
Top Democrat On Foreign Affairs Committee Condemns Ilhan Omar’s Latest Anti-Semitic Remarks


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  badfish-hd-h-u  •  6 years ago  •  63 comments

Top Democrat On Foreign Affairs Committee Condemns Ilhan Omar’s Latest Anti-Semitic Remarks

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

But she’s still on the Committee.

Via   Daily Wire:

It’s getting harder and harder for Democrats to ignore or defend Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) blatant anti-Semitism.

On Friday, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), who is Jewish and the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released a statement condemning Omar’s recent comments suggesting those that defend Israel have an “allegiance to a foreign country.” Engel requested Omar apologize for her “vile” remarks.

I welcome debate in Congress based on the merits of policy, but it’s unacceptable and deeply offensive to call into question the loyalty of fellow American citizens because of their political views, including support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. We all take the same oath. Worse, Representative Omar’s comments leveled that charge by invoking a vile anti-Semitic slur. This episode is especially disappointing following so closely on another instance of Ms. Omar seeming to invoke an anti-Semitic stereotype. Her comments were outrageous and deeply hurtful, and I ask that she retract them, apologize, and commit to making her case on policy issues without resorting to attacks that have no place in the Foreign Affairs Committee or the House of Representatives.

Politico’s Andrew Desiderio posted the statement on Twitter and included much of the statement in an article for Politico.

Omar’s latest remarks came during an event at the Busboys and Poets restaurant in Washington, D.C.

Keep reading…


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Silent
2  Rmando    6 years ago

This new batch of Dems are certainly doing everything they can to sink their party.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Rmando @2    6 years ago

That's an understatement

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3  Perrie Halpern R.A.    6 years ago

This crosses a threshold for me. The moment someone brings Nazi's into the conversation it's kaput. 

Verstehen Sie?

Both parties have some real winners in them and they stay for really way too long. It's not just the Dems. I mean how long did the Republican's put up with Steve King? Here is a history of his remarks that went unpunished:

I don't recall you posting any articles about Rep. King with KKK references. Am I wrong?

Now I will say that I am disgusted by Ms. Omar's comments and I do feel she should be stripped of her committee standing. And there needs to be a firm condemnation by the Dems for her remarks, and not allow her to give these BS apologies endlessly.  But I don't see how their behavior with Ms. Omar is any different than the Repubs reaction to Mr. King, who comments went on for decades. 

I guess you have to be partisan. 

Professor Expert
3.3  Krishna  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3    6 years ago

This crosses a threshold for me. The moment someone brings Nazi's into the conversation it's kaput. 

Surely you're not advocating that we break Godwin's Law?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.3.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Krishna @3.3    6 years ago
Surely you're not advocating that we break  Godwin's Law?

Yeah kind of... but ya know Krish, when one side of your family was murdered by Nazis, one really wants to see Nazis. Right now, I see an antisemite and Omar is an antisemite. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.3.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.3.1    6 years ago

Unless she changes her way of speaking she will not last long. There are always a few new ones on both sides that think they have the new power to say whatever they want. But, they will soon find out, like many others have, on BOTH sides, that there are limitations to what they can say as members of Congress now. 

Rand Paul was one that comes to mind.

Junior Quiet
3.3.3  dave-2693993  replied to  Krishna @3.3    6 years ago

Just my 2 cents and realize I am probably preaching to the choir by responding to you.

Nonetheless, there are appropriate applications of the examples of such villains from history to indicate the dangers of following paths that may be known to some but either forgotten or never learned by others.

This applies to both extremes of the Left/Right political spectrum.

Hiding from history does little to stop repetition of bad history.

I tend to point out the obvious parallels when they are obvious. (Brought to you from the department of redundancy department).

Okay, that is my 2 cents worth and I'm sticking to.

Professor Expert
3.3.4  Krishna  replied to  dave-2693993 @3.3.3    6 years ago

Nonetheless, there are appropriate applications of the examples of such villains from history to indicate the dangers of following paths that may be known to some but either forgotten or never learned by others.

Given the sorry state of our public education system, in many cases its probably the latter.

( wonder how many Americans aalive today actually knew what Hitler did? Or Stalin?)

Junior Quiet
3.3.5  dave-2693993  replied to  Krishna @3.3.4    6 years ago

I think over time, some things in history become presented in general terms. The impact on the world by some people becomes sanitized.

I had one history who covered the chapters and talking points.

I had another who lived the the history she taught.

My best and favorite history teacher was my Latin instructor. For example, for him, Caesar was not some words to translate, decline or conjugate.

Caesar was a first hand, politically slanted accounting of history, deceptions, hunger for power and ruthless determination.

Are teachers allows to teach like that anymore?

Unfortunately I see partisan blindness from people my age. They should know better and I wager they do. Ideology may be the rafter in their eyes blinding them.


Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.4  Split Personality  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3    6 years ago

Louie Gohmert?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    6 years ago

She's averaging about a slur a week since she's been in office.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
4.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Sean Treacy @4    6 years ago

I agree Sean. If I had my way, she would be out of office, but I don't get a say in that. 

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Thread 5 was removed since all of the comments from the members were off topic. [ph]

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6  Steve Ott    6 years ago

Two things:

1.     How is antisemitism defined?

2.     What exactly was the vile and disgusting comment? I seem to not be able to find it.

Professor Expert
6.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Steve Ott @6    6 years ago
1.     How is antisemitism defined?

That is a point of some contention.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6.1.1  Steve Ott  replied to  sandy-2021492 @6.1    6 years ago

Ok, so we don't really know then. Shouldn't one know how a charge is defined before leveling it?  I truly do not understand this except in the light of not being able to dispute an argument so just call it something racist or anti whatever.

Professor Expert
6.1.2  sandy-2021492  replied to  Steve Ott @6.1.1    6 years ago
Shouldn't one know how a charge is defined before leveling it?

IMO, yes.

in the light of not being able to dispute an argument so just call it something racist or anti whatever.

That is frequently my read on it.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
6.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  Steve Ott @6    6 years ago


Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
6.2.1  Steve Ott  replied to  Bob Nelson @6.2    6 years ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Steve Ott @6    6 years ago

1.  Okay, Steve, just read the definition at this link:

This definition has been adopted by most civilized nations, including the USA.

You will note the particular clause:

"Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations."

2.   “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” meaning Israel. (Omar)

Omar accuses 'Jewish colleagues' of barrage because she's Muslim

At event at left-wing café, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) accuses her "Jewish colleagues" of targeting her just because of her faith, after being condemned for comments on pro-Israel lobby AIPAC • Lawmaker insinuates her critics have dual loyalty.

Hopefully that answers your questions.

Professor Principal
8  Kavika     6 years ago

Former Maine governor praises the Electoral College for keeping white people in power

In the middle of the on going finger pointing by white folks as to which party is more racists this little tidbit hit the news. 

Sophomore Silent
11  nightwalker    6 years ago

It does bring out a thought , when you scrape the damn Religion off of it, is how many foreign countries have LOBBYISTS in the U.S.?  Exactly how much money are they passing out and what and how much influence are they buying?

How'd that get missed in the Constitution?

Also maybe they shouldn't  have a Jewish member of Congress do the jump-on, it's sorta looks like "don't knock MY Religion, babe. We have a good thing going, don't mess it up!"

Hit pieces like this is Religion with a political mask. Although she's quite correct about foreign lobbyists, she could have picked a better example, and there is really no reason to get that worked up over it.

Sophomore Silent
12  nightwalker    6 years ago

Oh she has for years and it's just coming to a head NOW?

Let's see, the big anti-Semitic statement in both cases, is she said Israel is using lobbyists to sway U.S. politics in their favor, and the U.S. seems to agree.  Let's see, there IS a Israeli lobbyist group, and it does operate at state AND federal level. And WHY? to influence the U.S. and State Governments. So do a lot of countries and most major businesses and I don't like any of it. Since those are facts and not particularly incrementing, nor is the fact they get influence, I don't see the insult, except for who said it. 

Not countries. Not big business. Not religion. Some of the things I don't want in the Government.

I could understand some grumbling like mine, "coulda maybe picked a different example" but I'm not sure if it rated a full blowback quite that hard and heavy, and a demand of a apology seems extra heavy handed. It could have been one of those times when people just rolled their eyes and walked off, that seems to happen often enough. But NOW, it's a major thing.

I'm not anti-Semitic, I don't disagree with that Religion any more then any other one, and I'm supportive of Israel most of the time. But my support isn't a blanket approval for everything they might do.


Oh, and save the "jooz" stuff for somebody that will be impressed with it.

It's 'k, I know you were just a little overheated.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  nightwalker @12    6 years ago

Obviously I had second thoughts about being really nasty about it.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
13  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

AIPAC is not a foreign lobbying organization. It is an organization of AMERICANS who lobby the American government to maintain its alliance with and support for Israel - it does not get financial support from Israel. However, I do wonder how much foreign financial support the "Big Oil" lobby gets from the Arab oil producing nations - could it be as much as or more than Saudi Arabia finances American universities.

Are you of the opinion that since it was a Jewish member of Congress who was critical of Omar's antisemitic statement that Jewish American lawmakers owe their loyalty to Israel rather than America he was telling her to keep her mouth shut because she may be screwing up the "good thing" that Jewish lawmakers have going?  It "sorta looks like" you think that's true, and you even stated that Omar was correct in her accusation (your words - "she's quite correct about foreign lobbyists") keeping in mind that you agree with her that AIPAC is a foreign lobbyist.

Professor Silent
13.1  Cerenkov  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @13    6 years ago

Well said. Most of their critics, including the antisemitic freshman, have no idea of what AIPAC actually does.

Sophomore Silent
13.2  nightwalker  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @13    6 years ago

Having a catfight like that on the House floor doesn't do either one of them any good. Most people would want the middle east problems to stay in the middle east, not dragged out on the House floor. Most people can blame her, but some would blame him and that might hurt his re-election. To get a reaction like that, you'd have thought she said "time for another holocaust."

Anyway, the "good deal" (partly in jest because I didn't want to waste time with quotes) I mentioned was that right now, nobody has any problem with Jewish politicians, but a couple more catfights and that could change.

It's not accusation, but for somebody who puts state over Religion, he seems terrible sensitive about his Religion, a problem most Religious people seem to share. As a Politician he should have thicker skin about it and not blow up like that. He could have taken her to a office and chewed on her as long as she would stand it if he wanted to be helpful, or he could have gotten on twitter where he'd have to think a bit while typing, but instead he had a meltdown. Pure politics, but not a good show.

Can "someone of faith" leave his sensitive faith out of their decisions? In the U.S. some politicians are very proud of the depths of their faith, (including the Vice President) and push "morality" laws and have rather plainly hinted that it's god over everything.

AIPAC may be U.S. but Israel can donate to them, because if they did it directly to politicians it would be illegal. Some Pacs (I have no idea about AIPAC) go to great lengths to shield their donors.

Speaking of donors, EXXONMOBILE threw around $920,000 at politicians, officially, but I don't think anybody believes that is all the money they threw. Another one of them lobbyist loopholes I'd like to see hammered shut, hard.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
13.2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  nightwalker @13.2    6 years ago

A well-reasoned reply. Thank you nightwalker.


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