The Trump administration is drifting right into the icebergs

...The GOP's fortunes in Texas have long been propped up by low voter turnout . But the party's troubles in major metro areas finally showed up in Texas during the past two cycles, with Trump and Cruz saved only by incredible margins in rural, white areas . As Texas continues to grow exponentially, it has drawn migrants from more liberal states like New York and Illinois. These transplants aren't just snowbirds either, as a burgeoning tech industry has attracted the kind of socially liberal, college-educated young people who are most repelled by President Trump's racist antics. The state's 18-34 population grew at one of the highest rates in the country this decade, and Latinos are outpacing the white population in growth by a factor of 9-to-1. These are demographics that now vote decisively against Republicans, and they may very well tip the state to Democrats in 2020.
Losing Texas would be an extinction-level event for the national Republican Party. If the state experiences a runaway Democratification like California, it would be virtually impossible for a Republican to win the presidency. Even if Texas doesn't go blue in 2020, the GOP will be forced to spend considerable resources defending the president and vulnerable Sen. John Cornyn.
….The signature miscalculation here seems to be the blithe assumption that the Chinese government would quickly crumple under the administration's withering onslaught of tariffs and bellicose rhetoric and agree to massive structural changes. Instead, President Xi Jinping is dug in and prepared for a long standoff. Unlike the president, he has no campaign to worry about, regards Trump's re-election as contrary to China's best interests and is willing to absorb economic losses indefinitely. The fact that this did not occur to anyone in Trumpworld is just the latest indictment of an administration that scorns expertise and hard-gained, country-specific knowledge in international politics.
The escalating trade confrontation with China, which has rattled markets, increased prices and wrecked sectors of the American economy, isn't the only problem out there. The British government is game-planning for total chaos if Prime Minister Boris Johnson follows through with his no-deal Brexit threats — another needless calamity egged on by the dunderheaded chaos agents in the White House. Several of the world's largest economies, including Brazil and Germany, are facing recessions. Economic turmoil, like the flu, is contagious. And the president and his allies have thrown away their hospital masks.
...In an administration as chaotic and persistently mismanaged as the Trump administration, it is hard to point to a single unifying factor to explain the troubles. But nearly a year after Republicans lost the House of Representatives to Democrats, it has become ever clearer that President Trump lacks any semblance of a plan for the back end of his first term. His half-baked forays into North Korea negotiations, Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, and Iranian arm-twisting have collapsed under the weight of their own flimsiness.
Lacking the Congressional majorities to pursue even a single legislative priority and bereft of the magnanimity or imagination to work with still-pliant Democrats, the president appears to be at a loss about what to do with his time. In his former life, he could careen from one busted investment to another, moving into reality TV or steaks or ketchup or fake universities, and then walk away when his endeavors blew up in someone else's face. Yet this hufflepuff approach to decision-making and planning, while it might have kept his family business floating for years on laundered money, wage theft, and sorcery, is proving to be a lousy fit for presidenting.
Here's how things might look for Trump early next year — the House is holding nationally televised impeachment hearings, in the process obtaining documents and testimony that have thus far been denied to them by the administration's total stonewalling of congressional oversight. The president melts down reliably every few hours on Twitter, issuing ALL CAPS denunciations of allies and adversaries and ratcheting up racist attacks on Democrats. No-deal Brexit has pushed the Eurozone into a recession, and the U.S. stock market has bled out thousands of points as the economy teeters on the brink. Meanwhile, Republicans have essentially conceded the House to Democrats and are playing defense in Texas as opinion polls continue to show a close race for the presidency and Cornyn's critical Senate seat.
How will all of this look to voters? Imagine if the passengers on the Titanic had all watched the captain steer the ship into its fatal iceberg encounter.
Another extinction of the Republican Party article? How many times has that been predicted?
I remember that after Obama was elected it was supposed to be the end of the Republican Party. Bush Jr had destroyed the Republican Party. It was over.
Low and behold the Republicans took back the House, then the Senate, and then the Presidency.
The people that write these articles seem to forget that politics runs in cycles. I am sure if the Democrats retake the White House, expand their control in the House, and somehow manage to regain the Senate- they will pull an over reach of power like the PPACA and be cast out again in favor of the Republicans.
We only have 2 Establishment parties. It isn't like any third parties are out there capable of upending things.
Probably an many times as the extinction of the Democrats has been predicted...
Same difference.
We have an Establishment two party system. Whichever party is out of favor the other will be able to take over.
Trump is still on the path to do what Bannon wanted and tear it all down to the ground. No matter who it hurts, no matter what the cost. No leadership creates chaos and that is the goal of people who want to profit from chaos.
The Trump administration is drifting right into the icebergs
Actually the Trump Administration is the iceberg and it has effectively ripped the bottom out of our Ship of State and torn its rudder.
Trump Administration drifting into an iceberg?
Nah, the administration is the iceberg----and it is melting.
After all, Jews that support Choice and Justice are uninformed and disloyal. Right?
As far as Texas----------take the plunge. "What have you got to lose?" DJT. Right?