Trump's mental confusion increases-- now he's starting to attack Fox News!!!

His tweets made explicit Trump's long-held belief that Fox belongs to him and his supporters.

Photo: FAKT24 VS.Polityka - Psychiatrzy zdiagnozowali Donalda Trumpa
His tweets made explicit Trump's long-held belief that Fox belongs to him and his supporters. Despite daily cheerleading from "Fox & Friends" in the morning all the way until "The Ingraham Angle" at night, Trump suggests that the network is not sufficiently loyal to him.
"We have to start looking for a new News Outlet," he tweeted on Wednesday, inadvertently lending credence to critics' claims that Fox is akin to state-run TV.
The network had a White House spokesman on the air just a few minutes later -- but evidently that's not good enough for Trump.
The president has lodged complaints about Fox more than a dozen times this year, oftentimes when he sees Democratic candidates and analysts on the air.
His tweets appear to be an intensifying pressure campaign to keep the network "in line," so to speak.
Fox is turning left as time goes on. Pretty obvious to everyone.
Still not as bad as CNN and MSNBC.
"Turning Left" is an understatement!
(What's next for them I wonder? Soon they won't be hiring "the best". Oh no-- they will be hiring murderers! And Rapists! And Drug dealers!)
Kamerad Trump is Korreckt!
Da, Kamerad Greg Jones!
I wouldn't be surprised if soon Faux News will start playing this every night when they sign off!
Sometimes I wonder just how many Russian bots we have here creating fights in the name of divisiveness.
Interesting point!
I hadn't really thought about it,but perhaps some of the mentally-challenged right wing trolls we see here aren't actually real people at all...but rather they are merely Russian bots!
Trump sounds like Charlie Brown, everybody is picking on me...
Good point-- he's definitely sounding more and more like a paranoid whiny little brat!
(And now, for your listening pleasure, in honour of our "Dear Leader", The Newstalkers proudly present...a tribute to Donald Trump!)
There there Cpt Cheeto. Your former lap dog Ms Sarah will there with a glass of warm milk and your blanky. Then she will tuck you into bed and read Putin's latest love letter to you so that you can drift off.
I think he may have already drifted off...
Good point.
So, Fox News really is fair and balanced! How 'bout that!
I suppose there's a first time for everything.
What this shows is that the lie liberals have been pushing is Fox is not beholden to the President...unlike many liberal outlets were for Obama for 8 years.
Should tell folks ….. Trump ain't a "Partisan" BOT !
He'll go after ANYONE if he doesn't like it !
Refreshing to see.