
Laura Ingraham: Republicans should avoid left's 'PC Puritan' trap in the Northam scandal. It's a smokescreen


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jasper2529  •  6 years ago  •  33 comments

Laura Ingraham: Republicans should avoid left's 'PC Puritan' trap in the Northam scandal. It's a smokescreen
The exposure of the grisly reality that the Democrats desire -- abortion, even after birth -- has startled voters across the political spectrum, and it should. But suddenly we’re talking about 30-year-old pictures instead of a murderous policy that imperils the life of millions of children today.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rather than offer their own positive, pro-growth agenda for America,   Democrats   have gone really negative -- and really nasty. They casually hurl charges of racism at conservative targets— including at the president himself.

In their America,   the wall is racist . Deporting illegals is racist. ICE is racist. Century-old monuments are racist. Assimilation -- definitely racist. Requiring English be spoken -- absolutely racist. College Indian mascots  -- oh, they were way racists. Way beyond blackface. Many costumes are now racist.

But now liberals are in a huge pickle: How do they maintain their racial bona fides when one of their own governors admits he moonwalked at a med school Halloween party in blackface? With that admission and the surfacing of a similar image from his yearbook, the   career of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam hangs in the balance .

Initially, the governor apologized.   But then at a press conference the next day, Northam was like, "Picture, what picture?"   and denied being the person in the photo. Democrats moved quickly to jettison him, knowing he can become the Todd Akin of the 2020 race. Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic National Committee, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Joe Biden and many of the other potential Democratic presidential candidates all rushed out with statements demanding that Northam resign.

The left now finds itself hoisted on its own petard. To satisfy their nutbag base, Democrats have set themselves up as the PC Puritans — a band of political enforcers who traverse the culture, stamping out any and all who violate their ever-shifting ethical codes. Now everybody is walking on eggshells everywhere to avoid being called out for white privilege or gender privilege, without the privilege of knowing what this new orthodoxy even requires.

But don’t be deceived. This whole effort is, in fact, a smokescreen, a party-wide effort to distract from the Democrats real liability: their atrocious policies. While the focus is locked on Northam’s, let’s not forget how he first came to national prominence last week.  It was his abhorrent defense of the Democrats “abortion on demand at all stages” agenda.

Republicans should not fall into the trap. Avoid the identity politics and the PC Puritans. Stick to the facts and to the issues. We win on those. Democrats are vulnerable on those.

Let the Democrats continue their witch hunts. The stocks in the town square will surely be full. Republicans should keep connecting with the rest of America, who fear that come 2020, we could be heading off the rails of prosperity and toward socialism.

Adapted from Laura Ingraham's monologue from "The Ingraham Angle" on February 4, 2019.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Jasper2529    6 years ago
But don’t be deceived. This whole effort is, in fact, a smokescreen, a party-wide effort to distract from the Democrats real liability: their atrocious policies. While the focus is locked on Northam’s, let’s not forget how he first came to national prominence last week.   It was his abhorrent defense of the Democrats “abortion on demand at all stages” agenda. The exposure of the grisly reality that the Democrats desire --   abortion , even after birth -- has startled voters across the political spectrum, and it should. But suddenly we’re talking about 30-year-old pictures instead of a murderous policy that imperils the life of millions of children today.
It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2  It Is ME  replied to  Jasper2529 @1    6 years ago
But don’t be deceived. This whole effort is, in fact, a smokescreen, a party-wide effort to distract from the Democrats real liability: their atrocious policies.

On the "DOT" !

On the "MONEY" !

On the "Button" !

On "Target" !

On the "Nose" !

"Hit the Nail on the Head" !

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Jasper2529 @1    6 years ago
a murderous policy that imperils the life of millions of children today.

So the claim is that because Democrats support doctors and the women whose health is at serious risk being allowed to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy to save her life, with multiple doctors review and approval, that equates to "abortion on demand at all stages" in conservative minds.

So ignoring their blatant refusal to accept that this is only ever done in the most extreme cases and isn't used to just casually terminate near full term fetuses, how often do the supposed pro-life group claim this happens? Well their rhetorical comments claim "millions". Do they have any facts to back this up? Of course not. They can't even link any "elective" late term abortion cases, not a single one that they can point to and say "See! That woman was 35 weeks pregnant and just decided she doesn't want to keep it and so the doctor said fine and aborted the fully formed fetus, late term abortion on demand!".

Why don't the ideologically dishonest anti-choice folk show the numbers? Because even they know that admitting to the fact that 92% of all abortions occur at or before 12 weeks and that late term abortions to save the life or health of the mother are extremely rare. No, they'd rather insinuate that "millions of children" are being chopped up and sold off for profit.

It really is interesting how dishonest these supposed "Christians" are when it comes to this subject. They can't tell the truth or it will completely undermine their only logic based excuse for being anti-choice. They know if they come right out and tell the truth about what really motivates their anti-choice stance people will stop listening to them. They can't admit to their indoctrinated religious beliefs that have convinced them that a tiny, magical, immortal "soul" is created at conception which is why they want to force their religious beliefs on everyone else by banning things their religion disapproves of. Instead they will lie cheat and steal to support their cause, to them the ends justify the means. Lie about Democrats, fake edited/altered videos of planned parenthood, angry half-wits screaming insults at women accessing PP, lies about abortion numbers and lies about the women who are having to struggle such a difficult decision. There really is no low the anti-choice crowd won't sink to and this seed is just more evidence of that fact.

Professor Quiet
2  seeder  Jasper2529    6 years ago
Most Americans are unaware, for instance, that when Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed his law expanding abortion in New York, he simultaneously removed abortion from the state’s criminal code. So, now New York permits the abortion of a child, beyond 24 weeks, for essentially any reason — and infanticide is no longer illegal.
Professor Quiet
3  seeder  Jasper2529    6 years ago
The Washington Examiner has now dug up an NPR transcript from 1975 where Biden talks about his support for segregated schools. Is this disqualifying in the new Democratic Party? Is Biden just a deep-seated racist, incapable of running for president on the Democratic ticket?
I think you get the point. This is all going in a bad direction for Democrats, and probably the rest of us as well. But each time the Democrats highlight the evolving purity of their party and reach into the past to convict someone today, they distance themselves from America. Today, anyone who once impersonated Michael Jackson at a dance party might as well have burned a cross on someone's lawn.
charger 383
Professor Silent
4  charger 383    6 years ago

If political correctness makes our leaders too pure they will not understand us regular people.  Do we really want to be governed by the perfect who have never done anything.  

Good leadership and decision making comes from learning and experience. A big part of experience is learning from poor decisions both of your own and hopefully from watching other people.  

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
4.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  charger 383 @4    6 years ago
If political correctness makes our leaders too pure they will not understand us regular people.

Regular people choose to be politically correct because not doing so just exposes ones self as a callous bigoted prick.

Political Correctness: noun - the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

I get it, all the callous bigoted pricks don't want to be governed by people with empathy and humility, they want to feel free to malign and discriminate against anyone they deem "less than" without any consequences.

Yes, good leadership does come from learning and experience, some might call that "higher education", which, sadly, gets ridiculed by many Trump loyalists because its found so rarely among them. That's likely why they have so little understanding of the facts surrounding late term abortion and can only regurgitate the deceptive talking points they've been fed by their religious leaders determined to enforce their faiths will on secular society.

Professor Quiet
4.2  cjcold  replied to  charger 383 @4    6 years ago

Actually I wouldn't mind being governed by folk who never did a wrong deed. (Do they exist?)

Professor Principal
6  JohnRussell    6 years ago

This is an interesting article, and I was considering seeding it myself today if I got around to it.

Laura Ingraham , like many on the right wing side of the media, has a personal brand of being "anti-pc". It is definitely her thing and one of her calling cards. She is also occasionally accused of being racist herself, so it is no surprise she wants to take on this topic.

In their America,  the wall is racist .  Deporting illegals is racist. ICE is racist.

I don't think a physical border in and of itself is racist, but as campaigned on by Trump and as cheered on by many of his followers, it does represent the desire to keep America white. There is no "emergency" at the border. The US intelligence agencies don't even report any "national security" threats coming from migrants.

Century-old monuments are racist.

Virtually all of the confederate monuments in the south were constructed long after the Civil War ended, and constructed to glorify the "lost cause" mythology that attempted to defend secession and the souther "way of life" prior to the war. The monuments also coincide with Jim Crow re-establishment of defacto white supremacy in the south of the late 19th and early 20th century.

The monuments are , generally, racist. 

College Indian mascots  -- oh, they were way racists.

Many whites don't see the harm in a student dressing up as an Indian and war dancing around the football field, whooping it up.  But this is surely in the eye of the beholder. Native Americans take offense, as is their right based on their history with the whites, and such mascots have become reasonably inappropriate and offensive. No college needs an Indian war chief mascot. No really, they don't.

Way beyond blackface.

There have been books written about why blackface is racist. It's not even debatable at this point.

Professor Silent
7  cjfrommn    6 years ago

jasper i am not sure why you seeded such a article. 

There is something to be said about a page that THIS MAN knew was in this medical school history books. And he just didn't care about it. 

anyone who doesn't want to be associated with something makes that choice early on. And those disassociation occur every day for people. so i dont care if it was yesterday or 30 years ago. if he didnt want to be accused, judged or questioned about this photo , he would had it removed!!

sadly we live in a society where the past now does and can interfere with the future.  because almost everyone can get there hands on information positive or negative about almost anyone. 

sadly a photo is time frozen, and i think it is bullshit for folks to act as if the ONE PHOTO on the page has nothing to do with the guy who is in all the other ones.  

lastly the abortion deal again comes down to whats legal, its still legal so that means women, girls, those in between by choice or emergency can access it.

and lets not play coy as to think women who affiliate as republicans have never used there right to it. 

so both topics are EXACTLY what they appear to be at face value....racist and legal.

to suggest other wise is just dishonest and silly. 

Professor Quiet
8  cjcold    6 years ago

Pretty sure that PC is all about being polite to your fellow humans.

Professor Quiet
8.1  cjcold  replied to  cjcold @8    6 years ago

That being said, what kind of idiot goes around dressed like a beaver!

Professor Quiet
9  cjcold    6 years ago

Met a guy once who claimed to have spent a season as Big Jay (the KU football mascot). A mutual friend confirmed it. Why can't I ever find a job like that?!?!?!?


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