
Just an average day of facing down Illegal Aliens on my property


Category:  Other

Via:  1stwarrior  •  6 years ago  •  50 comments

Just an average day of facing down Illegal Aliens on my property

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

1/26/19 like any other normal day, I walked outside around 4:45pm to go feed the horses and as soon as I step one foot out the front door I hear just nonstop yelling. I look across the drive and just on the other side of our rock wall there are 4 men in hoodies, 2 w hoods up and 1 with a ballcap on...yep, you guessed it, illegals or lately known as 'desperate asylum seekers'...just screaming at me to go get them food and water. Hand signals and all, like hand to mouth 'feed me now' kind of sign language. And I mean they were SCREEEEAMING! Like I was 45 mins late w the pizza and beers they ordered kind of screaming at me! I don't say a word as I turn around, lock the doors and go back inside. I immediately go move the girls to the center of the house, grab my rifle and my pistol and come back to the kitchen and call the Border Patrol Station. I politely tell them that I have 4 very unwelcomed male illegals barking at me and explain that Dave literally had just left town to come home from work and has no cell service down the dirt rd until basically he hits the house. So roughly 45 more mins until he gets home. I'm told they will see if they can get someone free to send them out here to help because they were busy. And I know they were.

I walk back outside, with my pistol at my side and illegal #1 (a very cocky sob) starts barking at me again about where his food is at. Seriously?! Because I was apparently supposed to be making his rude ass fucking dinner while I was inside. My bad dude 🤷‍♀️🥪 let me tell my hungry kids they have to wait while I slave over the oven to make you something to eat for your bad decisions. Out of all the yelling, I hear one of them is screaming at me in english, so I ask who speaks english? Illegal #2 holds up his arm and says he does. Instantly all 4 of them assume I dont speak or understand spanish. Mistake #2. Their 1st mistake was coming to this house and acting like dicks. So illegal #2 seems to take control of his group and I start asking him how many more people were in his group. And just like every single illegal that's come here before him he tells me "just us..." I ask him the same question again but this time with 'mom tone', and again he lies to me. We have an exchange of words about how I know he's full of shit. Then he's telling me about how he's been sleeping out in the open and they havent eaten in 3 days and I need to go get them food "right now!". Same story the last guy told me, but shockingly he had food and water in his backpack...that's so weird that they all lie isnt it? I ask him where they crossed the river at and where they came up from to find the house. He throws his arms up as if saying from 'everywhere back here behind me'...which is the 100 ft tall canyon wall sooooooo yeah, noooooope. Lie again. He says "I have no reason to lie to you". I explain to him that he already has. We have another exchange of words until cocky illegal #1 mumbles some shit under his breath in spanish that I wish I had heard. At that point, my patience has worn thin with their bullshit and lies and them wasting my time. Then, out of the complete blue, cocky illegal #1 then in english and with a head nod and in his typical cocky fashion asks me "ehhh........where's your husband?" My heart literally sank. Then illegal #2, looking around, says "sooooo....your husband's not here right now then?" (You guys, just the way he said it, the look they gave one another and the look on his face as he processed what he just said was enough to send a chill down my spine!) And cocky illegal #1 starts muttering in spanish to the rest that my "husband isnt home, I'm by myself" and that they "can go down further around that way" signaling with his hand down past the house. My heart starts racing as I'm listening and watching to see what their next move is going to be. We have another very LOUD exchange of words and I turn around and walk back inside, while they all start screaming at me once again. Cocky illegal #1 with his hood up then makes a quick move and starts climbing the rock wall acting like he's coming over the rock wall and coming towards the house/front door/me. I step right back out the door and with my pistol, which I've found speaks a very universal language, explain to them all, very very clearly, that if any of them make a move for my house, or my front door then I would be forced to consider that a threat and I will use whatever means and force necessary to protect myself and my family! Illegal #2 tells everyone to sit down and shut up and then cocky illegal #1 and I have the most uncomfortable exchange of death glares as he slowly crawls back over the wall.

Now just to be clear...for those who are not fortunate enough to be graced constantly with illegals showing up at your front door...this is NOT how most (obviously not all) of the previous illegals who have shown up here have acted. Those who have been abandoned in the brush by their guides and/or are lost or injured or the elements have proven themselves too much and they sincerely need help, do not act like this. I can tell these guys are not here to simply give up...they WANT/need food and water...or something else and that itself made the dynamics of the situation different than usual. Especially for me who has a 3 and a 1.5 yr old to protect and keep safe.

I go back inside, keeping my eyes on them, check the girls and the clock. At this point, I'm watching out my kitchen window as 3 of them quickly jump up and wrestle their backpacks on and start quickly marching down towards the creek. I watch them disappear into the brush and out of sight. I check the other window and illegal #2 is still out front. I know time is ticking down until Dave shows up. I'm finally able to get a hold of Dave on his cell which means he's 'up top' of the canyon (up top is 1.5 miles from the house and you get cell service for a short time here because you're at a high spot) and ask him to hurry up because these guys are acting shady as hell, I'm uncomfortable AF and that they asked where my husband was at! (Who asks where you're husband's at unless they have something to gain by him not being home?!) I tell him 1 body is still here and 3 had marched off. In the minutes that passed before Dave got home, the 3 illegals decided to come back to the same spot where the 4th was still at. Why? Who knows, maybe they heard his truck coming, got spooked and came back, idk. But I am so thankful they did so that I didnt have to go to sleep worrying about 3 outstanding illegals wandering around the creek right by the house as it got dark. Especially that shady cocky illegal #1.

Within minutes Dave shows up and I cannot remember a time in my entire adult life where I felt more relieved than in that moment. And not even 10 mins later Border Patrol shows up and takes them into custody. Thank you Border Patrol for coming all the way out here and helping me out!!! I have always been able to count on our local Border Patrol for every single encounter we have happen at our home and I am always grateful for how quickly they respond.

We are on our 5th year living out here on this ranch and the stories that can be told about encounters with illegals here on this property are mind blowing and stuff nightmares are made up from. Rape, dead bodies, one armed murderers, finding naked male illegals in your bed, stolen trucks, your chickens being eaten, 10k telephone poles being burned, someone washing filthy 'unmentionables' in the kitchen sink over your dishes, your clothes being stolen out of your dryer, an illegal cutting themself while breaking into your home and bleeding all over your house, dopers peering in your windows in the dark of night and so on and so on... But I have been noticing a pattern, and our encounters have been becoming more and more intense like this one. There has been a 'shift' and the illegals are becoming more combative and less compliant. Not all of them are like this, but the last few have all been pretty intense interactions. At least for me. Desperate people in desperate situations will do desperate things I suppose. Which is why I treat every single one of these illegals the same way when they show up here. I know how being a female out here in the middle of no where looks or what being 'alone' out here looks like to a lot of illegals that show up. It makes me appear vulnerable. Especially to 4 men who are desperste to not get caught by Border Patrol. But I also know what I am capable of as a woman and as a mother. A good percentage of illegals in this area have criminal backgrounds. It is never my job to wonder what someone's intentions are when they show up here. My job is and always will be to keep my babies safe. Their safety and well being come before everything else in this world. But I am so tired of being told that illegals are just poor helpless 'asylum seekers' coming here for a better life. People sincerely need to have a better sense of reality and experience to understand how false that truly is. Yes, of course there are people trying to come here and take advantage of what opportunities the US provides, and for a better life. But guess what...not all of them are. There are so so sooooo many aggravated criminals walking right over the border and into our communities. Illegals are being coached on what to say if they get caught. We see it. We live it. It's happening every day out here. I pray for the safety of my husband every day. I pray for the safety of all our Border Patrol agents. They have a tough job and are being portrayed so negatively lately and it isnt accurate at all. I pray for the familes that live along the border of Mexico that are forced to deal with and endure the constant harrassment and vandalism of illegals. And I pray that God continues to protect my family out here from these criminals. Illegals are a problem.

Anyways, just another day on the ranch, on the border...


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Participates
1  seeder  1stwarrior    6 years ago

A woman, living on the Arizona border, trying to protect her 3 year old and 1.5 year old children from Illegal Aliens - and there ain't no problem?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  Vic Eldred    6 years ago

I don't know how people are able to endure all that. I don't own a gun but I know that if I was in the position you were in, I probably would have shot that guy coming over the wall. 

God Bless and protect you and your family

Professor Silent
3  Cerenkov    6 years ago

There's no crisis because Democrats simple don't care about these citizens. Their safety is insignificant compared to partisan political advantage. Shane on them and their supporters. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1  It Is ME  replied to  Cerenkov @3    6 years ago
There's no crisis because Democrats simple don't care about these citizens.

There is NO CRISES with Democrats, unless it fits......THEM  for gain !

"Never let a good crises go to waste, or faux non-crises" !

I hear that "Neck Braces" are a prominent Fashion Statement with the "Left" types !

They seem to compliment "Blinders" !

Professor Quiet
3.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Cerenkov @3    6 years ago

Seems to me, that to the prohressive liberal Democrats, those that live on or near the border are merely collateral damage of a crisis they say does not exist.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    6 years ago

Sad when the government abdicates it's primary responsibility. 

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    6 years ago

There's no crisis. You just hate brown people. /s

Let's see, what else will you hear? Oh yeah!: Your story is merely anecdotal. No data. It ignores larger trends. You're just being emotional.

Junior Silent
7  livefreeordie    6 years ago

God bless you and your family 1stwarrior.

Professor Participates
7.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  livefreeordie @7    6 years ago

Thanks livefreeordie - things will get better - so I'm told jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Freshman Silent
8  JumpingJackFlash    6 years ago

Have you considered several large dogs? Trail cameras, laser perimeter alarms? I'd answer with a gun, that's your right on your land, just cant threaten without good reason but a shotgun on a shoulder sling, should convey the point. I'd go with dogs as your first line of defense, if you can afford to feed them, 4 big ones ought to do.

Professor Silent
8.1  TTGA  replied to  JumpingJackFlash @8    6 years ago
I'd answer with a gun, that's your right on your land, just cant threaten without good reason

Arizona has a Castle Law.  If they come on your property and twitch wrong in what you perceive to be a threatening manner, that is usually considered good reason.

if you can afford to feed them,

That part is easy.  The prospective food source seems to be wandering across the border on a regular basis.

Professor Participates
8.2  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  JumpingJackFlash @8    6 years ago

Interesting that you should bring that up.  If any of you will notice, there are few, if any, reports of the residents/farmers/ranchers actually coming down on the Illegal Aliens crossing their lands.  Mostly, they do a 
"show and tell" - making their weapons visible - which usually puts fear into the trespassers and that ends that - 'til the next wave comes in.

I'll talk with my BP neighbors and maybe they can shed some light.

Professor Participates
8.3  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  JumpingJackFlash @8    6 years ago

Woe and behold anyone coming across four Rotts or Dobies or German Shepards in the middle of the night while crossing someone else lands, eh?

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
9  Colour Me Free    6 years ago

My Uncle (RIP) bought property along the border fresh out of the military .. 45 years later after retiring he heads south - I was there several times .. every evening we would have a sweet fire in the pit and visit for hours  (the desert is amazing at night) most nights, out of the darkness a handful of illegals crossed his property, oddly enough there were never any women and children in the groups I saw.  The fire must have been the draw ..?

After 5 years my Uncle left his beloved piece of the desert, as the property damage and the threats became too much for a man in his 70's to handle .. the citizenry should not have to leave their property out of concern for their safety.

I know a barrier at the border will not solve all the illegal immigration problems, but it would go a long way to stem the tide .. the new thing is busses pulling up and dropping off a couple hundred illegals in areas where there is NO barrier...


Yeah yeah, I know I am now a hater of brown skinned people and a racist because I see nothing wrong with a border barrier .. what else is new - any and everyone becomes a hater and a racist at some point if they do not 'group think' …. here have a cookie fresh from the bakery! : )

Professor Participates
9.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  Colour Me Free @9    6 years ago

Colour - pretty much what we go through daily.

One thing many don't understand is that it's not just the "brown skins" coming across that are the issue.  There are black skins, yellow skins, white skins and brown skins.  The irregularities at the border are not just confined to one skin color.  The CONSTANT regularity is that they are all Illegal Aliens who are violating our Fed laws blatantly and with intent - and Washington DC folks don't give a shyte.

Freshman Silent
10  JumpingJackFlash    6 years ago

Can someone explain this? 


Professor Participates
10.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  JumpingJackFlash @10    6 years ago

Can't access the site.


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