Romney ‘sickened’ by Trump after reading Mueller report

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said Friday he was “sickened” by President Trump and other members of his team after reviewing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.
“I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President,” Romney said in a statement on Twitter.
“I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia—including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement; and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he added, referring to Paul Manafort, who faces serious prison time for his role in the scandal.
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said Friday he was “sickened” by President Trump and other members of his team after reviewing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.
“I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President,” Romney said in a statement on Twitter.-
“I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia—including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement . . .
. . . and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he added, referring to Paul Manafort, who faces serious prison time for his role in the scandal.and that the campaign chairman was actively promoting Russian interests in Ukraine,” he added, referring to Paul Manafort, who faces serious prison time for his role in the scandal.
Romney 'sickened' after reading the Mueller report? Well, he should be. Wonder if he voted for the Trump.
On an aside, when Romney ran during the 2012 campaign, I recall that his wife, Anne, had revealed to friends that after meeting the Trump she felt 'soiled.'
I think he said he was voting for his (Romney) wife.
Wonder if he voted for the Trump
Ask and ye shall receive!
We finally know who Mitt Romney voted for in the 2016 presidential election
We have a few fans of "famous quotations" here on NT-- so this is for you:
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7–8 are the seventh and eighth verses of the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount . These verses begin an important metaphor generally believed to be about prayer.
Did anyone ever say "read then find a tangential interpretation?"
Are you referring to what Barr did in his comments on the Mueller report?
Though I have not personally read the report, it is very possible that could be one example.
Romney is correct. The Mueller Report is a damning indictment of Trump and Co...
I suppose that Romney is expecting the President to fall.
Either that, or we have here the last specimen of a disappearing species: an honest Republican.
I suppose that Romney is expecting the President to fall.
Either that, or we have here the last specimen of a disappearing species: an honest Republican.
I am wondering what his motivation actually is . . . might be either of the two possibilities you mentioned.
Or some other reason? Hard to say.
My guess is the same as Lindsey Grahams motivations. He wants Trump to put him on his "special pet" list like Graham. Remember, Graham was also totally opposed to Trump, until Trump took him golfing and promised him unlimited Rubles for his support.
Romney probably wants to be Trump's 2020 running mate in the hopes he can move up to the Presidency when Trump is impeached or finally succumbs to his cholesterol.
and another was George Bush Sr:
Former US Republican President George Bush Sr has confirmed he voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, labelling Donald Trump a "blowhard".
Lock her up!!
Romney is just pissed that Trump won the presidency and he blew his chance in 2012. He had the mrentum going into the third debate and chose to be Mr Nice Guy and not go after Obama where he was vulnerable.
The only time Romney was for Trump was when he was lobbying to become Trump's SoS.
Romney is out for Romney. He will say and do anything to further his political career.
Funny how the left trots him out now to show how Republicans are turning on Trump; when they derided him for his wealth, religion, and anything else they could manufacture when he ran against Obama.
No, like all true patriots, even the Republican ones, Mitt Romney is plainly and rightfully sickened and disheartened by the lying cheating dysfunctional White House exposed by Robert Mueller's report and everybody else should be, too...
Only fools bought Barr's desperate preemptive spin. The actual report exposes a Presidency obtained by fraud and sustained by ten thousand lies. This is not normal. Sorry, butt anyone slouching this off out of misplaced partisan loyalty is either dumb, just playing dumb or else a traitor to everything decent and moral and honorable the Nation was founded upon. It is all right there in black and white in Mueller's report for everyone to see now...
Right, the true patriot that wanted desperately to be Trump's SoS, after trying to rally the Establishment Republicans against Trump. Even if that meant the POS Clintons were put back in the WH.
So much BS, so little value.
Sorry, no obstruction if the FISA warrants were obtained by lies. Time to yank Comey, Mueller, and all of the Hillary and Obama sycophants that were part of obtaining the FISA warrants; outing Trump campaign officials; part of the Hillary email investigation, part of the Trump collusion investigation; and Steele, Obama, and Hillary in front of Senate hearings, and launch a real investigation at the DOJ. Seems the left forgot Water Gate. Obama used the government to spy on Trump to aide Hillary- that is a crime.
Also, maybe you can answer one simple question? Since the left run from it every time I ask it. If Carter Page (the main reason listed for the FISA warrants) is such a master spy for the Russians- why wasn't he ever brought in for questioning by Comey or Mueller; or even charged with a single crime? The Steele Dossier outed him, and the FISA warrants damned him, he should have been the very first person questioned and charged. His career and life have been wrecked over one massive lie to get Trump at any costs. Time he had his day in front of the Senate hearings as well, since the moronic judge threw his slander case against the DNC, Hillary, Steele, and Fusion out. I am sure he has quite a bit to say about being railroaded.
I did not vote for Romney but he is surely not a liar in The Trump League...
Actually, Romney is a serial liar. I saw an "ad" that showed Romney and his changing positions, including on Obamacare. He has claimed that he is pro-choice, then claimed he has ALWAYS been pro-life. He supported Donald Trump, until Donald Trump became President. He was for Romneycare, but was against Obamacare and could not explain his opposition after being confronted about the architects for Romneycare working to create Obamacare. So, in truth, Romney will say and do whatever he feels is necessary to win and cannot stand on principles. It is sad really, since he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with Harry Reid, and neither had any principles to stand on despite standing on principle being one of the main teachings of the Church.
Romney has become a little bitch. It is no surprise he is a darling of the left now. As you said he has been crying ever since Trump accomplished at what he failed to do. Mw thinks someone has a bruised ego.
Romney is no darling of the left but apparently he still has some honor...
The fuck are you babbling about? No one on the left likes Romney, fuck Romney. He has ALWAYS been a little bitch.
Perhaps a tad:)
I believe that a smidgen is only slightly more than a tad bit...
No babbling. Read what the fuck I wrote.
The what?
Is it just me or is it hard to take someone seriously when they are "sickened" by a politician, yet vote (empower) right along with them anyhow?
I just had to let you know, that one made me truly laugh out loud.
Moral outrage from the amoral.
Romney is probably kicking himself for not waiting until 2016 to run for the presidency. Having to instead fail twice to get the big job only to then deal with a president Trump (of all people) has got to be frustrating as hell for him.