America Less Polluted Every Year, Thanks To U.S. Wealth
Capital HillPolitical & Economic AnalysisAmerica Less Polluted Every Year, Thanks To U.S. Wealth3 CommentsBY KERRY JACKSON03/12/2015 06:58 PM ETView Enlarged ImageTo hear the constant shrieking from the left, one would think we are being overtaken by an unrelenting ooze of pollution. But that thinking would be wrong. The U.S. has actually grown steadily cleaner since at least 1980.Data from the Cato Institute's website, available to any unbeliever who wants to look, prove this to be true. The aggregate emissions from six common pollutants have been in uniform decline for 35 years.Carbon dioxide emissions, which should not be considered a pollutant, have also decreased after peaking in 2007.Meanwhile, America's population and economy have grown.What has allowed the U.S. to clean up after itself is its wealth, which is the very thing that the environmentalists want to limit. They think less prosperity means a cleaner environment. But the opposite is true. Only a wealthy society can afford to support unproductive members who loll about, fretting about the health of Gaia and hectoring those they believe are responsible for upsetting mother Earth.Read More At Investor's Business Daily:


Senior Guide

Environmentalism as it has evolved is as much of a luxury as a gas-guzzling Bentley or rambling mansion filled with energy-hungry appliances and contraptions. But environmentalism doesn't create wealth, nor does it produce wealth-creating jobs. It's just a noisy drag on the economy.Read More At Investor's Business Daily:
Professor Silent

Most environmentalit's won't walk the talk. For instance, Algor's private plane and mansion.