Conservative Pastor: ‘God Is Burning Down California’ Because The Gays
“God is burning down California” because the citizens of the state “legitimize the sin of homosexuality” according to controversial conservative Pastor Kevin Swanson.
Swanson is a radical anti-LGBTQ radio host and conservative darling beloved by such GOP politicians as Ted Cruz. Commenting on the wildfires raging in California, Swanson, speaking on his “Generations” radio program, claimed that the wildfires are God’s punishment on the state for its years of attempting to “legitimize the sin of homosexuality.”
Let's see... How many hurricanes struck the bible belt this year again?
Florida.... Nuf said.
There's another thumper ignoramus in Texas claiming God has stopped blessing the USA because the democrats took over congress. My belief in God suffers when religious morons don't catch a lightning bolt whenever statements like this fall out of their mouth.
Sorry I dont give my time to any radicals of any style.
Movin on.
This follows on our recent conversation.
Scapegoating. It's not so easy for those being scapegoated to just move on.
This particular scapegoater has fans among our elected officials.
I can't help who some elected people listen to, I can not vote for them though.
I made it a part of me not to pay attention to radicals messages from anyone long ago.
I think they are all half nuts and I do not give much credence to insane people. I feel sorry for them but in my opinion subscribing to what they say in any way furthers their ability to spread their message.
Fortunately, or sometimes perhaps unfortunately in America we have free speech and therefore each of us has the personal responsibility to monitor what we accept. I dont accept listening much to nut jobs so I dont know which nut jobs are even worth fighting.
So I leave that to others.
I am very careful of which elected officials I help put in office though, Because I research every one of them who are on the ballots before I vote for any of them.
God is such a dick.
Another republican "family values" hypocritical religious fanatic.....he should crawl back on the rock from whence he came.
Wait until he finds out that there are gay Christians...that are married.
This is what bothers me most about religions. People who buy into a particular religion will generally then accept whatever crap emerges from the mouths of the religious authorities.
I would expect that by now people would believe (or not) in a creator (in the abstract since nobody knows anything about the creator or if one exists) and reject all religions for what they are - the inventions of men with agendas.
Another example of why the religious right are no longer taken seriously.
Is this a religious liberty that is claimed to be infringed?
The 1st Amendment does guarantee his right to say stupid crap, yes.
Could someone please inform this filthy cretin that there are gays in EVERY state? FFS... SMH.
This hypocritical religious cretin is so far in the closet that he gets bruises from the hangers.
I wonder what he prefers.....wire, wood or plastic.
He looks cheap, probably the thin nasty wire hangers.
He's finding last year's X-mas presents [Family Guy reference].
It's because of these types of nuts we have the separation of church and state. Most level headed thinking Americans want to keep it that way! They can shove their religious liberty (code word for breaking separation of church and state) nonsense where the sun don't shine.
Indeed. The Founding Fathers sure knew what they were doing way back then.
The question is, how many level headed thinking Americans are there? I'd wager not enough.
This guy sounds like an ass.