
WONKETTE : ​What's Better Than Trump's Worst Poll Ever? TWO Trump's Worst Polls Evers!


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Via:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  19 comments

WONKETTE : ​What's Better Than Trump's Worst Poll Ever? TWO Trump's Worst Polls Evers!
Guess folks don't love watching Trump draw dicks on hurricane maps and call them Van Goghs for a solid week, or fight stupid trade wars he's not going to win, or any number of other dumbass things he does in a common day of being "president."

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

​What's Better Than Trump's Worst Poll Ever? TWO Trump's Worst Polls Evers!

by   Evan Hurst


Guys, we think maybe Donald Trump is not very popular with people who are American. We know, we know, he had the hugest  number of free tickets available at the last minute to his  inauguration, and he was elected by a  solid  minority of Americans in Buttfuck, Alabama, whose votes count more than those who live in cities, because reasons.

But he's never had an approval rating of 50 percent, and if the polls this week are any indication, he might have to stick with being impressed with himself when he manages to hit 40 percent.

Shall we look at some polling pornography, or as we like to call it, poll porn? We shall.

First, let's check in with President Reality-Knower:

Sorry, Dickface, no Rasmussens for you today!

So yes, the new ABC/ Washington Post   poll  shows Trump with a 38 PERCENT approval rating. Guess folks don't love watching Trump  draw dicks on hurricane maps  and call them Van Goghs for a solid week, or fight stupid trade wars he's not going to win, or any number of other dumbass things he does in a common day of being "president." And know how Trump is very worried about "economy," and is pretty sure America will just drop all its objections and fall in love with him, because "economy"? He's only got a 46 percent approval rating on that, and fully 60 percent of Americans think Trump's recession is coming. For comparison's sake, the  Washington Post   notes  that in 2007, that number was 69 percent. And what happened soon after 2007?

The numbers get crazier when you dive deeper. Trump's approval rating among women is only 30 percent, whereas menfolk are evenly split, with 47 percent approving and 47 percent hating his guts, like all good patriotic Americans do. (That, by the way, is pretty much exactly the split he's got with white people at the moment. Stupid men. Stupid white people. Stupid white people men.)

Here's how Trump is doing in that poll against various Democrats:


By the way, the margin looks smaller for Pete Buttigieg, but bear in mind that according to this very poll, fully 38 percent of folks still have "no opinion" of Buttigieg, which means 38 percent of folks still have no fuckin' clue who he is. Even with Kamala Harris, 26 percent have no fuckin' clue. Name recognition for the top three is much higher.

Anyway, enjoy the full crosstabs on that poll  right here,  if you are a POLL DORK.

As we said, there's another one for us to look at, and it is from FAKE NEWS FAILING LIEMOUTH CNN.

The  CNN poll  shows Trump's approval rating at 39 percent, so basically the same as the other poll. (Wonder if the polls talked to each other to make sure their FAKE NEWS was the same. They probably did. WITCH HUNT!) Trump also gets super-low marks in the 30s on immigration and foreign policy and gun policy and the environment and trade. His only "high point" is the economy, which ... just kidding, he's still only at a 48 percent approval there, and that's because his recession hasn't started yet. WOMP WOMP.

What this poll REALLY tells us, though, is that a supermajority of Americans understands that Donald Trump is a fucking liar who lies about hurricanes and lies about his crowd sizes and lies about his ties to Russia and his net worth and everything else.

Jesus, look at this:


First of all, who are the nine percent of Americans who trust "almost all" of what they hear from the White House? Because they are clearly so stupid, it causes us to worry about their personal safety when conducting normal day-to-day tasks like swallowing.

But look at the rest of it! Fully 71 PERCENT of Americans either trust NOT SHIT or "just some" of what comes out of the White House. That is ... encouraging! And remarkable! And also kind of scary that the president is such a pathological liar, because what happens if something truly terrible happens in this country? We are cognizant that we are writing this on the 18th anniversary of 9/11. Can you imagine what would happen in a similar situation today? Nobody would believe a fucking word the White House said.

That said, if Trump tries to pull a Reichstag Fire, possibly with the help of his little buddy Putin, in order to make Americans panic and re-elect him, it's good to have advance confirmation that most Americans will tell him to go fuck himself.

Oh yeah, speaking of the election, the CNN poll says only 36 percent say he deserves a second term, while 60 percent say not just no but fuck no.

Guess everybody's just sick of all the winning.

[ ABC/Washington Post poll  /  CNN poll ]


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
What this poll REALLY tells us, though, is that a supermajority of Americans understands that Donald Trump is a fucking liar who lies about hurricanes and lies about his crowd sizes and lies about his ties to Russia and his net worth and everything else.

Jesus, look at this:

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1    6 years ago

Here's another poll for ya: 

"In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released Tuesday, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate."

And now that the liberal media is obviously in the tank for Liz Warren, a Socialist candidate is just what the democrats will nominate. Show me the polls on the eve of election night - like you did with the 2016 election!

Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

This f*ckin guy.

Same basic lies, different iterations, but same basic lies.

This time, President   PussyAss B*tch   vomited his September 11 lies at the Pentagon memorial service, and they were doozies.

I was sitting at home watching a major business television show early that morning, Jack Welch, the legendary head of General Electric was about to be interviewed when all of a sudden they cut away. At first there were different reports. It was a boiler fire, but I knew that boilers aren't at the top of a building. It was a kitchen explosion, in Windows On The World. Nobody really knew what happened, there was great confusion. I was looking out of a window from a building at midtown Manhattan directly at the World Trade Center when I saw a second plane at a tremendous speed go into the second tower. It was then that I realized that the world was going to change. I was no longer going to be, and it could never ever be that innocent place that I thought it was. Soon after, I went down to Ground Zero with men who worked for me to try to help in any little way that we could. We were not alone. So many others were scattered around trying to do the same. They were all trying to help.

He watched the second plane with his own eyes fly "at tremendous speed" into the second tower of the World Trade Center. All the way from his home in midtown Manhattan. Dude can't read "Bahamas" in 156 font size from a teleprompter 4 feet from his bloated face, but he was able to spot this plane. From nearly four miles away. Okay, Paw-Paw.

Then Taliban Trump (Thanks,   Rep. Eric Swalwell ...) says he "soon after" went down to Ground Zero with his employees to help "any little way" they could. Sure, he did. This lie has been   debunked so many damn times , it's ridiculous. But in reality, we don't need proof. All we need is his own behavior and our own common sense to know this is a flat-out lie. Does he ever help anyone with anything? He's a narcissist. Do the math.

Let's not forget his biggest, best lie of all from today...so far, remember, the day is young. As I write, it's only 11:30 a.m.

"It was then that I realized that the world was going to change. I was no longer going to be, and it could never ever be that innocent place that I thought it was."


Trump EVER thought he was innocent? (Use as many meanings of the word "innocent" as you like.) He sure as hell never thought the world was innocent. He's one of the most cynical and depraved son-of-a-b*tches that ever lived. How else can you account for the fact that one of the first things he did after the Towers fell was to   get on live TV and brag   that one of the buildings HE owned was now the tallest building in Manhattan?

[Alan] Marcus asked whether Trump’s 40 Wall Street building had suffered any damage. Before getting into his response about his Financial District property, the businessman had something he wanted on the record. “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest,” Trump said in the WWOR interview. “And now it’s the tallest.”

Well, good for you, Donald. Good for you. Eighteen years later, he's still at it.

Professor Participates
2.1  1stwarrior  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

Wow John - eight (8) seeds/threads/articles about Trump on the FP today.  Going for a new record?

Professor Principal
2.1.2  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  1stwarrior @2.1    6 years ago

Now 1st, I know you love you some Donald Trump big time, but no need to tell stories like he does.   I seeded 4 articles today. 

Professor Principal
2.1.3  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  1stwarrior @2.1    6 years ago

Did you know only 9 percent of Americans believe the president every time he says something? 

Professor Participates
2.1.4  1stwarrior  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1.3    6 years ago

And did you know that only .0005% of NTr's believe anything that you post?  When you get back to posting your regular, interesting seeds/threads/articles, that will definitely increase.

Right now, the very, very vast majority of responders are the one-liner bashers attempting to be supportive of anything you post.

You should listen to the non-bashers John - you really should.

Professor Principal
2.1.6  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  1stwarrior @2.1.4    6 years ago

are you trying to say you cant count to 8 ? 

thats too bad

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
3  Citizen Kane-473667    6 years ago


Sorry, did I opine on this trash piece out loud???

Guess everybody's just sick of all the winning.

Guess what? It isn't the T-Rump supporters you have to worry about, it's all of the (I)'s you've pushed away with all of your attacks of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and being gun nuts.

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @3    6 years ago

That doesnt make any sense. Did you send us your best?

Freshman Silent
4  freepress    6 years ago

His supporters are dwindling as each of them gets hit with the economic impact from more coal mines closing, more steel jobs lost, farmers losing their farms or taking bailout money, and factories not returning to create more jobs. The jobs reports don't match the gains of 2012 to 2016 and riding the wave of the Obama years has ended. The only jobs being created now and every economist regardless of politics say it is service sector jobs that are showing modest growth. 


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