AOC’s Insistence Americans Care About Climate Change Heavily Distorts The Polling
Get ready to put on your shocked face. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, head cheerleader for the ridiculous Green New Deal, is trying to mislead people into thinking climate change is at the top of America’s political agenda.
If Ocasio-Cortez is not being “false, but accurate” here, her claim might still be classified as “true, but inaccurate.”
When Ocasio-Cortez refers to “many” voters, she appears to be referring to polls of Democrats. As reported in Politico: “A Monmouth University poll last month showed the issue as the second most important to Iowa caucus-goers after health care, and a CNN national poll found that 82 percent of Democratic respondents said it’s ‘very important’ that their party’s nominee for president supports taking ‘aggressive action’ to slow the effects of climate change, the highest support among several items on the progressive wish list.”
Post-election polls not restricted to Democrats show entirely different results. The newest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found Americans ranking climate change in sixth place—and that is after combining first- and second-place responses. This result was unchanged from April 2015.
Last month’s Gallup poll found climate change was the ninth most important issue, coming in at a mere 3 percent. That result also combines climate change with the environment and pollution. The figure for Democrats is only eight percent.
A recent Pew poll found 44 percent of Americans rating climate change as a top priority—but that response came in seventeenth of eighteen answers. It is hard to argue the seventeenth choice is truly a “top” issue.
Climate change also has the largest partisan gap in the Pew poll. Of that 44 percent top line, 67 percent of Democrats (and leaners) think climate change should be a “top” priority, while only 21 percent of Republicans (and leaners) do. Contrary to left-wing talking points, this gap is not due to Republicans or conservatives being “climate change deniers”—this is another exaggerated claim.
Admittedly, these are polls of adults, not voters. But given how low climate change ranks, it is wildly unlikely the results would have differed significantly (and might have produced worse results for climate change). In short, while Ocasio-Cortez can get away with claiming “many voters” think climate change is a top issue, it is almost certain that “many more” do not, and the many who do are already solidly Democratic voters.
The Game of "NO CLUE" !
AOC....the New "Mrs. Peacock" (the sinister and political senator of the game.) !
At this point in time, anybody who doesn't understand that AGW is happening and progressing even faster than the most pessimistic projections of just a few years ago is a fool. The fossil fuel industry and their funded AGW deniers need to be charged with crimes against humanity at the Hague.
And if Just "WE" do something, and no one else it still our fault that we couldn't stop an ever changing Climate ?
Democrats have this thing where they blame this country for everything, and want this country to change for all of if "WE" are the only ones on this planet !
Would that be considered "Nationalism" ?
Remind me who the "Fools' are again ?
Has she ever really had a 'clue'?
She was probably a marginal bartender...
By all accounts she was the perfect bartender. All of her customers loved her and encouraged her to get into politics because she was well informed, well spoken and well able to handle trouble.
Which accounts ?
She sure fooled a lot of suckers, didn't she?
What flavor was the koolaide?
I'm guessing Goofy Grape perhaps?
You got that from The Onion, didn't you?
Thanks for admitting the damn gop does not give one rat's ass if our Earth dies...
It just isn't a priority to the numbnuts on the far right. Again, color me not surprised.
In 12 years ?
Al Gore must be mentoring her.
But that was just 'sarcasm', or 'dry humor'...or whatever she called it.
She's so cute when she "Tries".
Actually, I believe the article is more about not giving rat's ass for what falls out of AOC's mouth.
Also known as cutting off your nose to spite your face where I come from...
Sure glad I don't live there...
The truth is, is that in spite of all the fear mongering, the citizens mostly likely to vote have put the idea of climate change low on their list of concerns.
If it really was a problem to begin with, and the danger was imminent, and something could actually be done about it, I am sure the people would become more concerned. But for now, the majority of the people consider the concept of climate change to be a political hoax perpetrated by the democrats
I don't think they can any longer. Every year brings more fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other problems from the changing climate. Almost everybody can see it. And feel it. Ignoring it is the most asinine thing, but not surprised that it the gop solution.
Why didn't the Dems vote for this great "Green New Deal"?
Do you even know what the deal is?
Every year brings more fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other problems from the changing climate. Almost everybody can see it. And feel it.
No, it's not happening. If it was, then you would be able to post some factual evidence instead of spouting yet more hysterical headlines from climate change central.
All I have felt lately was chilly from this long, wet, and cold winter here in the US
Incorrect (at least in the US)
There's more references saying the same thing if you wish to look
I myself, have not seen anyone come out and say "The Climate Doesn't or isn't Changing" ! That's just a given. It's the "Why" people argue about, and putting it ALL on mankind, specifically men and yes …. women in this country, most know it is just a way to market to man and yes ….. women, to get more money, from man and yes ….. women. In the meantime, not a damn thing is gonna change by getting all the money Big Gov. can get from man and yes ..... women, except the climate, which is going to just keep doing what it's doing now.
it's a scam !
Lol ME wow look at those goalposts move. Seriously though I suggest you find someone else to play your games with, because I won't
Which "Goal Posts were moved ?
I live in a state that has changed and we all notice. I'm sure the people impacted by floods over and over do too. But there is scientific evidence too. Enjoy.
Someone please tell her the meaning of "consistent".
I don't think conservatives have a clue what the word 'consistent' means. Go back 2 years and see everything they stood for and compare it to their positions today.
Like the Liberals say of their own folks in or running for office ……. "People can Change".
I know....But just thought I throw that FACT out there.
Only far right wing fascists who believe fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets over NASA and NOAA research deny AGW.
12 years from now the planet will be much different from what it is now. Many won't be able to adapt.
The trending can't be denied and is likely irreversible without global compliance of strict GHG limitations.
Increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gasses will kill many of us humans in this century.
The extinction rate of other species humans need to survive is now 1,000 to 10,000 times the rate of just a few years ago.
So glad to be in my mid 60s so won't have to experience the worst of what is coming.
And the planet is different than it was a million years ago too. Stopping an "Ever Changing Planet" is not in the realm of Human abilities.
"Many won't be able to adapt."
Which ones ?
And you know that is never going to happen, of course.
The tipping point was reached some time ago.
Enjoy your next 12 years!
Funniest post of the day.
A question I ask all the AGW worshippers
which earth climate cycle representsthe true climate of the earth? Is it a new ice age you desire since you seem to dislike the warming cycles so much?
would you like it as it was approx 11,000 years ago when during the little ice age the seas were much lower and you could walk from Northern England or Scotland to Ireland?
AGW is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind
Remember the ice age predictions of the 50s and 60s. We should all be dead.