Trump is prepared to go to war against U.S. intelligence agencies

President Trump has relentlessly attacked U.S. intelligence agencies.
The White House is trying to prevent the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from viewing a whistleblower complaint detailing President Donald Trump’s repeated attempts to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into investigating the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic contender to challenge Trump for the presidency in 2020.
Given Trump’s refusal to cooperate with nearly a dozen other congressional investigations, this episode will most likely end in another stalemate. And polls suggest that the public is tuning out the Trump administration’s daily reality-TV dramas.
But regardless of whether the Ukraine scandal remains front-page news, it will haunt the U.S. intelligence community, which has been Trump’s bête noire since the day he took office.
Desperate to demonstrate his own power and accomplishments, Trump will be even less careful with classified information in the runup to the 2020 election.
can he be ?
Trump has relentlessly attacked U.S. intelligence agencies, cozied up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and divulged secrets to foreign officials , potentially burning high-value sources. This behavior had already raised serious concerns about whether Trump can be trusted to receive sensitive intelligence at all.
Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.
The man is a putz. We deserve better. Lock him up!
he said from the beginning...….."Drain the Swamp" !
How honest is our intelligence community anyway ?
How honest is our president anyway?
Your comment tells me "You don't know either !
The "Intelligence Agency" has been around the halls of "Politics", a lot longer than Trump !
Read it again-- more slowly and carefully this time.
(Because it wasn;t acrtually a comment-- rather it was a question I was asking you!!!)
Read my comment
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