Fox News: Mattis says ISIS 'will resurge' in Syria following Trump's move to withdraw US troops

A retired United States Marine Corps general, Mattis served in the Persian Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. (Photo: Wikipedia)
Former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis criticized President Trump’s decision to remove American troops from Syria, saying in his first public comments on the matter that the Islamic State now “will resurge” in the region.
"I think Secretary of State Pompeo, the intelligence services, the foreign countries that are working with us have it about right that ISIS is not defeated,” Mattis said. during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
“We have got to keep the pressure on ISIS so they don't recover."
Mattis’ comments come after Trump announced that he was pulling troops from Syria, greenlighting an invasion by Turkey of the war-torn region and stirring up strong bipartisan criticism from lawmakers in Washington that he was endangering regional stability and risking the lives of Syrian Kurdish allies who brought down the Islamic State group in Syria.
"You can pull your troops out, as President Obama learned the hard way, out of Iraq, but the 'enemy gets the vote' as we say in the military,” Mattis said. “And in this case, if we don't keep the pressure on then ISIS will resurge. It's, it's absolutely a given that they will come back.”
A retired United States Marine Corps general, Mattis served in the Persian Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. (Photo: Wikipedia)
"I think Secretary of State Pompeo, the intelligence services, the foreign countries that are working with us have it about right that ISIS is not defeated,” Mattis said. during an interview on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
“We have got to keep the pressure on ISIS so they don't recover."
I have total confidence in Jim Mattis. I thought that along with Barr, Pompeo & Mick Mulvaney, Mattis was one of Trump's best appointments. So what happened to the Trump idea of letting the Generals have maximum input into foreign policy? Election time is my guess. Bringing the troops home from the middle east is proving to be one of the hardest thing for any president to do.
"You can pull your troops out, as President Obama learned the hard way, out of Iraq, but the 'enemy gets the vote' as we say in the military,” Mattis said. “And in this case, if we don't keep the pressure on then ISIS will resurge. It's, it's absolutely a given that they will come back.”
President Obama made the mistake of pulling troops out prematurely-- leading to the resurgence of ISIS. And Republicans criticized Obama for creating that mess...
Now Trump is basically doing the same thing by prematurely pulling troops out of Syria...will Republicans make similar comments? Or will they be hypocrites and not tell the truth and support tTrump in doing what Obama did...solely because of partisan politics?
They will not tell the truth and support Crooked donnie
The Turks are now executing Kurdish civilians. You can expect Kurdish retaliation against us not only overseas but on our own soil. Trump has turned an ally into an enemy with his betrayal. WTG asshole.
Yep, he has handed Syria over to our enemies and has turned the only competent group in the region against us.
Fuck he is stupid.
Ya think?
I have seen a few videos and pictures coming out the region. I will not post them here. They are disturbing. One video, a woman is holding her two kids, (ages....6-7...ish?), both are dead, pools of blood all around her.
This is a direct result of trump's actions, that is blood on trump's hands and all because of his business ventures in Turkey. Makes me sick.
Not like he gives a shit. Trump has never had to sacrifice or face any sort of hardship in his entire life. I am 100% positive that he would argue that the impeachement process he is undergoing in the house is far worse than anything that woman has gone through.
Gotta defend those Saudi refineries don't you know...…. Much more important than the lives of those that fought on our behalf as allies.
According to Trump... "of course you idiot, fuck lives."
Yep, that's pretty much it..
Donald Trump, the ISIS enabler.
The ISIL Enabler, and also, the enabler of ISIL's
wtf ? how do trump supporters justify tis lie...
No doubt ISIS will resurge. Trump apparently does not comprehend that the costs (money and human beings) of keeping a lid on terrorism is far less than putting the lid on it in the first place.
Trump does not comprehend where he is on a minute to minute basis.
This is an unmitigated disaster. Now we also have our own forces caught between two advancing armies.
No shit Mattis.