AOC ups ante in feud with Pelosi, suggests speaker is 'singling out' newly elected 'women of color'

"You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just okay."

The public spat between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY , and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif , got a lot nastier on Wednesday, with the freshman congresswoman suggesting that the speaker is "singling out" her and her colleagues based on their race.
Pelosi has worked to keep the Democratic caucus in line, specifically four newly-elected outspoken progressives: Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass..
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However, a feud between Pelosi and the quartet escalated after Congress passed a border funding bill that the four young Democrats opposed. Pelosi discussed the bill, and those in her party who oppose it, in an interview last weekend. She told the New York Times: "All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they didn’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got."
Ocasio-Cortez said to The Washington Post on Wednesday that the "persistent singling out" by the Speaker may be more than "outright disrespectful."
However, a feud between Pelosi and the quartet escalated after Congress passed a border funding bill that the four young Democrats opposed. Pelosi discussed the bill, and those in her party who oppose it, in an interview last weekend. She told the New York Times: "All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they didn’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got."
Ocasio-Cortez said to The Washington Post on Wednesday that the "persistent singling out" by the Speaker may be more than "outright disrespectful."

Pretty bad when Pelosi is the reasonable one in the room.
I think those 4 will find out very quickly that the Establishment can crush anyone. Just ask Justin Amash.
no doubt...
Pelosi's not going to relinquish her gavel to AOC and her girl squad without a fight, and she knows that she's got a big power fight coming.
Perhaps ..... i think the squads bark is worse than their bite.
Time will tell but i doubt most of the them will even be there after 2020.
Lol ... she's one to talk considering her district.
True. That's how she always wins her district. As for AOC's historically D district ...
Winning by about 4,000 votes is hardly an "earthquake" when 80% of the district didn't even bother to vote!
It's comical to watch our conservatives act as if this piffle is the most important thing in the world.
Lol ... you consider this "piffle" John?
I'll remember that when you post your next partisan driven fluff piece.
And by the way, you appear to be the only one calling it the most important thing in the world.
Shouldn't you be saving America from Trump one seed at a time?
the prog squad showed up to the party a little too late.
this country is just about done with the progressive bs.
Lol .... the progressive squad?
Well named by whoever coined it.
"prog squad"
You better not upset the Queen because heads will roll.
Some have to learn the hard way.
btw Sparty, good looking platoon!
Thx, hard to believe we were ever that young.
When I look at my old pics I think who is that person?
What does how fucking old you are have to do with the topic?
The seeder/author gets to decide on the parameters of the topic.
Dude - i put you on ignore so why can I still see your comments. Now I'm forced to respond! UGH
I'm not upset. I'm simply pointing out that him having my comment deleted based on it not being on topic was just bullshit to manipulate and control the conversation.
He went outside the "parameters" that he set. So he's not deciding but rather manipulating the conversation.
I don't recall him saying that remembrance was off-topic? Please show me where?
Since he is not on line and monitoring his own article and you have stepped up to be his spokesman please list in detail what he will be considering on and off topic.
I can't play anymore. I have to clean my house. My parents are visiting this weekend. I'll be back later to school you.
I keep telling you - that is his prerogative.
Pelosi has a point. Just because Trump tweets whenever he's upset doesn't mean it is how a politician should behave. If you're a public figure, your use of social media should be professional.
Reminding this crew that Trump is the ultimate target of all democrats isn't going to work. These new members have no self discipline or respect for authority. The rep from Minnesota came here from one of the poorest failed states on earth, acquired American citizenship then was elected to the US House of Representatives and now routinely denounces the United States. I don't thing Pelosi using Trump to unify them behind her is going to work, do you?
No, I don't. Granted, I don't like either political party, and how both are all about their power, and how the majority leaders force everyone to toe their line, but these four are inexperienced and they don't seem to be thinking things through.
They remind me in a way of the tea party. And it did work for the tea party folks, so ... who knows how this will turn out. I think they're making a mistake, though. Most people don't want the democratic party driven far to the left. But again ... thinking of how it went for the tea party .... you just never know.
They have let their popularity among their base seduce them into thinking they are more powerful then they are.
Their actions and comments are only helping trump.
Ya, I guess John Boehner's hair turned grey with them, but then again they never called him a "racist!" Pelosi won't have Obama's IRS to destroy here opposition either.
How dare you not take a side but rather criticize and support as you see things? You will be accused of being a 'normalizer'.
Heh! I'm sure I'll still get called a liberal when I talk about some topics, and a conservative when I talk about other topics.
The conservatives on NT (I am convinced) think I am a liberal. Some liberals here have referred to me as a conservative.
Generally, since I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative, I will no doubt appear more liberal than conservative based on what we discuss here. I certainly have far more disagreements with conservatives on NT but most of that is a result of my religious views.
I've had people get insulting when I've told them I am an independent. Same as you - social liberal, fiscal conservative.
Pelosi is not the prime example of professionalism. She has called many of her opponents and Americans racist, Nazi's, deplorables, etc.
She is only upset because the four are airing the dirty laundry for all to see and it looks bad for her. I don't think she had any problems with them using social media for anti-Semitic remarks or the TDS rantings.
They have been very efficient at singling themselves out, and not to their benefit. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Playing the race card against Pelosi...
she's been pushing identity politics for years, funny to see it turn on her.
It is a happy circumstance in human affairs that evils which are not cured in one way will cure themselves in some other. - Thomas Jefferson -
This is gonna be better than the "Superbowl" (Patriots Fan)…… and that's saying bunches for me.