Cory Booker goes full drama queen with I am spartacus moment

Senator Cory Booker had already scripted what he hoped would be his break-out moment in yesterday's confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, so he wasn't going to let facts get in the way of TV exposure. He portrayed himself as risking martyrdom in the cause of...I suppose he would say "transparency." He would risk expulsion from the Senate by releasing confidential emails sent by Judge Kavanaugh, insinuating that damaging material would go unread but for his courage.
The only problem: The emails had already been reviewed and released, and he knew it.
The New Jersey Democrat vowed to sacrifice his seat and even compared himself to Spartacus during Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, so important did he deem the 16-year-old emails from Kavanaugh discussing post-9/11 racial profiling as a White House lawyer. Booker pronounced the move an act of "civil disobedience" and said he was ready to face punishment, including the loss of his Senate seat.
"This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an 'I am Spartacus' moment," he said.
Shortly after 1 p.m., it was announced that the restrictions on releasing the emails, which had been labeled "committee confidential," had been waived in the morning. Nothing that Booker released was marked "committee confidential" at the time of its release.
As Bream notes, the mainstream media ignored the reality and celebrate the purported bravery of the New Jersey senator.
The Democrats Loveable, crazy eyed "Child" lied through his friggin teeth on National TV.
Just send him to his "Time-out" room just like he wanted.
That's nothing ......
I'm Batman!
Here have a Snickers:
Booker claims "Spartacus", knowing he was already AOK, since the Docs. had already been released before he went into his "Movie Roll" !
Just another "Faux" Democrat Martyr.
The key to a having a quality Spartacus moment is you don't advertise that you're having a Spartacus moment. You just do the right thing and trust everyone else to notice.
On the other hand, a narcissistic prima donna makes a big deal about how brave he is being. Democrats, meet your Trump.
He accomplished nothing except becoming Mr. Kavanaugh's bitch and also that of the Senate going forward.
Mr. Bookers actual enacted accomplishments as a primary sponsor so far :
S. 3493 (114th): A bill to revise the boundaries of certain John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System units in New Jersey.
S. 2908 (114th): A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1265 Hurffville Road in Deptford Township, New Jersey, as the “First Lieutenant Salvatore ...
S. 1090 (114th): Emergency Information Improvement Act of 2015
S. 994 (114th): A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Walter Hammond Place in Waldwick, New Jersey, as the “Staff Sergeant Joseph ...
In any case, here's a neutral photo for the future.
Thanks for your irrelevant spam.
Booker has proved an idiot is still an idiot! The photos are irrelevant.
I wonder what Booker or Spartacus would think of the Republicans releasing the Carter Page FISA application? You think they are over the top now? That would be a show-stopper along with a REAL ACT OF COURAGE!