Everything You Need to Know About Federal Background Checks

In the United States, anybody who wants to buy a gun from a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL) is subject to a background check.

I walk into a licensed gun store and ask to buy a gun. What happens next ?
What does the FBI look for in a background check ?
Where does the gun background check system get all this information ?
So if someone has done something that leaves them banned from firearm ownership, that record will be in one of the databases, the FBI will see it, and they won’t get the gun ?
Do gun background checks work the same in every state ?
Back to my check: How long does it take ?
So when a gun background check isn’t instant, how long can it take ?
Say my background check ultimately does show I’m not allowed to own guns, but after the three-day period has expired? Then what happens to the gun I just bought ?
The Gun Show so-called "Loophole" folks like to spout about, is bullshit.
It's like paperwork central at a gun show. Pens are flying, Lisc. and credit cards are being whipped out, and folks are waiting like in a doctors office after they purchase their firearm of choice.
Because I have a "C&R lisc.", and a "Carry Permit", and frequent gun shows quite a bit, yes I can carry out a gun I bought that day. If you don't have either of those Lisc. like I have, you ain't carrying anything out of the show that day. You WILL WAIT at least 3 days, sometimes 7 days, to get it, which means traveling to the suppliers office and or shop to get it after the wait period.
Yes, there are maybe 1, max. 2 folks running around with a sign that says "My gun is for sale", maybe every third show. I don't see them every show I go to.
Personally, I wouldn't by anything from a person advertising something, on their own, at a reputable gun show, But, it is happening there, and some folks will take them up on it (haven't actually seen one do it to date) But, it does happen.
The neat thing though, they aren't allowed to sell it to that person that takes them up on the offer, on the gun show grounds.
If you actually read the seed, it is very specific about the Feds. and what they have to go on. If the info on a bad person isn't available to them, they don't have it, and they have no reason to dig any further, as there isn't anything to find if there is "No Record" to look up. They won't find anything else, unless "Someone" speaks up", but that won't happen until after the fact.
The laws are in place, but info on specific folks that have done NOTHING WRONG in the past, will not show up with the Feds as a "Could-be" a problem. If the laws allow records to be sealed on an individual, they won't be available either. The Feds. can only look at the info they have available.
So "Extended "Background checks" ain't gonna do shit to stop anything.
Like a lock on a window or door, it will give some folks a false sense of security and they'll feel like they really helped do something great to protect everyone.
They'll be extra special helpful to humanity, just ask them .....
Yep !
Only keeps the good folks out.
As far as making background checks a Mueller hunt thingy, it can only go as far as the information they have on an individual. Good Folks don't have much info. to look over in the first place.
Folks with an actual bad record you can look at, don't buy guns from reputable Sellers.
Even the Feds. Don't have an "Omnipotent Power"... (some think they should)….. to predict who "Might" go bad in the future !
Most states and reporting agencies are just terrible about reporting information in a timely manner, a lot of them don't report at all. This is one of the areas that really needs to be cleaned up before any new law is pushed.
Exactly !
Fix what we have now, then look to see if something New should be added, after the fix.
This "Red Flag" law the politicians are now pushing....is BULLSHIT too !
I can see the Feds. going after folks in someone's family, that didn't tell on the "piece of shit" before the fact, if the "piece of shit" does something like these last shootings. They may, as it seems parents don't parent much anymore, NOT HAVE A CLUE, but could be brought up on charges for not "Saying" anything anyway.
We don't need some new "Feel Good' law to MAKE people "Say Something" if something is really wrong. It could get messy, and costly for someone that may have not done anything at all. Ya gotta watch out for that ass that may just not like you.
Maybe "ASS INSURANCE" should be available.
Have people gotten soooo "Stupid", that they need a "Law" to tell them they need to tell authorities that someone is planning bad things ?