White House Demands Media Be Complicit In Trump’s Lies And Crimes

Gidley said on Fox News, “When he leaves a meeting with Nancy Pelosi and all they do is mischaracterize his demeanor, and take whatever she says lock, stock, and barrel. I mean, it would be so nice if we had a complicit compliant media the way the Democrats do, but we don’t.
Ask Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama how complicit and compliant the media was with them.
Trump doesn’t want a questioning free press
Speaker Pelosi will always have more credibility than Trump because she is not a compulsive liar. Pelosi’s account of the meeting was also backed up by people who attended the meeting. Nancy Pelosi didn’t need to put the people who work for her on the spot on national television to vouch for her sanity.
The administration wants a media that doesn’t question what they say. The White House wants a press that acts like a publicity department that reprints what the president says as unquestioned truth.
The concept is very authoritarian and undemocratic. It is the press’s job to question the president and the administration.
Trump doesn’t want to be questioned. Donald Trump wants a press that will be complicit and compliant in his crimes and lies.
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Too Bad Trump Hates Vets. Ignored them for Memorial Day
No Don, Let's give him his due when it's due. Otherwise we are no better than his base. Trump praised the military in a memorial day speech aboard the USS Wasp yesterday.
Wow. Way to miss the point. As per frickin' usual.
The point - for those who missed it like this headline writer did - is that the press routinely lies about Trump and meanwhile blindly accepts and repeats whatever the Democrats tell them. That is a problem that should bother people.
You hit the nail on the head with that one.
Let me guess. I am wrong, right? Well at least you are consistent because everybody that is conservative and does not share your views is always automatically wrong no matter what. Does that about sum it up?
Yes, I do. But my definition probably would not match yours. Funny thing is that we have proven that we can have a decent conversation with each other as long as it does not involve current day U.S. politics. That is something anyway. You have a good day.
Hogan Gidley? What ever that is supposed to be. Gidley is nothing, lacks any value what so ever.
Press is not 'compliant' to the Trump? I say it is more than compliant. We have yet to hear any of the sordid sexual details concerning the Trump and the Clifford or McDougal ladies like the public was appraised of concerning President Clinton during his investigations.
The Trump gets more than his share of passes everyday.
Interesting choice of words: