Trump Lackey Mulvaney's Story On Ukraine Aid Holdup Given Four Pinocchios By Top Rated Fact Checker
Last week someone at Newstalkers posted an article that "rated" the fact checker sites. The Washing Post site received the highest rating
Washington Post
Headed and staffed by a team of highly respected, seasoned journalists, their reveals are stringently factual, well written and researched. They are not dry reads, highlighted and summarized by Pinnochio-ish nose icons that rate the veracity of various claims. Checks are often initiated by readers' inquiries, which are encouraged.
★★★★★ Five stars.
Keeping that in mind consider that this respected fact checker has given Donald Trump and his footsoldier Mick Mulvaney
for Mulvaney's claim that the aid was held up to Ukraine as a way of forcing that government to do better on the general subject of "corruption.
The Fact Checker says
As far as we can tell, Trump’s concern is limited to Joe Biden and the DNC server.
So, without any evidence in support, and much evidence to the contrary, we give Trump and Mulvaney’s claim Four Pinocchios.
On the other side of the coin, some people are not impressed by facts.
Talk about your ultimate Trumpers. They all look orange in that picture.
By the way, the facts laid out in this article , in and of itself, points out impeachable conduct on the part of President* Trump.
All the Democrats need to do is read this article into the Congressional record and they have viable articles of impeachment.
That is why we are seeing things like the Republican Trumpsters invading the impeachment hearing room.
These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes ) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources.
Not too bad angels either.
Face it. Left, right or center we are all sick of Trump!
No, no we all aren't.
Some of are sick of Democrat shit. For over 3 years nothing but Impeach! Hurry up already or go the fuck away! Some of us have other things to do than hear the left's incessant whining about all things Trump.
Find out what happens when the House goes for impeachment; and the Senate rejects it. The Republicans did with Bill Clinton; and the Dems even admitted he committed perjury, and obstructed. But he had that all important D behind his name- so in their minds it didn't amount to an impeachable offense. The Republicans paid the price with the voters- even after being completely open about both the investigation and trial. Just think what the repercussions the left will face for their secretive Impeachment inquiry.
I'm still trying to figure out how you consider Clinton impeachment good and Trump bad. And how you think the Clinton one progressed. Do you remember the private Starr investigation? And every rule dems are following now are either constitutional or put in by republicans. All fine, and republicans are represented in the closed depositions, so what is the issue? When the articles of impeachment are voted on, the world will see the evidence and Trump and republicans can explain themselves. That is the way its done. I don't believe conservatives really want this all to be public, watch when it does all come out all the whining will intensify.
I think he meant the ones who are tired of a POTUS breaking laws for his own enrichment.
Mulvaney's lying is so bad it'd make John Lovitz blush...