Weird !

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Was Just Caught Slipping Something To Ford’s Attorney On LIVE TV

What was it ????????
What is a non-Senator doing in there, talking to and handing something to "Fords" attorney .
Sheila Jackson Lee slips unknown envelope to Ford’s anti-Trump lawyer. Eagle-eyed reporters caught Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee looking nervous as she approached Ford's attorney Michael Bromwich at Christine Blasey Ford Senate hearing and then slipped him what appeared to be an envelope.
I always thought Attorneys were supposed to be more discreet.
Democrats and the Left must have made "Fords" attorneys more bold, as they know they will be protected by the "Left".
After all ...… they are the "Left" too.
"The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!"
Sherlock Holmes