
The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger .......On Saturday, President Trump spread a conspiracy theory accusing the Clintons of murdering Jeffrey Epstein


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  84 comments

The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger .......On Saturday, President Trump spread a conspiracy theory accusing the Clintons of murdering Jeffrey Epstein
By now, Trump’s party in Congress, the members of his Cabinet, and even his White House entourage all tacitly agree that Trump’s occupancy of the office held by Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Eisenhower must be a bizarre cosmic joke, not to be taken seriously.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

August 10, 1969: SAN CLEMENTE, Calif.—President Nixon accused his predecessor Lyndon Baines Johnson of complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Speaking with reporters on the first day of a 10-day stay at his Pacific Ocean vacation home ….

Of course, that never happened. Obviously. How could it, how dare it? But  had it happened, such an accusation—by a president, against a former president—would have convulsed the United States and the world. Today, President Trump accused his predecessor, Bill Clinton—or possibly his 2016 campaign opponent, former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—of complicity in the death of the accused sex-trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.

Many seem to have responded with a startled shrug.  What do you expect? It’s just Trump letting off steam on Twitter.

Reactions to actions by Trump are always filtered through the prism of the ever-more-widely accepted view—within his administration, within Congress, within the United States and around the world—that the 45th president is a reckless buffoon, a conspiratorial racist moron, whose weird comments should be disregarded by sensible people.

By now, Trump’s party in Congress, the members of his Cabinet, and even his White House entourage all tacitly agree that Trump’s occupancy of the office held by Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and Eisenhower must be a bizarre cosmic joke, not to be taken seriously. CNN’s Jake Tapper on August 2  quoted  a “senior national security official” as saying: "Everyone at this point ignores what the president says and just does their job. The American people should take some measure of confidence in that.”

Everybody at this point ignores what the president says.

So even though Trump just retweeted the comedian Terrence K. Williams accusing the Clinton family of murder, the people who work for Trump may ignore that, too. They know that the president punches the retweet button like an addled retiree playing the slots through a fog of painkillers means nothing. The days of “ taking Trump seriously, not literally ” have long-since passed. By this point, Trump is taken neither seriously nor literally. His words are as worthless as Trump Organization IOUs.

But cosmic joke or no cosmic joke, Donald Trump is the president of the United States. You may not like it. I don’t like it. Mike Pompeo doesn’t like it. Mitch McConnell doesn’t like it. Kevin McCarthy doesn’t like it. But it’s still a fact, and each succeeding outrage makes it no less a fact.  Grinning and flashing a thumbs-up over an orphaned baby?  Yes, still president. Tweeting that a third-tier dictator has threatened him with more missile tests unless he halts military exercises with a U.S. ally——and that he has surrendered to that blackmail? Shamefully, still president. Accusing a former U.S. president of murder? It’s incredible, it’s appalling, it’s humiliating … but, yes, he is the president all the same.

Trump’s circle probably expects the world to sputter for a while and then be distracted by some new despicable statement or act. That is how it has gone for nearly three years, and that is how it is likely still to go. Trump is steering the U.S. and the world into a trade war and perhaps a financial crisis and recession along with it. He is wrecking the structure of U.S. alliances in Asia and his rhetoric is inciting shooting rampages against minorities. Compared to that, mere slurs and insults perhaps weigh lighter in the crushing dumpster-load of Trump’s output of unfitness for the office he holds.

But it shouldn’t be forgotten, either, in the onrush of events. The certainty that Trump will descend ever deeper into sub-basements of “new lows” after this new low should not numb us to its newness and lowness.

Neither the practical impediments to  impeachment  and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment process, nor the foibles and failings of the candidates running to replace him, efface the fact that this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day. And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still.

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
Grinning and flashing a thumbs-up over an orphaned baby?  Yes, still president. Tweeting that a third-tier dictator has threatened him with more missile tests unless he halts military exercises with a U.S. ally——and that he has surrendered to that blackmail? Shamefully, still president. Accusing a former U.S. president of murder? It’s incredible, it’s appalling, it’s humiliating … but, yes, he is the president all the same.

The certainty that Trump will descend ever deeper into sub-basements of “new lows” after this new low should not numb us to its newness and lowness.

Neither the practical impediments to  impeachment  and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment process, nor the foibles and failings of the candidates running to replace him, efface the fact that this presidency shames and disgraces the office every minute of every hour of every day. And even when it ends, however it ends, the shame will stain it still.

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Well now we know for sure that Trump and as good number of forum participants think alike. 

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
Epstein was placed on suicide watch last month but then taken off within about a week

On another thread, "conservative" after "conservative" claimed there had to be a murder conspiracy because Epstein was "on suicide watch". Turns out he wasnt on suicide watch. How many of those conservatives will retract what they said to me and others?

We cant have a good and decent country when the president of the United States is a god damn conspiracy nut. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    6 years ago
onservative" after "conservative" claimed there had to be a murder conspiracy because Epstein was "on suicide watch

Well, that's what the initial news reports claimed. Moreover, it was perfectly reasonable to assume that a man who just tried to kill himself in prison, would in fact be on suicide watch. Seems like watching someone who just tried to kill themselves would be the purpose of "suicide watch." 

How many Democratic Presidential candidates tweeted yesterday that Michael Brown was murdered?   5 years later and the conspiracy mongering still lives strong on the left. 

Professor Principal
6  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Going by this seed and the comments, all we can say is that Trumpsters are proud and happy that their president shames and embarrasses the country every day. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
8  Paula Bartholomew    6 years ago

What Trump spreads could fertilize every lawn in the US.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Paula Bartholomew @8    6 years ago

And a few other large countries around the world. However, they likely would not accept the donation due to the extreme foul order of the seriously contaminating substance. 

Professor Guide
9  Tacos!    6 years ago

I think he's trolling. He doesn't seem to be serious. Although maybe after the feds investigate, who knows? jrSmiley_29_smiley_image.gif

By the way #ClintonBodyCount was trending massively on Twitter, so he's not even close to being the only one. Retweeting stuff like this might be an effective tactic for picking up votes. There are some good ones in there.

Also by the way, the Twitter police were clearly trying to scrub it and replace it with "TrumpBodyCount" and other less popular tags. The numbers for Clinton were way higher and yet Twitter's algorithm was favoring the anti-Trump hashtag.

Professor Guide
9.1  MrFrost  replied to  Tacos! @9    6 years ago
I think he's trolling.

So you admit that trump has the maturity of a 12 year old...got it. You must be so proud. 

Professor Guide
9.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  MrFrost @9.1    6 years ago
You must be so proud

Why would that be? Are you trying to say something personal about me? I'm pretty sure I'm not the topic.

Professor Principal
10  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
I think he's trolling. 

The president of the United States is trolling.  And you think thats just fine? 

Professor Guide
10.1  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @10    6 years ago
And you think thats just fine?

The properly asked question is "Do you think that's just fine?" The answer is "no." However, I don't think it's the hair-pulling, teeth-gnashing, end-of-the-world situation that some people do. I wish he wouldn't do it, but he's going to do it whether I wish it or not. That should be clear by now.

Professor Principal
10.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Tacos! @10.1    6 years ago

[Deleted] You're not alone, I'll give you that much. 

Professor Guide
10.1.2  Tacos!  replied to  JohnRussell @10.1.1    6 years ago

removed for context

Professor Guide
11  MrFrost    6 years ago

List of conspiracies that trump has touted, (and many of his base believe every fucking one of them). 

lady in black
Professor Silent
11.1  lady in black  replied to  MrFrost @11    6 years ago

Tin foil sales must be way up.

Professor Quiet
13  Ronin2    6 years ago

So where is the left's indignation for these conspiracy theorists? Including on Democratic Presidential hopeful.

This wild speculation was not confined to a fringe minority - far from it. Politicians and high-profile journalists also stoked rampant speculation at a time when little information was publicly available. MSNBC host Joe Scarborough tweeted:

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said it was "way too convenient" that Epstein could no longer incriminate others.

"What a lot of us want to know is, what did he know?" he told reporters. "How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?"

Questions like these alluded, without evidence, to a malevolent conspiracy and fed the feverish speculation on social media.

Further rumours centred on how a man who was   found semi-conscious and with injuries to his neck just weeks earlier   was able to take his own life. Initial reports said Epstein was placed on suicide watch after that incident in July, which led many people to ask how he could have died while being so closely monitored.

"What does the word watch mean in the phrase suicide watch?" tweeted President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giulani. "Who was watching?" He then said it was "inconceivable" Epstein could have taken his own life under those circumstances.

But prison officials later said Epstein had actually been taken off suicide watch prior to his death. Conspiracy theories then began to focus on why this decision was made, rather than how he was able to take his own life.

The speculation, as was the case throughout Saturday, appeared to shift and change with the few concrete details that were released.

_108277239_gettyimages-681946576.jpg Image copyright GETTY IMAGES Image caption Jeffrey Epstein pictured with US President Donald Trump in 1997

Perhaps the most far-fetched conspiracy theories were pegged to the hashtags #ClintonBodyCount and #TrumpBodyCount, which both trended on Twitter over the weekend.

For example, a photo that appeared to show Mr Trump kissing the head of his daughter, Ivanka, while standing next to Epstein has been exposed as a fake. "The 1993 photograph... has been manipulated to include Epstein," the Associated Press reported last month.

Similarly, after Epstein's arrest on 6 July, some social media users shared a false claim that prosecutors had struck a secret plea deal with the financier under the administration of President Barack Obama in order to protect his fellow Democrat Mr Clinton. That theory resurfaced on Saturday.

But the deal, which allowed Epstein to plead guilty to lesser charges, was actually finalised before Mr Obama took office under the administration of President George W, Bush.   Labour Secretary Alex Acosta resigned over his role in the deal last month.

Meanwhile, some politicians and journalists have urged people to exercise caution given the sheer quantity of misinformation online.

Professor Principal
14  TᵢG    6 years ago

Right out of the script for " House of Cards ".  jrSmiley_100_smiley_image.jpg

Freshman Silent
15  freepress    6 years ago

Stoop as low as possible to deflect and play the blame game. Scapegoats are easy when he only uses 3 of them, Hillary/Clinton, Obama and the Media.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
16  Split Personality    6 years ago

Locked.  Absent author and many threads are more meta than on topic.


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