Trump’s Horrific Spelling Reassures Nation That He Cannot Correctly Enter Nuclear Codes
Donald J. Trump’s demonstrable inability to spell even the simplest words has reassured many that he lacks the aptitude to correctly enter the nuclear launch codes entrusted to the President of the United States.
While millions of Americans have lost sleep over the thought of Trump being anywhere near the nuclear codes, his failure to spell such words as “heal” and “tap” suggests that mastering a more complicated sequence of letters or numbers would be well above his grade level.
“Giving one person the power to launch the most destructive nuclear arsenal in the world has always been problematic,” Harland Dorrinson, the director of the Society for Nuclear Security, said. “In their infinite wisdom, the American people have solved that problem by electing someone whose brain would be utterly flummoxed by the task.”
"Nucular. It's pronounced 'nucular." ---Homer Simpson, The Simpsons
Donny makes GWB look smart...
GWB was reading "The Pet Goat" when he was informed of the attack on 9/11. That's like college level reading compared to Donald's comprehension level. I have no doubt when crisis strikes Trump won't be caught reading to children, children would have to read to him. Trump will most likely be on the toilet tweeting misspelled words jumbled together in incomprehensible statements when the emergency hits, hopefully it will be the same emergency Elvis experienced while similarly seated.
The irony of a couple of random people on the internet talking about the lack of intelligence of two US Presidents with three Ivy League degrees between them is hilarious.
And sad.
Guess we should pick random people on Newstalker to make fun of for the same reasons
LMAO, ya just gotta love the Borowitz report....Kudos again.
Also from the article:
Dorrinson does not foresee him mastering the nuclear codes anytime soon. “This is not exactly the system of checks and balances that the Constitution intended, but we should all be grateful for it,” he said.
Why would we be grateful for the president not being able to push the button if needed ?
If he wants to, not needs to there are already checks and balances in place. Besides if he cant remember it today he could probably have it or the new one soon. IF needed in a moments notice though and we/he can't activate the system what's the use in having it ?
If he's forced to push the button, if he an find it, we are all dead anyway
Could be. and perhaps his fuck up will save half the world, the half not us.
How is that makin America great ?
Sorry but I just can't see trump's incompetence as a plus for America. Other countries should be more afraid of our leader than we are. This diminishes that, I see nothing good nor very funny here. .. Once again with this man. . our president.
Another plus: He probably doesn't have enough strength in his small hands for his tiny fingers to push the button to enter the code.
Trump has just outlawed Harley Davidson and the biker gang he rode in on.
he's going to exile him
to a Saw D Arabian Embassy
Sweet, know...
Trump donut neithwer either neither none
n e 1 no how neer ore farr a smock ken gum bee shot put
that inn your pipe DT
Or Bust. To be orchestrated by a megalomaniac at breakneck speed with little regard to life, limb or property with the goal of remaking the united states of America over into one man vision of greatness.
I guess we missed the fine print so here it is in a font we can see and read it in.
Or Bust. To be orchestrated by a megalomaniac at breakneck speed with little regard to life, limb or property with the goal of remaking the united states of America over into one man vision of greatness.
Wow kinda scary eh ? Not to worry, the person behind this has an excellent track record of sorts, Let’s see 3 failed marriages, a few extra marital affairs gone south, countless failed businesses, thousands of court cases both suing others and being sues himself not to mention about 4 company bankruptcies in his pocket. Also Do not pay any attention to the fact this person has been under investigation for wrong doing since before taking the job and is still under two investigations with has the possibility of derailing all of this at any time.
Be happy, buy a gun, that way your covered either way, You’ll be prepared to shoot celebratory shots into the air if it all works out good if not well you can protect yourself, your family and possessions if everything goes bad, also if things really go to Hell ya have a way out by committing a quick suicide. So, get a gun and All bases are covered.
Anyway Good Luck America somehow I think you’re gonna need it putting all your faith in this plan and one seriously flawed man. MAGA OR BUST
Good luck America with this huge maga gamble one way or another time will tell.
in the world of Trump
Moronical menopausal meglomaniacal "man?"
Ageing advanced asswhole against
General Goodness & Justice 4