
Op-Ed When he’s not lying he sounds crazy


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  28 comments

Op-Ed  When he’s not lying he sounds crazy
Republicans are too embarrassed or too delusional to put an end to this dangerous, frightful situation. They even want to give him another term. That might be even crazier than Trump.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

When he says he wants to make a deal with China or that he’s losing money while president , you have absolutely no idea if he is telling the truth.

When he’s not lying he sounds crazy

AUGUST 27, 2019


Apparently, President Trump will lie about anything. He lies that his wife has gotten to know North Korea  President Kim Jong Un.  They’ve never met. He lies that Russia was excluded from the Group of Eight (now Group of Seven) because Vladimir Putin got the better of former president Barack Obama (and then lied that the other members agree with him); in fact, the members collectively threw Russia out for invading and  occupying Ukraine. (“Asked why he continued to falsely blame Obama for the annexation of Crimea, as he did almost a dozen times Monday, the president suggested that he knew the black journalist asking the question, Yamiche Alcindor of PBS News, had an ulterior motive.”) He lied that he had concluded a trade deal with Japan when in fact there was only a deal “in principle.”

He lies about calls from Chinese officials:

Trump claimed to have gotten two phone calls on Sunday night from high-ranking Chinese officials seeking to negotiate a trade deal. “High-level calls,” he said. Chinese government officials said Monday that they were unaware of any such calls. When Trump asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to back him up, Mnuchin would only say there had been “communication,” avoiding the word “call.” The treasury secretary quickly interjected again Monday afternoon to add “communications.”

CNN’s Daniel Dale , who tracks Trump’s untruths, counted “at least 8 false claims in his G7 presser, plus at least 5 more misleading/questionable/lacking in key context. (Those included his suggestion that doing mandatory environmental impact statements as a developer makes him an environmentalist.)”

When he says he wants to make a deal with China or that he’s losing money while president (despite reaping the benefit of leaders who stay at his properties), you have absolutely no idea if he is telling the truth. (If you play the odds, these are likely untrue as well.) You almost sympathize with the Chinese negotiators trying to figure out what Trump actually thinks is true, let alone what he wants in a deal.

When he is not lying, Trump sounds crazy. (“He described both Iran and North Korea in terms of their real estate potential, saying the countries would want to deal with Trump because they sit on valuable, or gentrifying, properties. . . . He showed no concern that the North Korean dictator had violated U.N. resolutions by firing missiles, instead saying that Kim would not personally disappoint Trump.”) He wants to consider extending loans to the mullahs. (Yes, he keeps claiming Obama “gave” Iran $150 billion, which itself is  false .)

Stephen Roach , a senior fellow at Yale University and the former Morgan Stanley Asia chairman, said on CNBC, “The president has almost become unhinged in dealing with China on a day-to-day basis. . . . Having gone through this back and forth on the on again-off again trade deal, the president and his advisors have really lost their credibility in assessing the state of play in this trade conflict.”

He is certainly not alone. The  Associated Press  quotes a toy company CEO: "We are on Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride. Never have we ever experienced such an unhinged practice of governance. It’s out of control and outrageous.”

Trump uses the press conference to do an infomercial for his Doral golf club, suggesting he will host the next G-7. He calls climate change a “niche” issue and describes himself as an environmentalist despite rolling back  Environmental Protection Agency regulations allowing energy development on former public lands, rolling back the Endangered Species Act and championing coal.

The good news is that mainstream news organizations are calling out the lies and pointing out the crazy talk. Now they need to start asking each and every Republican whether they agree with his assertions and/or think the trade negotiations are in good hands. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) once said he feared giving Trump the nuclear codes. What about now?

We know that if he were the CEO of a public company,he’d have been relieved of his duties weeks if not months ago. However, Republicans are too embarrassed or too delusional to put an end to this dangerous, frightful situation.  They even want to give him another term . That might be even crazier than Trump.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
Republicans are too embarrassed or too delusional to put an end to this dangerous, frightful situation. They even want to give him another term. That might be even crazier than Trump.

Republicans and conservatives want us to have 5 more years of Trump lying to the nation and the world every day. Are they out they minds? 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  JohnRussell @1    6 years ago
Are they out they minds? 

Do you really still have to ask?

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.1    6 years ago

NT requires politeness. 

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

They always tell me that the reason I oppose Trump is because he is succeeding (in implementing conservative policies).  Actually that has nothing to do with it. We have had conservative presidents before and Reagan got a lot more enacted that Trump has been able to do, and I never criticized Reagan much.  And anyway, I have been attacking Trump since long before he had the power to implement or try to implement any policies. Trump's effort to become president was ludicrous from the beginning. He was the king birther and a known pathological liar on the day in June 2015 that he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. 

If Marco Rubio had become president in 2016 I wouldnt like it but I would not be seeding articles about him all the time. 

The president of the United States should not be a psychologically damaged serial liar, con man, crook and cheat. Not even for one day, let alone 8 years. It's bad enough that people voted for him one time, given all that was known about him before the 2016 election. People who want to vote for him again in 2020, after all we have seen, are a detriment to this nation. 

Professor Principal
3  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

My two secret admirers follow me around. 

Professor Principal
4  JBB    6 years ago

Thank goodness we will finally be rid of Our National Embarrassment in just under a year and a half. I kind of hope Trump actually refuses to leave peacefully so that we can all see him dragged away kicking and screaming like Julian Assange, Of course, there is no telling what lasting damages he will inflict upon our nation in the meantime. We have been through a lot of hard bad times before and so I remain hopeful we can abide this and finally move on from such foolishness. Trumpism will go down in history as a morality tale about the consequences of voter hubris. Trumpism will finally be a mere shitstain in American History...

Professor Principal
4.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JBB @4    6 years ago

JBB, it's always funny to watch the NT right try to spin articles like this one. Nothing about the article at all, just whining about why are liberals so obsessed with trump or why do they care about what he says or does. 

They know that his blatherings, idiocies and lies are indefensible so they dont even go there.  They go straight to trying to belittle Trumps critics. 

Professor Principal
4.2.3  JBB  replied to  JohnRussell @4.2    6 years ago

In their hearts they know Trump is a liar who has no chance for reelection... 

Professor Quiet
5  bbl-1    6 years ago

Wouldn't get in to much of a twist over the Trump's lying or what ever it is on any given day.

When it is shown and proven that the Trump and his family's loans through Deutsche Bank were cosigned by Russian oligarchs----it will then be clear as to why it is prudent and necessary for the Trump and everyone in his orbit to 'have the lie as a staple of solace.'


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