Post your favorite opening scenes and credits from movies
Hello Everyone,
I came across something that I just love watching over and over again.
So I thought it would be fun to tell us one of your favorite opening or credit scenes.
There are some that can't see the youtube, so please tell us what it is as well.
Please no politics or religion discussed. It's okay if it's a movie scene. Be polite. Thank you.
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A generally consider Patton or The Ten Commandments to be my favorite movies. I don't watch them very often because it keeps them from getting stale for me. The opening scene to Patton is classic.
Whats the trick to get videos to show like that and not just via a link?
Honestly with YouTube videos, I just copy and paste the link.
Thx you two
Most of the opening themes that have stuck with me, the kind of theme songs that keep coming back to mind through the years go back to TV shows of my youth.
Shows like Bonanza, Paladin or even The Rebel.
As a 4 or 5 year old I often wore my Davy Crockett coonskin hat and ran around carrying my Johnny Yuma Rebel scatter gun. Didn't know it until I went looking for pictures but my old toy shotgun is on eBay for $1,000 .
Not me but sure as heck could have been.
Theme Song to The Rebel
Paladin - Have Gun Will Travel
I've also been a fan of Doctor Who since the Tom Baker days back in the 70's so I'm kind of digging the newest Doctors opening theme for two reasons. First, I'm a fan of the music and second because its acid trip overtones trigger lots of fond memories. ( smirk )
New Doctor Who theme 2018
Game of Thrones:
Second to none, this is the best opening to a show, as it is actually telling the story of how "The Prisoner" got there. And Patrick McGoohan was da bomb in his day. Even the music and the car are cool.
I loved this show.
My favorite opening scene/sequence:
One of my favorites is The Avengers opening,
When I worked in Cathedral City, California I knew Patrick Macnee, he was a regular at the store I worked at.
Diana Riggs goes out like a boss in Game of Thrones:
Of course if I'm going to do spy shows, I have to put this one up,
For a more recent one. Deadpools was pretty good.