
Trump’s Job Approval Craters Into The 30s As Joe Biden’s Favorability Rating Soars


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  don-overton  •  6 years ago  •  47 comments

Trump’s Job Approval Craters Into The 30s As Joe Biden’s Favorability Rating Soars
The survey is the latest in a series of bad polling data that shows Trump’s reelection could be in major trouble.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

A new   Quinnipiac University poll   released on Tuesday has bad news on multiple fronts for Donald Trump.

First, the president’s approval rating has plummetted back into the 30s as only 38 percent of the country approve of the job he’s doing, while 57 percent disapprove.

Earlier in the month, the same survey showed Trump’s approval rating clocking in at a still-dismal 41 percent. Overall,   according to RealClearPolitics , the average share of Americans who support the president’s job performance stands at a paltry 42.7 percent.

The second piece of bad news from the Quinnipiac University survey relates to the 2020 presidential election, which is already in full swing.

According to the poll, the potential Democratic opponent Trump fears most – former vice president Joe Biden – has a +10 favorable rating, making Biden the only candidate in either party with a positive score.

Trump’s favorability rating, on the other hand, is worse than Biden’s by double digits with just 38 percent of respondents saying they hold a favorable opinion of the incumbent president.

The survey is the latest in a   series of bad polling data   that shows Trump’s reelection could be in major trouble.

Any candidate with a net-positive favorable rating will likely beat Trump

While political pundits will spend the next year and a half picking apart polls and diving into the trend of the moment, it is likely that any Democratic candidate with a positive favorability rating will defeat Trump.

As of right now, that candidate appears to be Joe Biden, who is seen as likable by a near-majority of the American people – far better than any of the other hopefuls seeking the Democratic nomination.

Whether it was fair or not in 2016 (hint: it wasn’t), a majority of the country did not view Hillary Clinton favorably. It’s one reason Trump was able to eke out an Electoral College victory.

If Trump ends up facing Joe Biden in 2020, he won’t have that same good fortune of running against an opponent with similarly negative favorability ratings. That stat alone – combined with historically low approval ratings – could be enough to send him packing next year.


jrDiscussion - desc
Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
1  seeder  Don Overton    6 years ago

The GOP keeps digging itself deeper and deeper in the hole while following trump.

Alabama Abortion, tax breaks for the 1% , Iraq, longest government in history, trump's taking children from families, childhood deaths, over 10K lies to this point, sabotage of Affordable Care Act, trump's demonization of immigrants, Trump's racism and bigotry, and more to come

Professor Guide
1.1  Gordy327  replied to  Don Overton @1    6 years ago

Joe Biden will probably end up as the Democratic candidate for President. Whether he will win or not is yet to be seen.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    6 years ago

If you have any long term faith in America, then you sort of have to assume that a sizable majority of Americans will say "enough is enough" on election day 2020 and send Trump back under the rock he crawled out of 4 years ago. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    6 years ago

If you think the Democrats will win with an agenda of......

Open borders with no funding for physical barriers or processing facilities or healthcare for migrants, or

abortion up to date of delivery, and maybe beyond in some cases. or

special rights for people with gender issues and other identity groups, or

having done nothing since Trump got elected except trying to have him removed from office, while having offered little to none meaningful legislation for the good of American citizens. And on and on.

Then you have to consider the coming calamity of the Democrats when Barr's investigations start to look very, very closely at the actions of the previous administration as to how and why it started a fraudulent and illegal investigation into a duly elected president's imagined and supposed activities.

Only a dumb cluck would count their chickens this early in the race, when so much more is going to be revealed about the dismal democrats before long.

Professor Guide
3.1  evilone  replied to  Greg Jones @3    6 years ago
Then you have to consider the coming calamity of the Democrats when Barr's investigations start to look very, very closely at the actions of the previous administration as to how and why it started a fraudulent and illegal investigation into a duly elected president's imagined and supposed activities.

You guys were singing this same song about Clinton email bullshit. It's still bullshit.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  evilone @3.1    6 years ago

The HRC criminality was not bullshit. But you already knew that.

Considering who she was, there was no way Comey would recommend prosecution, even though he laid out a good case against her. And Lynch would have not prosecuted her anyway, since she was all lined up to be the president.

However, I don't think the Dems will escape a lot of bad press and investigation because of the number of people involved, the seriousness of the allegations, and the abundance of evidence.

Sophomore Quiet
3.1.2  katrix  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.1    6 years ago

You crack me up.  Trump could, as he stated, shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and you'd refuse to believe that he was guilty.  Even if you saw it with your own eyes.  But you will never believe that any Democrat isn't guilty of everything. 

Ultra-partisanship kills brain cells.

Professor Guide
3.1.3  evilone  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.1    6 years ago
The HRC criminality was not bullshit.


However, I don't think the Dems will escape a lot of bad press and investigation because of the number of people involved, the seriousness of the allegations, and the abundance of evidence.

It's the number of people involved that makes this bullshit. According to some of conservative conspiracy nutjobs, the whole DoJ except Barr is out to get Trump and friends. It's more likely Barr can't find anything but political spin and the Administration looks as stupid as it always does.

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
3.1.4  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.1    6 years ago

I will remind you to stay on topic.  If you can't please leave.

Professor Quiet
3.2  bbl-1  replied to  Greg Jones @3    6 years ago

Actually, abortion should be available up to and including the age of 21.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2.1  Greg Jones  replied to  bbl-1 @3.2    6 years ago


Professor Quiet
3.2.2  bbl-1  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.1    6 years ago

Yeah.  Every 12 year needs a baby.

charger 383
Professor Silent
3.2.3  charger 383  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.1    6 years ago

There is no way you ar going to stop teenagers from having sex, you want kids having kids too?  

Professor Quiet
3.2.4  bbl-1  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.1    6 years ago

You do realize that I meant parents should be able to 'abort' their children up to the age of 21?

You did get that, right?

Professor Quiet
3.2.5  bbl-1  replied to  bbl-1 @3.2.4    6 years ago


Professor Guide
3.2.6  Gordy327  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.1    6 years ago

I see you have no problem with being disingenuous, with your "pro-abortion" rhetoric. Or that you have no problem with minors being forced to give birth. Or are you just regurgitating conservative/pro-life nonsense?

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.8  katrix  replied to  Tessylo @3.2.7    6 years ago

That's what happens when your only sources of information are Breitbart, InfoWars, and Fox.

Professor Guide
3.2.9  Gordy327  replied to  katrix @3.2.8    6 years ago

It also shows profound ignorance of the actual issues too. 

Professor Guide
3.2.10  Gordy327  replied to  Tessylo @3.2.7    6 years ago

You know, I think I'll write an article this weekend making the case as to why we should have abortions. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Greg Jones @3    6 years ago
If you think the Democrats will win with an agenda of......

"Open borders with no funding for physical barriers or processing facilities or healthcare for migrants, or"

Well that's one we don't have to worry about, because it's complete and total bullshit. Unless you're for a contiguous 2500 mile southern wall and a complete northern border wall you're technically for "open borders" so it's a rhetorical nonsense label. And Democrats did offer up to $2 billion for additional health care, judges and processing facilities, and ever the repair and replacement of existing physical barriers in high traffic areas, you know, where they're actually needed. They merely refused to fund more "wall".

"abortion up to date of delivery, and maybe beyond in some cases. or"

More pure unadulterated rhetorical bullshit. Just because Democrats care about the life of woman and allow exceptions for the less than 1% of late term abortions does not mean they want to allow any "abortion up to date of delivery". You find a case where it was totally elective and not to save the life of the mother or a case or rape or incest or a baby born brain dead and then you might have an argument, but even then it would have to be happening a lot if you're going to try and use it as a weapon against the 99% of abortions that occur long before viability.

"special rights for people with gender issues and other identity groups, or"

Please do list the "special rights" any of those groups you describe are supposedly demanding.

Is it a "special right" to allow to consenting adults to get married?

Is it a "special right" to use a public restroom?

Is it a "special right" to serve in the military?

Is it a "special right" to ask to be served at public establishments the same as any other American?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.3.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.3    6 years ago

None of your lower points is in question and it's silly to bring them up. I should have confined my remark to the "gender identity" issue as a losing one for the Dems.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.3.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.1    6 years ago
I should have confined my remark to the "gender identity" issue as a losing one for the Dems.

Well then list the "special rights" you're speaking of instead of just commenting on my examples.

What "special rights" are transgender Americans demanding? If they ask you to call them by a different gender name, how is that an "extra" right, we all have preferred names we ask to be called, not every Robert likes to be called Bob or Bobby. And if they ask to use a restroom they feel matches their gender identity, how is that an "extra right"? I use the men's restroom because that matches my gender identity. Is it the "compete in sports" thing? That's not really an extra right, though personally I think if they don't allow girls to compete who have been doping with male hormones, if a transgender athlete has those same levels of high testosterone they should not be allowed to compete even if it is naturally occurring. If they are taking female estrogen shots and don't have a high level of testosterone then I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to compete and I wouldn't see that as a "special right".

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    6 years ago

What is really amazing is the daily spiel feeding the 'now numb populace' that 'the economy' is the best the World has ever witnessed.

This too.  After the market crash of 2008 the new administration guided a steady upward economic trend.  The right wing screamed that the numbers were fake and the administration lied.

Now, with the Trump, the numbers are absolutely true------------even as the farmers are being bailed out--again.  This also.  Will the farmers pay back the bailout money like the auto manufacturers did?  Will the farmers also be drug tested before receiving federal funds?  More importantly, will the farmers stay with the GOP after being relegated into 'just another welfare recipient?'

Professor Quiet
5  Jack_TX    6 years ago
As of right now, that candidate appears to be Joe Biden,

The importance of this cannot be overstated.

Biden would have easily beaten Trump in 2016.  His campaign slogan could simply have been "Nothing too Radical...Stay the Course", and he would have walked to victory.

Political hotheads never seem to be able to understand that elections are decided by who wins the center.   Centrists have never liked Trump.  They just dislike him less than Hillary.

A Bernie or Harris or Booker or *insert your radical here* nomination will re-elect Trump.   A Biden nomination would be a very smart move for Democrats.

Professor Principal
5.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @5    6 years ago
Centrists have never liked Trump.  They just dislike him less than Hillary.

The idea that Trump is less odious than Hillary Clinton is one of the more bizarre statements ever uttered by a human being. 

Professor Guide
5.1.1  evilone  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1    6 years ago
The idea that Trump is less odious than Hillary Clinton is one of the more bizarre statements ever uttered by a human being.

Not really, John. 

Professor Quiet
5.1.2  Jack_TX  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1    6 years ago
The idea that Trump is less odious than Hillary Clinton is one of the more bizarre statements ever uttered by a human being.

Your well documented "issues" surrounding Trump aside, even you have agreed that Democrats need a sane, reasonable, non-whackjob candidate to maximize their chances in 2020.

Professor Principal
5.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @5.1.2    6 years ago

My only "issues" with Trump are that I think a known con man, fraud, tax cheat, malignant narcissist, pathological liar and ignoramus should not be president of the United States.  I think I'm a quite solid ground actually. 

Junior Silent
6  livefreeordie    6 years ago

The left desperately clings to the false belief that voters will turn against Trump in 2020

depending on who the Dems nominate, Trump will carry anywhere from 34-47 states. The further left, the more states he carries

Professor Principal
6.1  JBB  replied to  livefreeordie @6    6 years ago

Voters had plainly turned against Trump and Trumpism by November 2018.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  livefreeordie @6    6 years ago
The left desperately clings to the false belief that voters will turn against Trump in 2020

"The ABC News–Washington Post poll released Monday found that 55 percent of respondents said they will not vote for Trump next year, with only 39 percent approving of his work since taking office."

I know this might be a tough one for some, but I guess we need to start with the basics. Which number is greater? 55 or 39? And if you got that one right, which number would represent a majority of 100?

So facts show a large margin majority do not support this inept President. None need to "turn against" him, the vast majority of Americans already disapprove of him and the job he's done since taking office.

"Trump will carry anywhere from 34-47 states"

Do you really think he can carry so much with those bone spurs? He's going to carry the deep red States where many voters have no shame. Beyond that, he's going to get walloped, smashed, slammed, broken like the poorly made knock off he is.


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