Fox News: Pentagon planners scramble to produce strategy following sudden withdrawal of US troops from Northern Syria

Pentagon planners scramble to produce strategy following sudden withdrawal of US troops from Northern Syria.
A senior U.S. military officer, still actively serving, described the mood at the Pentagon as 'aghast' and 'horrified'. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports.
I spoke this morning to one seasoned Pentagon planner who oversaw the last five years of the war to destroy ISIS.This senior military officer still actively serving described the mood here at the Pentagon as "aghast", "horrified", a story that can't be untold.
He went on to say that U.S. strategy all over the world is based on partnership, now the narrative is the U.S. military is only your friend when it is convenient.
We don't know what to do this high level Pentagon planner told me moments ago adding "We know what not to do and for the past two years this building told senior leaders in the White House not to do this".
I spoke to one U.S. soldier on the ground yesterday who described the feeling of shame he and the other American forces feel abandoning their Kurdish partners . . .
Related : Israelis Watch U.S. Abandon Kurds, And Worry: Who’s Next?
I spoke this morning to one seasoned Pentagon planner who oversaw the last five years of the war to destroy ISIS.This senior military officer still actively serving described the mood here at the Pentagon as "aghast", "horrified", a story that can't be untold.
He went on to say that U.S. strategy all over the world is based on partnership, now the narrative is the U.S. military is only your friend when it is convenient.
I spoke to one U.S. soldier on the ground yesterday who described the feeling of shame he and the other American forces feel abandoning their Kurdish partners . . .
Most of the fighting on the ground in Syria against ISIS-- and by far most of the casualties, have been borne by our Kurdish allies.
Now the president has ordered the military to betray the Kurds, to "stab them in the back".
Our soldier there who know the real situation is are horrified-- but they know they must follow the orders to collude with the genocidal orders of the "Draft Dodger in Chief".
How could you possibly have it so ass backwards?
The lives of those American soldiers in their effort to eliminate ISIS/ISIL are DEPENDANT on the Kurds.
"I know more than the generals, believe me." DJT.
Putin, Assad, Erdogan and Iran is pleased. End of story.
I think it would be great if the Kurds lived a better existence, but creating a sovereign state of Kurdistan is not why the American military was in Syria. The Kurds helped us defeat ISIS, and that's great, but it does not obligate us to solve all the core problems Kurds have in the countries they occupy. It can't.
The Kurds took advantage of the Syrian civil war by moving into an area that Syria had controlled pretty well before the war. Only the fact of Syria have to deploy its forces to a different location combined with the US arming the Kurds (for the purpose of killing ISIS terrorists) allowed the Kurds to move into that area. Does that mean they should own it forever? How come people don't take that view about the occupied territories in Israel?
What could be our legal justification for going to war with a country who - by treaty (i.e. NATO) - is a long-time military ally? Turkey's regime is terrible, but like it or not, they are our ally. Without a declaration from Congress, what could be Trump's justification for committing troops to fight against that ally? You can't just go attacking any old country, or any old army because you feel bad for the people living there.
Well, you could, but you'd be at war a lot.
I've been thinking about Mr. Trump's methods. Though it sucks that the kurds are losing precious life, I wonder if he is doing just what you said. Playing Congress to do as you suggest. He gets the blessing and blows the shit out of the Turks justified by "humanitarianism" and the US Congress then cannot diss the operation. We know where they are and the more they gather in that area, the more we can pick off. It's sick I know but stranger things have happened I suppose. Maybe just a warning strike of pretty big proportion to let them no this is no Obama crayon in the sand............
The Kurds are also way better off militarily than they were just a few years ago. We may not be fighting alongside them right this minute, but we did arm and train them to kill ISIS and they still have the weapons and training - something Syrian and Turkish leadership has complained about. I'm sure they'll be using those assets to kill Turks. In that way, we have already helped them more than anyone on the planet.