The Only Thing Trump Should Say Right Now Is “I’m Sorry” - It’s long past time for him to do so.

As this article so thoroughly points out, Trump's political career has been one racial and ethnically motivated example of hate speech after another. The evidence is overwhelming.
...for there to be any hope of healing during this presidency, the only thing Donald Trump can say is: “I’m sorry, and I will change.”
I’m sorry for my role in stoking racial divisions in this country.
I’m sorry for re-entering the political arena on a fraudulent racist platform where I knowingly lied about my belief that the first black president was actually born in Africa.
I’m sorry for launching my presidential campaign on the backs of Mexican immigrants, claiming that many are rapists and murderers.
I’m sorry that I made the head of an anti-immigrant hate site my campaign’s chief strategist .
I’m sorry for leading rage-filled rallies that stir up animus against my political foes and people of color.
I’m sorry to Khizr and Ghazala Khan. I’m sorry to Judge Gonzalo Curiel.
I’m sorry to all the minority students who have been told on the playground that the president will deport them.
I’m sorry to the American green-card holders who we detained in airports just because of their country of origin.
I’m sorry I spent a week winking and nodding at white nationalists after they killed an innocent woman in Charlottesville.
I’m sorry that I said that we should have fewer immigrants from “shithole countries” and more from Norway.
I’m sorry to everyone who received a bomb from Cesar Sayoc, a person who said my rallies were a “new found drug.”
I’m sorry for telling four minority women duly elected to serve in Congress that they should go back to where they came from.
I’m sorry that we caged citizen Francisco Galicia in a disgusting human kennel without due process just because of the color of his skin .
I’m sorry to the asylees and refugees who I have treated as subhuman because they came from Muslim countries, or countries in Central America. I’m sorry to all the aspiring refugees who have not been welcomed to the land of the free because the bigots I put in positions of power have ensured we accepted the fewest number of refugees in decades .
I’m sorry to Shaima Swileh who spent a year away from her dying American toddler because she had a Yemeni passport. I’m sorry to all the Americans whose family members couldn’t come to see them because we put a ban on travel from Muslim countries.
I’m sorry about the lies I told about Middle Easterners and people with Ebola coming into our country through a southern border caravan. And sharing a dubious story about a “ prayer rug ” found miles from the border.
I’m sorry that I lied about the number of white people murdered by blacks.
I’m sorry that I can’t help myself but make barely coded racist attacks against “ the black s” generally and black athletes, congress members, and urban communities in specific.
I’m sorry that I made a joke in Pensacola about people in the panhandle murdering immigrants .
I’m sorry that I have repeatedly shared posts on social media from the members of the alt-right who are fomenting race based violence in this country. Anyone who is arguing that we should be concerned about white genocide or the replacement of white people is a disgusting bigot, not someone who should be elevated by the leader of the free world.
I’m sorry that I invited bloggers who have allied with white supremacists to the White House.
Most of all I’m sorry for calling people who are coming to America for a better life for their family, as so many of our ancestors did, invaders and worse. If anyone who heard these words took them to mean that these people are attacking us or are our enemies I want you to hear from me that these are human beings who deserve our love and compassion, not our hatred.
Demanding that everyone “come together” behind a president no matter what he says or does isn’t healing, it’s servitude.
Without contrition, and without a commitment to spend the final 16 months of his presidency demonstrating through words and actions that he genuinely wants togetherness and healing, Trump’s words will be simply more salt in the wounds.
That list is a devastating indictment of the president* as someone who has stirred up racial, ethnic, and religious hatred.
He should resign from office immediately.
(The author of this seed is a Republican political consultant by the way.)
From a source that is fundamentally and totally against Trump.
Good selection John - very unbiased of you.
As you may know, the source is made up of Republicans and former Republicans who are appalled by Trump.
In other words patriotic Americans.
The list in the seed should demonstrate to one and all that Trump is unfit for office.
I'd agree with you John, but then we'd both be wrong.
No it’s from leftist Republicans and Never Trumpers who care only about their power and not about what’s good for our country.
they have finally been rejected by Republicans and independents, castrated from power and influence and they are bitter. It’s a good day for our country and one I’ve longed to see for 50 years.
Good riddance. Those of us who love liberty and Constitutional governance are glad to see them gone
He will never apologize for anything. He thinks he's right in everything that he said
As do you.
Trump brings up the inconvenient truths the left tries to ignore or can't deal with.
The left started this ongoing hate fest against Trump and it has even spread to their presidential candidates.
No, I know I'm not always right. I'm probably wrong about a lot more things than I am right about them. And I admit, sometimes I double down on the stupid because I don't want to admit I'm wrong.
Can you say the same thing? Will trmp? I doubt it.
Trump will apologize for the left contorting everything into what they want to hear and believe. Meanwhile, the Dems in the primary pool continue to prove why Trump will get another term.
Total nonsense.
Sooooo.....I'm just imagining that he said that Mexicans are rapists and murderers?
Oh, thank goodness! I really thought there was something wrong with this president!
Tim Miller, the Republican consultant who wrote the seeded article, did a good job of compiling many of Trump's statements on race and immigration. It is a compelling list of inflammatory words.
Trump is beyond help and should be forced from office.
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're not sending you," Trump said as he announced his presidential bid.
"They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us,” he continued. “They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Wonder why what was actually said is never remembered - hmmmm.
He said some are if you go back to the original quote.
And I am sure some are domestic and sexual abusers also.
Not to mention drug runners and gang members.
And some probably carry diseases we thought were wiped out, or vermin like bed bugs.
Are you advocating sedition?
Politicizing double tragedies is pretty reprehensible.
Trump is no more racist than you are.
No, he said "They are rapists."
He then qualified that by saying "some, I assume, are good people". So what everyone heard, especially his white supremacist supporters, of which there are MANY, was that Mexicans are rapists, but some, a few, a small number, are good people.
Trying to defend that statement as not racist to anyone with more than half a brain and decent comprehension skills is simply impossible.
It is....scary that there are millions who, like on NT, that do.
The blame lies with the person committing the violent crime, regardless of the ramped up hatred rhetoric spewed by CNN, MSNBC, since Trump's election and our political leaders in Congress.
Not racist at all. First of all, Mexican is no time a race, it’s an ethnicity. There are blond haired, blue eyed Mexicans in plenty. Mexicans can be found as European Spaniards, French descent, as well as Black and Indigenous.
to state the facts about crime rates from illegals coming from Mexico is hardly racist. They disproportionately occupy our state prisons in California, Arizona, and Texas
Great qualifiers -
but some, a few, a small number, are good people.
What, maybe two or three - maybe four???
What a crock.
Gee, I wonder why?
By DNA they are classified as American Indians and since they are despised for their ethnicity, racists is the most often used word.
According to Gallatians & Colossians ethnic hatred is a sin.
Some: pronoun - at least a small amount or number of people or things
Do you imagine "some" to mean the majority of a group being described? Or, might you hear that word and like virtually everyone else who understands English think of a small amount? A small unspecified, perhaps they don't even exist because I have to say "assume" because I've never seen one, right? Give it up, there is no defense of this piece of shit or his racist comments. Even if you did hear "some" to be a large majority of Mexicans are good people, which they are, we know many Trump supporters heard it just as intended, which is to imply the majority of Mexicans are bringing drugs, raping, committing crimes, all the things white supremacists and other worthless xenophobes imagine with zero evidence. These xenophobes live in their own little imaginary victim world where its everyone else's fault they aren't succeeding at life.
Prejudice and discrimination doesn't care about parsing words or the subtle difference between "race" and "ethnicity". If you prefer I use the term "bigoted" instead of "racist" when referring to Trumps comments I'll take that under advisement, but frankly I don't see much of a difference.
If anyone is trying desperately to defend that obviously bigoted statement or the many many others this President has made, I think the better question is why? Why are you trying so hard to defend this admitted sexual predator, this serially bankrupt adulterer who has been accused more than nineteen times of sexual assault, who we all know paid hundreds of thousands to keep porn stars quiet about his adultery during the campaign? Why keep protecting such a horrid human being? The only two reasons I can imagine anyone agreeing with his bigoted xenophobic, homophobic and Islamophobic rhetoric is that they agree with the bigoted rhetoric or are just so determined their party not lose the battle they're willing to give up the last shred of dignity and morality they had left.
As I said on a previous comment - a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Folks parse what they want when listenings to "public" figures. Hell, they even do it with their spouses and children and siblings and co-workers.
So you'd be perfectly fine with this statement:
"When Native American tribes send their people off the reservations, they're not sending their best, they're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
That, to you, would be a perfectly fine statement to make, right? Or have there never been Native Americans who rape or do drugs or commit crime? Personally, I would take that as an offensive statement because he would be stating "They are rapists", not 'some', not a small number, not a tiny fraction, just "THEY are rapists" because that is what "They're" means, "THEY ARE". Who are the "They" he was referring to other than the Mexican people in general?
And then if someone repeating the same kind of rhetoric showed up at a native American reservation or Casino and started to murder indiscriminately, would you really think the two things, the Presidents statement and the violence, had nothing to do with each other? Really? Would the tiny caveat at the end about "some, I assume, are good people" get him off the hook and absolve him of any responsibility?
Why let total distortion of the truth get in the way of a good scandal?
Trump is trying to rehabilitate himself by reading off a teleprompter this morning. As soon as he gets back to twitter and back to his rallies he will be back to his old ways.
Its too late to save Trump. He has disgraced himself and the presidency. He needs to resign.
Wrong. Our president will win in 2020 in a landslide, possibly winning 48 states given the leftist Democrat field
“Are Democrats Channeling Their Inner Lenin?
Just as the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party back then was divided between the moderate Mensheviks and the more radical Bolsheviks, so too the modern American Democratic Party is divided between the moderate socialists like Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar and Steve Bullock and the radical socialists like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
Communist agitator Michael Moore, who is in large measure the theorist of the American left, told Brian Williams on MSNBC following the second debate, “Only revolution at this point is going to defeat Donald J. Trump. Only people rising up, and doing the work that needs to be done, is going to remove him from office. Our side needs to treat Trump seriously. He’s not a joke anymore. He’s the real deal and he humiliated all of us by losing the election and then being given the keys to the Oval Office.”
Hey Michael - "he humiliated all of us by losing the election and then being given the keys to the Oval Office.”
A little Constitutional 101 -
The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.
Don't think that receiving 57% of the electoral votes would be classified as "losing the election". Hillary lost - not Trump.
Trump is a narcissistic pos who will never ever admit he is wrong.
As many on NT refuse to do, eh?
Hey, he is still "our" president.
You want to talk about division? Look to the Left. The president condemns a thing and the Left insists he doesn't mean it, but really supports it. No author of fiction would even attempt to make up something so stupid.
Trump is the most insincere person to ever hold the office, plus he is a con man and pathological liar. Wake up any time now.
Lets see Trump apologize for any or all of the below. Then maybe people will believe him. We are tired of y'all making excuses for this man every day.
I don't know if it's a contest, but I think a lot of people who hold the office are often insincere. That's pretty much what we think of politicians, isn't it?
Still, they have some choice in the things they talk about and Trump has condemned white supremacy on more than one occasion in both prepared speeches and extemporaneously. In general, he also strikes me as someone who puts less effort in trying to impress people with his words than most politicians. Just how look at how often he offends people. He's obviously not too concerned about it.
What a diatribe. People have definitely lost their minds.
It is the seeded article. Tim Miller is a Republican political consultant.
Yes I know, like I said, people are losing their minds.