Border Wall helps Customs Officers make largest fentanyl seizure ever at Arizona border crossing

Trump examines a prototype of a typical big beautiful wall!
Customs officers stationed at the commercial border crossing in Nogales made the largest fentanyl seizure ever recorded at any port of entry in the United States
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a canine officer alerted other officers to the presence of 254 pounds of fentanyl hidden inside an 18-wheeler carrying cucumbers, during a secondary inspection at the Mariposa port of entry just past noon on Saturday.
He noted just how deadly that amount can be in very small doses. The synthetic opioid is 80 to 100 times more potent than morphine, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
In addition to the fentanyl, officers also seized 395 pounds of methamphetamine hidden inside the compartment in the 18-wheeler.
The smuggling of both opiates has been on the rise through ports of entry in recent years along the U.S.-Mexico border, Customs and Border Protection statistics on drug seizures show.
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Remember, they're not sending us they're best-- Oh no!
They're sending us crime. They're sending us rapists. They're sending us drugs!
But let's face it-- Walls work . . .
If this isn't proof that Big Beautiful Walls work-- I don't know what is!
The next time some left-wing liberal claims that walls don't work-- send them a link to this article!
(So now you know...why there are no Feline Drug Officers!)
(So now you know...why there are no Feline Drug Officers!)
Yup-- it took a "canine officer" to deal with the Cucumber-carrying truck:
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a canine officer alerted other officers to the presence of 254 pounds of fentanyl hidden inside an 18-wheeler carrying cucumbers, during a secondary inspection at the Mariposa port of entry just past noon on Saturday.
And the border patrol knows all about these Cucumber-toting trucks-- which is why they don't employ pussycats as "Feline Officers".
Would "Feline Officers" really be scared of Cucumbers?
If so, the Mexican Cartels probably know a lot about cats. But the feds have outsmarted them . . .
(They pack their drug smuggling trucks with Cucumbers on the mistaken belief that the Border Patrol would be foolish enough to use cats as officers-- but of course the feds outwitted them by employing Canine officers instead! Hahaha!)
+Of course total border protection should include more than just a Wall. For example, employing drones. Attack from the air would render prospective Feline Officers safe from attacks by the legions of Brutal Cucumbers!
This has nothing to do with a wall. A wall would not have changed this one iota.
It's pretty simple. Physical barriers force vehicles to ports of entry where they can be inspected. Otherwise, they could freely enter anywhere like you would if you were driving from Arizona into New Mexico. Without a barrier, they could have just driven across open country.
In the massive areas of no Barrier, They probably do....but "Reporters" can't get to those places fast enough to find out...… Like they say our Border Patrol should be able to do !
You really think they drive tractor trailers across that land?
Jesus H. Christ.
Apparently in rightwingland they drive tractor trailers across mountains and rivers as well.
How many times have you driven a tractor trailer from Arizona to New Mexico off-road???
The desperation of Trumpsters to try and justify his stupid wall is mind blowing.
Well if this physical barriers are doing that-- why does Trump keep obsessively bloviating about the need for a "wall"?
And worse yet-- hurting so many workers with the shut down? And threatening even more shut-downs?
Why would you do that?
First of all, you don't necessarily need to be off-road. It could just be some small road or trail as opposed to the interstate.
Second, the drugs were hidden inside a truckload of cucumbers. The tractor trailer was for the cucumbers, not the drugs. That amount of drugs would fit in an ordinary pickup truck.
The physical barriers that block vehicles look like this:
Clearly that's not the kind of thing that will slow down people on foot.
I don't favor shutdowns. I think if the president and his staff are creative, they can come up with some other way to motivate Congress that doesn't involve shutting down the government.
No, but I've seen some pretty heavy duty 4 x 4 pickups heavily laden booking it across open country through the desert outside where I live...
Nice attempt at hyperbole, but you know full well that a wall or barrier in this case is meant solely for those on foot...
Sure !
That's what I thought.
I was wondering how lonmg uit would take for someone to notice that!
Sarcasm is a riot. Luv It !
One or two thingy's they find to be Reportable to make Trump and the wall look bad.....isn't …..ummmmm….. GREAT !
Kinda hard to report on areas that "Don't Have" something a "Dog" can sniff at. Pooooof….. Now you see 'em… you don't ! They melded right into our country a few days ago !
Actually the overwheling majority of people who are here illegally did not come in by crossing the Mexican border (or for that matter the Canadian border).
I'm surprised you didn't know that . . .
You can't count what you don't see, or "Catch" for that matter !
Unless they've placed "Traffic" counters along the entire length of the "Open Border" areas ! So far, I have heard there is no such thing though !