House Dems plan to introduce resolution condemning anti-Semitic comments amid Omar controversy

House Democrats are drafting a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and plan to introduce it on the floor later this week in the wake of controversial comments made by freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
While it is not clear whether the resolution will specifically condemn Omar’s remarks , a senior House Democratic aide told Fox News that a draft of the resolution was worked on over the weekend by the staff for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with those of Reps. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.
Despite only being in Congress since January, Omar has been the center of controversy over numerous remarks she’s made that have been labelled anti-Semitic.
“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” Omar said in reference to Israel. "I want to ask why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or big pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying movement that is influencing policy.
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Might be a better idea for the congress to take a look at the taxpayer money going to Israel to assure it is being properly spent.
It's being properly spent.... on a wall so they can protect themselves, unlike us.
Obviously are unaware of the amount of funding. The money we send there could build a wall of solid platinum a thousand miles long.
The money is military aid, not general budgetary expenses, spent for the necessary defence of the only true democracy in the Middle East, America's only truly reliable partner and friend there.
Most of the aid is spent BACK IN THE USA to purchase military equipment, keeping thousands of workers with jobs. Please show me what other nation spends US foreign aid back in the USA.
A fair amount of the aid is used in the development of effective anti-missile defence equipment, the benefits of which is shared with the USA.
Perhaps you should read why Israel is important to the USA, justifying the aid it gets. Perhaps after reading this you won't be so negative about Israel and the aid it receives.
Military aid? Of course. The largest slush fund of all time. My--my--my.
Thankfully, most Americans don't share your prejudices.
Israel isn't "defenseless", but it MUST maintain a edge above any nation that wants to wipe it off the map, and since Iran isn't paying attention to the UN resolutions for it to cease developing missiles, and the IAEA takes Iran's word for it that its military bases are nuclear-development free, and Hezbollah has ignored the Geneva Convention and placed missile and rocket launchers in residential areas, and the rest of the world (including Congressperson Omar) thinks that Hamas are angels without wings, Israel does need American help to make sure it can survive the threats.
It's scary to imagine there's a whole district who voted for her.
Uh, Jim Jordan R-OH-4 is not a she.
Jim Jordan was the only guy in leadership in the Cohen hearings trying to get to the truth.
And that truth would be...………….what?
That there is no proof of Russian collusion and that the only bought and paid for Russian propaganda (by Team Clinton) was further discredited when Cohen confirmed he had never been to Prague. Everything the Dems questioned Cohen about were just more wild conspiracies and trips down more rabbit holes.
Really? And Prague is the determinant factor? Wild conspiracies--Butina and the NRA, Helsinki and all the rest.
You are defending something. What is it?
None of the salacious details of the Steele dossier have been confirmed- including the pee tape. And Cohen seems like a pee tape kind of guy. The only thing I got from the Helsinki meeting was a glimpse of left wing paranoia. The only thing I'm defending is due process and civil liberties- that a FISA warrant shouldn't be issued to spy on a campaign based on Russian intel paid for by the opposition.
Nothing you said happened. Again, what is it that you're defending?
It absolutely happened. I told you what I'm defending. A better question is why the left insists on defending people like Omar and Cohen and all the other disreputable types.
She lied through her teeth to the Jewish community and other Israel supporters there to get their money and votes.
You wouldn't think an anti-semitism resolution would even be needed, much less controversial. I bet they don't address her specifically.
Pelosi has held back on that resolution in order to WATER IT DOWN by making it apply to ALL prejudices. The problem with that is although there is an actual accepted definition of antisemitism, adopted by most civilized nations (including the USA), in the words of the International Holocaust Memorial Alliance, which echoes the Ottawa Protocol, there is NO universal adoption or even acceptance of such a definition for other faiths or causes. For example, exactly what is considered to be Islamophobia, and what is NOT. In certain European countries, and England, you can be jailed for ANY DESERVED criticism of Islam, and even here, if anyone were to criticize an actual case of Honour Killing or FGM or act of REAL terrorism (not "workplace violence") they are labelled as Islamophobes and listed by the SPLC.
Whatever the Democrats come up with, you can post a victory for Omar.
Ilhan Omar will remain on the House of Foreign Affairs Committee
Dems will include condemnation of anti-Muslim rhetoric in resolution
This is a landmark day for the USA - now, without any valid definition of or parameters for Islamophobia - don't anybody DARE say ANYTHING critical about Muslims or Islam. As I said above, antisemitism has been defined and has parameters, and its definition has been adopted by most civilized countries including the USA, so you know the rules. Islamophobia has NOT been defined and will be used against ANYONE who says ANYTHING about Muslims and Islam, even if they commit criminal acts. The imams will now be free to preach their Jew-hatred and bash Israel and you can't criticize them for their opinions. Welcome to Germany, everyone, and Welcome to England. There will be no "Get out of Jail free" cards on this board game.
So Omar has won, as I predicted in a previous comment above. CAIR has won, Bernie Sanders has won, Tlieb has won, Hamas has won, Mahmoud Abbas has won, Hezbollah has won, Iran has won, and so has SPLC because now they'll have a field day. Who are the losers? Israel, for starters, and sadly, the Jews who helped it to happen with their money and their votes who will sink those who didn't as well as themselves, and ESPECIALLY the Jewish lawmakers in the Democratic Party.
Won't even mention Omar...
Pander Pander Pander
Of course not - it DIDN'T.
Per Senator Harris, we can't talk about her anti-semitism, because pointing out her anti-semitism might endanger the bigot.
In fact it will most likely have you accused of Islamophobia, and suffer the consequences therefrom.