BREAKING: Trump helped parents shield millions from taxes: New York Times

. . . much of that fortune came to Trump because he helped his parents evade taxes, setting up a fake corporation with his siblings to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump engaged in tax schemes that included cases of fraud in which he and his siblings helped their parents dodge taxes, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.
The Times investigation, which a Trump lawyer said was inaccurate, showed Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father's real estate business. The newspaper cited a "vast trove" of confidential tax return and financial records.
The Times reported that much of that fortune came to Trump because he helped his parents evade taxes, setting up a fake corporation with his siblings to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.
The Times reported that much of that fortune came to Trump because he helped his parents evade taxes, setting up a fake corporation with his siblings to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents.
During his presidential campaign, Trump promoted himself as a self-made real estate mogul who started out with only a "very small" loan from his businessman father, Fred Trump.
Trump lies a majority of the time, so why are people surprised that he lied about this? I am more surprised at the very few times when he tells the truth.
Trump lies a majority of the time, so why are people surprised that he lied about this? I am more surprised at the very few times when he tells the truth.
Well-- nobody's perfect!
That reminds me of an olde saying:
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day!
Another tidbit is the apparent elder abuse when Fred Trump's Alzheimer's was first detected.....Donald tried to seize complete control of the family empire through illicit means. Turns out Donald is a greedy sociopath even within his own family:
And then there's the way Scumbag tried to screw his elder brother, Fred Jr., out of his inheritance even to the point of stopping payments for his critically ill infant nephew.
James Gazzale, a spokesman for the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, said the department "is reviewing the allegations in the New York Times article and is vigorously pursuing all appropriate avenues of investigation."
Citing tax experts, the Times reported it was unlikely Trump would face criminal prosecution because the acts were past the statute of limitations. There is no time limit, however, on civil fines for tax fraud, according to the paper.
The Times reported that its findings were based on more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts. The records did not include Donald Trump's personal tax returns. Unlike other White House candidates and presidents in recent decades, Trump has declined to release his tax returns.
Remember all those times he said he was going to run for president but then didn't? Maybe this is why he waited until 2015 to run. The statute of limitations was up.
No worries. Mueller has 'em.
I seeded this story in another article here three hours ago and it has not gotten a single comment.
The nation's leading paper reveals the results of a 6 month long investigation of hundreds of thousands of documents, which indicates that the president of the United States participated in tax evasion and tax fraud to the tune of a couple hundred million dollars in taxes that were evaded by chicanery, lying and fraud, and the story gets no response (so far) on Newstalkers.
That is pretty amazing. I have also noticed that even though major news outlets are reporting it, there isnt the shocked outrage you might expect.
So there it is, Trump has so lowered the bar (it is almost underground by now) for presidential behavior that it is revealed that he is very likely an actual crook, and the response is "muted".
I hate to say it but I think something very bad is coming closer and closer to America. Some sort of societal breakdown.
Nah, we're just reverting to the golden age of the robber barons.
The only difference between then and now is back then the common man wasn't so dumb as to think it was a good idea.
Another difference is there are probably 3 times as many of us to be hoodwinked now. That should make it slightly more difficult.
But I also fear you are correct the common mans vote is easier to buy because more people have more money to buy politicians. What is it now $328.000.00 we each can legally donate. Who do ya think really matters to the politicians now ? one vote or $328.000.00 bucks to buy many more than one.
Yep we're screwed !
It's not even a question of buying votes or buying politicians. Somehow Trump and the GOP in general have convinced the common man that tax cuts for oligarchs are in their interest.
Maybe its in the music;
Or in the drink;
Oh you poor dear... Well, if its any thoughts and prayers go out to you!
All I want to know is whether the Trump ever paid taxes to at least keep the lawns mowed and cared for at Arlington National Cemetery?
I wager the lying, cheating, fraud didn't.
And then the 'embezzled Russian oligarch' money enters the picture.
Will Melania return or seek asylum in Slovenia?
Will Melania return or seek asylum in Slovenia?
Melania was able to bring some of her relatives here..that's "chain migration"!
Trump says chain migration allows 'virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives'
NY and NYC are now investigating:
Trump is a crook?
Evidently, when he was 3 years old! Amazing!
Try reading the actual article.
I have read it. I wonder if the general public will read it since the New York Times has totally destroyed their credibility in their quest to attack and defeat Trump.
Yep, it is trending everywhere.
Which part of the story do you believe is false or lacks credibility? Or are you just choosing to dismiss the messenger because you're unable to refute the message?
Wrong again.
New York Times reveals that its bombshell story on Trump's wealth was made possible by a document his sister submitted to the Senate years ago
Well so much for the self made man mythology, might as well strike down the successful businessman notion while we're at it.
Sorry folks, but Mr. Trump snookered you the same as many others over the past forty years or so. All you had to do was look, it was there all along and there will be more coming without a doubt.
Oh it was never believable. Every shred of evidence showed that all his success is due to his father.
Donald Trump has, for decades, attempted to portray himself as a self-made, up-by-your-bootstraps entrepreneur who benefited little from his father’s fortune, relying on his own gumption and wiles to overcome financial challenges.
But a bombshell investigation by The New York Times published Tuesday annihilated this claim.
The Times, citing hundreds of confidential tax returns and financial records, reported that Trump received over $400 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing today. And, to bail out his failing businesses, Trump borrowed tens of millions of dollars from his dad and relied on the elder Trump ― who was one of the richest people in America in the 1970s, according to the paper.
I am going out for lunch-- so this discussion is now locked.
Looks like Trump's sister might be in hot water too despite the fact that she's effectively retired from the federal judiciary:
Is anyone in the least bit surprised? Just given what is publicly known about him, he is one shady motherfucker. The fact that he refused to release his tax returns was a gigantic red flag.
Isn't it great when kids help their parents ?
You don't see that much anymore.
With help like that, who needs thieves and con artists?
Family ALWAYS comes FIRST !