
Do fish feel pain?


Category:  Fields and Streams

Via:  buzz-of-the-orient  •  5 years ago  •  31 comments

Do fish feel pain?

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Do fish feel pain?

By Christian Cotroneo, Mother Nature Network, September 28, 2019


One creature in this photo has the upper hand. (Photo: Irina Tarzian/Shutterstock)

As a species, we may moan about it louder, but we hardly have the exclusive rights to pain.

We've certainly seen a dog nursing a wound. Or a deer calling out in distress. But many animals suffer in silence, and we're only too happy to refrain from asking them how they feel — lest it should ruin dinner.

But science keeps rearing its pesky head.

Do we feel differently about our bug-smushing ways when we learn that a   fruit fly can feel pain ? Or how about a   lobster , waiting for that boiling pot of water?

The most silent sufferers in the animal world may be fish. We've been plucking them from the sea for thousands of years — and recently, with such wholesale efficiency that we may   empty the oceans .

Again, science is here to put our love for herring in a real pickle.

A new study from the University of Liverpool   published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B   has found that fish feel pain in a way that's "strikingly similar" to humans. In fact, like us, they hyperventilate and stop eating when they're hurting. They will even rub the part of their body that aches.

For the study, Lynne Sneddon, from the university's Institute of Integrative Biology, reviewed the existing body of research — 98 studies in all — and concluded that they feel pain just as sharply as we do.

"When subject to a potentially painful event, fishes show adverse changes in behaviour such as suspension of feeding and reduced activity, which are prevented when a pain-relieving drug is provided," Sneddon   notes in a university release .


We don't know if goldfish feel the existential pain of spending their lives in a bowl, but they do feel pain. (Photo: MilousSK/Shutterstock)

To understand pain in other species,   scientists look at nociceptors , specialized receptors that send signals to the spinal cord and brain when the body is being damaged. Humans have them throughout their skin, bones and muscles. Nociceptors have also been found in many other species, including sea slugs, mollusks and even those tiny fruit flies.

Fish have the same means to detect pain signals. But scientists have long pondered whether they have the equipment to receive them. In other words, can the single-layered forebrain of a fish process pain the same way that the much more complex mind of a primate does?

To find the answer, researchers have looked at how animals respond to potentially painful stimuli.

"When the fish's lips are given a painful stimulus they rub the mouth against the side of the tank much like we rub our toe when we stub it," Sneddon says.

Besides, the old anglers' adage that fish feel no pain just doesn't add up from an evolutionary perspective. Pain is an efficient messenger that tells us that we've got a problem. An animal that can't feel it won't get that memo, even if hurts itself.

"If we accept fish experience pain, then this has important implications for how we treat them," Sneddon says. "Care should be taken when handling fish to avoid damaging their sensitive skin and they should be humanely caught and killed."


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

If I read enough of these articles I'm going to want to become a vegetarian. 

Professor Expert
1.3  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1    5 years ago

So stop reading these articles!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.3.1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @1.3    5 years ago

Actually, although it's reputed that the Chinese eat a lot of pork, my wife is a great cook and I eat more vegetables here than ever before.  I do believe it's healthier.

Professor Expert
1.3.2  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.3.1    5 years ago
Actually, although it's reputed that the Chinese eat a lot of pork, my wife is a great cook and I eat more vegetables here than ever before.  I do believe it's healthier.

Ok-- but just make sure that when you kill the vegetables you catch (before cooking them)-- you kill them in a humane fashion!

P.S: You are correct-- there's a lot of research that indicates eating more veggies is healthier!

Professor Expert
1.4  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1    5 years ago


Actually if you keep reading these articles there will be nothing left to eat!

A number of studies have shown that plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often eaten while still alive. Animal rights activists are often in the news, but has anyone ever protested for vegetable rights? (LINK)

OMG-- that's horrible! 

Plants eaten while still alive? T hat's Cannabalism.

Heck-- its worse than Cannabalism.

(Where is PETA when you need them?)

Professor Expert
1.4.1  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.4    5 years ago

And on a related note:

Do Plants Like Music?

Do plants have feelings? Can they hear sounds? Do they like music?

Professor Expert
1.4.2  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.4.1    5 years ago

Perhaps soon we will see online dating sites for people who are looking for a relationship with a plant?

Professor Expert
1.4.3  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.4.2    5 years ago

I once knew a guy who was going steady with some sort of vine. 

But he broke it off because he said that she was "too clingy".

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.4.5  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna @1.4.2    5 years ago
"Perhaps soon we will see online dating sites for people who are looking for a relationship with a plant?"

Prince Charles could be its sponsor.

Professor Quiet
1.5  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1    5 years ago

I'm thinking the article was probably written by one!

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
2  Paula Bartholomew    5 years ago

It all  comes down to if there are pain receptors or not.

Masters Quiet
4  Enoch    5 years ago

"Do fish feel pain"?

I would imagine so.

Particularly if their homes and mortgages are under water.

Do plants enjoy music?

Not sure about this one. 

Never seen a plant dance to a lively tune.

I do believe that poultry have feelings.

Some attend group therapy sessions.

Those attending are known as Kentucky Freud Chickens.

Yours in A Bucket.

Col. Harlan Enoch.


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