


The left can't Meme again.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1.7  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  KDMichigan @7.1.6    7 years ago

hahahahahahaha !

To funny. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.8  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  It Is ME @7.1.5    7 years ago
What's a "Bug Deal" ?

I'm not really sure , But I have a feeling it's kinda small. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.9  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  KDMichigan @7.1.6    7 years ago
Hahahaha The left can't Meme again.

HA HA yourself, some people can't even guess correctly what ideology some others are.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1.10  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @7.1.8    7 years ago

"I'm not really sure , But I have a feeling it's kinda small. "


Junior Quiet
7.1.11  KDMichigan  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu @7.1.9    7 years ago
some people can't even guess correctly what ideology some others are.

Um did you make the meme?

You do know it is a running joke the that the left can't meme?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
7.1.12  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  KDMichigan @7.1.11    7 years ago
Um did you make the meme? You do know it is a running joke the that the left can't meme?

Yes and no.... 

I dont pay much attention to the put downs each side uses. They all seems kinda childish to me. 

Freshman Silent
7.1.13  volfan  replied to  KDMichigan @7.1.6    7 years ago
Hahahaha The left can't Meme again.

LMBO!!Digging a whole

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

Who is "writing Trump off"?

When I posted in the usual 11px, I got no Reply.....

Sophomore Silent
8.1  Rmando  replied to  Bob Nelson @8    7 years ago

So you're hoping for a far sighted poster to respond now?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.1.1  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Rmando @8.1    7 years ago
So you're hoping for a far sighted poster to respond now?

The "Need for Speed" ! Disappointment

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  Rmando @8.1    7 years ago

Well... It Is ME seeded an article with the title "It's a big mistake to write Trump off". If nobody has done that, then the seed is kinda pointless, so I figured that It Is ME knows of some people who have written Trump off. Since I know of no one who has done that, I was hoping for to learn who these people who have written Trump off are.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.1.3  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.2    7 years ago
If nobody has done that, then the seed is kinda pointless

YOUR opinion ?

Professor Quiet
8.1.5  Jasper2529  replied to  Bob Nelson @8.1.2    7 years ago
Since I know of no one who has done that, I was hoping for to learn who these people who have written Trump off are.

If you open the seeded article, you'll find that it's tagged as an opinion piece. Winking 2

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.1.6  seeder  It Is ME  replied to  Jasper2529 @8.1.5    7 years ago

Heck....just read the Title. Giggle

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
8.1.7  Bob Nelson  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.4    7 years ago
Trump is like a case of herpes

I certainly would not write off a case of herpes!

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.9  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.4    7 years ago

PhD Quiet
8.1.10  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.8    7 years ago

how bout for hookers ?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.1.12  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.4    7 years ago
Trump is like a case of herpes, just when you think you've got him in remission he returns with a flare.

So we're supposed to thank the Republicans for giving America herpes?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.13  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.1.12    7 years ago

Yeah, why not.

Sophomore Silent
8.1.14  Rmando  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.1.12    7 years ago

It's only herpes for liberals. God knows what they are doing to keep catching it.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.1.15  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Rmando @8.1.14    7 years ago
It's only herpes for liberals.

So I guess conservatives just think...

  • Fever & flu-like symptoms.
  • Nausea or feeling sick.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Painful urination.
  • Tingling, burning or itching sensation

...are just normal every day life. They wake up aching, experience painful burning urination and it's just called "Wednesday".

For anyone who doesn't have a deep understanding of the constitution, of civics and of how our government was designed by our founding fathers, a Trump Presidency likely doesn't hurt much, and may even seem to be a source of entertainment. For those who do have a deep love and appreciation for our country and our founders intent, watching the monumental incompetent half wit throwing tantrums, disrespecting gold star families, ridiculing the free press, pardoning law breakers simply because they support him, and surrounding the office of the President with the worst people like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Mike Flynn and the other half dozen of campaign staff who have either been indicted or plead guilty, and this Presidents penchant for bowing down to and praising authoritarians, is one of the most painful experiences a true American patriot could be forced to endure.

Freshman Silent
8.1.16  volfan  replied to  Rmando @8.1.14    7 years ago
It's only herpes for liberals. God knows what they are doing to keep catching it.

I bow to you

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.19  Skrekk  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.4    7 years ago
Trump is like a case of herpes, just when you think you've got him in remission he returns with a flare.

That's how he copes when his herpes flares up on his lips, he just distracts the public by admitting he has crabs.   A few minutes later he denies he has crabs and says he meant lice.   Then he says he meant to say he got toe fungus as an STD but denies that he paid hush money to cover it up.    Then Ghouliani admits that hush money was paid by Trump's charity to cover up Trump's HIV-related toe fungus just before the election, but it's not a crime because everyone commits tax fraud and campaign finance fraud, and Trump didn't know anything about it anyway.

Sophomore Silent
8.1.20  Rmando  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.1.15    7 years ago

Oh, okay... So you're more of a patriot than I am and have a deeper understanding of the Constitution and complain about people going off on rants and then rant yourself? I care about this country as much you do and I understand the Constitution very well. I'm not the one whose first answer to everything is to strip someone else's constitutional rights away or is okay with one set of standards applied to Trump and let every Dem get off with no consequences for their illegal acts.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
9  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

Who is "writing Trump off"?

Does anyone know what the seed is talking about?

Why would anyone seed an article about something that doesn't exist?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
9.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Bob Nelson @9    7 years ago

Writing an article about people whom no one can identify... who therefore apparently do not exist ... is stupid!

Then... seeding that article is stupid squared!

... which doesn't prevent NTers from Commenting over a hundred times....Face Palm

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
10  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     7 years ago

It's A Big Mistake To Write Trump Off .....

It may be a bigger mistake to underestimate this man. 

Sophomore Quiet
11  Studiusbagus    7 years ago

Seems your opinion seed was a bit premature....hmmm, the list so far...

Cohen singing, David Pecker's balls are in a federal vise ......he bargained to sing for immunity, Weissberg has his balls squished in a federal vise and he's doing a good Sinatra for immunity...

The NYS Attorney General has all the Trumps in her sights with the Trump Foundation....HA! And Trump can't save his kids with a pardon! 

Oh! Did I mention Weissellberg was also the CFO of the foundation? 

Let's not forget McDougal and Daniels....

Yyou all still laughing about memes?


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