
Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  1stwarrior  •  6 years ago  •  26 comments

Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over the weekend in a racially charged attack on four minority Democratic congresswomen, a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll shows.

The national survey, conducted on Monday and Tuesday after Trump told the lawmakers they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” showed his net approval among members of his Republican Party rose by 5 percentage points to 72%, compared with a similar poll that ran last week.

Trump, who is seeking re-election next year, has lost support, however, with Democrats and independents since the Sunday tweetstorm.

Among independents, about three out of 10 said they approved of Trump, down from four out of 10 a week ago. His net approval - the percentage who approve minus the percentage who disapprove - dropped by 2 points among Democrats in the poll.

Trump’s overall approval remained unchanged over the past week. According to the poll, 41% of the U.S. public said they approved of his performance in office, while 55% disapproved.

The results showed strong Republican backing for Trump as the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a symbolic resolution on Tuesday, largely along party lines, to condemn him for “racist comments” against the four Democratic lawmakers.

All four U.S. representatives - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan - are U.S. citizens. Three were born in the United States.

The public response to Trump’s statements appeared to be a little better for him than in 2017, after the president said there were “very fine people” on both sides of a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

In that instance, Trump’s net approval dropped by about 10 points a week after the Charlottesville rally.

This time, while Democrats and some independents may see clear signs of racial intolerance woven throughout Trump’s tweets, Republicans are hearing a different message, said Vincent Hutchings, a political science and African-American studies professor at the University of Michigan.

“To Republicans, Trump is simply saying: ‘Hey, if you don’t like America, you can leave,” Hutchings said. “That is not at all controversial. If you already support Trump, then it’s very easy to interpret his comments that way.”

By criticizing liberal members of the House, Trump is “doing exactly what Republicans want him to do,” Hutchings said. “He’s taking on groups that they oppose.”

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English and gathered responses from 1,113 adults, including 478 Democrats and 406 Republicans in the United States. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points for the entire group and 5 points for Democrats or Republicans.

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Professor Participates
1  seeder  1stwarrior    6 years ago

This time, while Democrats and some independents may see clear signs of racial intolerance woven throughout Trump’s tweets, Republicans are hearing a different message, said Vincent Hutchings, a political science and African-American studies professor at the University of Michigan.

“To Republicans, Trump is simply saying: ‘Hey, if you don’t like America, you can leave,” Hutchings said. “That is not at all controversial. If you already support Trump, then it’s very easy to interpret his comments that way.”
Sparty On
Professor Expert
2  Sparty On    6 years ago

I'm ashamed that one of them is from my state.  

That said, the scuttlebutt i hear from my buddies in the motor city is that you won't have to worry about Tlaib after 2020.

Professor Silent
2.1  TTGA  replied to  Sparty On @2    6 years ago
I'm ashamed that one of them is from my state.

Yeah, Detroit does weird stuff.  It would seem that Upton and Amash have both also chosen to end their political careers.  Back to chasing ambulances for them.  Oh well, this sort of thing forces the traitors to come out of the shadows so we can get rid of them.

Professor Participates
3  seeder  1stwarrior    6 years ago

"Republicans are hearing a different message, said Vincent Hutchings, a political science and African-American studies professor at the University of Michigan"

Evidently, a professor of ethnic studies saw/read just what Trump said and meant.  Wonder why the Dems/Libs have such a comprehension issue?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
4  Bob Nelson    6 years ago


Trump has now gone full-on racist. [Removed

[No value

Professor Participates
5  Dig    6 years ago
Republican Support For Trump Rises After Racially Charged Tweets

Well, there you go. This country really might be almost over. I remember hearing people right after the 2016 election, old school Republicans even, wondering if the country could survive Trump. Even if the Union technically survives, our national honor and dignity won't. They're almost gone already.

It's not looking good.

Professor Principal
5.1  TᵢG  replied to  Dig @5    6 years ago

Much of the problem is the simple circumstances.   Trump has two big advantages:

  1. Incumbency
  2. Great Economy

His major disadvantages:

  • Horrible character (demeans people, egocentric, etc.)
  • Pathological liar (and lacks a filter ... what goes through the mind appears to go out the mouth sans filtering)
  • Embarrassing demeanor (extremely unPresidential, not the kind of individual we typically wish to have as PotUS)

Those two advantages are historically the Ace cards when it comes to presidential politics (note how I refrained from 'Trump card' lingo).

When voters are content they tend to not rally to make a change.

Professor Participates
5.1.1  Dig  replied to  TᵢG @5.1    6 years ago

The increase was only among R's. The problem is that there shouldn't have been one anywhere in the wake of a fiasco like that. It's not that they are simply numb to Trump's demeaning bile, but that they actually like it. That's what doesn't bode well for the future: so many people revelling in the divisive demagoguery of his garbage 'otherism' politics. It's the kind of thing that can destroy a nation, not hold it together. Instead of healing wounds, it keeps them open and makes them fester. Trump engages in it regularly and intentionally, which begs the question: what are he and his supporters actually trying to accomplish? Dissolution?

Like I said, it's not looking good.

Professor Principal
5.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  Dig @5.1.1    6 years ago

Trump is indeed a divisive character and has set a new bar on the unpresidential.

It would be good to know what his ratings would be if he were not such an asshole.   No way to know.   I suspect these negatives are overlooked by the majority of supporters because they like the economy, but maybe I am giving the electorate too much credit.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
5.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.2    6 years ago
I suspect these negatives are overlooked by the majority of supporters because they like the economy,

So what's new?   "The economy, stupid."   Remember that one?   Every President gets the feel good vibs from a good economy and the feel bad vibs from a bad one.   This is nothing new except for the fact that this POTUS has been attacked by the media more aggressively and more consistently than any other POTUS in history.   There is zero doubt about that.

Sure, some of that is his own fault but not most of it IMO.   Not even close.

Senior Guide
6  XXJefferson51    6 years ago

I’m just happy that Trumps support among Republicans and in the Heartland battleground states has increased after his tweets and the democrat response to them.  

Junior Silent
7  tomwcraig    6 years ago

The sad thing is if you actually read the tweets and ignore the media's and Democrats' racism chants, you will find no mention of race and in fact you would find he is telling them to essentially go to the countries they claim to be better than the USA.  However, the 4 Congresswomen that the Democrats and the media are claiming the tweets are about are pushing the cultures of foreign countries onto us, but the countries whose cultures they are pushing are in complete chaos, so they should go to those countries and fix them before pushing those cultures onto us.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
7.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  tomwcraig @7    6 years ago

Racism, to a progressive, means criticizing a  person of color or not thinking/doing as a person of color directs. 


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