
Wouldn't Donald Trump Lie On His Dead Mother's Grave?


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  37 comments

Wouldn't Donald Trump Lie On His Dead Mother's Grave?
In other words, Trump is baldly lying to and gaslighting the American people, and the White House releases a transcript of the lying and gaslighting to the public. They are proud that he is a liar. 

President* Trump said a few words before he left Washington this morning on a trip to the midwest. Trump likes to hold press gatherings at airports and next to helicopters because he can then pretend not to hear questions from the press that he doesnt want to field. 

What I would like to know is what has happened to the self respect of those Americans who continue to believe a word this man* says. 

Here are a few remarks that burst from his gasbag this morning. 

We had a very good conversation with the Ukrainian President.  The conversation was perfect.  They don’t ever talk about the conversation.  It started with the whistleblower, and now they don’t want the whistleblower.  Then they had a second whistleblower; now they don’t want the second whistleblower.  T he reason is that when the whistleblower — when they saw what the whistleblower wrote, and then when I released the conversation, which bore no relationship to what the whistleblower saw, they said their case was out the window.  And I think it’s a disgrace.

I had a great conversation with the Ukrainian President.  I had another conversation with him also, I think before that, which was the same thing.  It was nothing.  They tried to take that conversation and make it into a big scandal.  The problem was we had it transcribed.  It was an exact transcription of the conversation.

So, in a nutshell, a whistleblower wrote a false narrative of the conversation.  Now they don’t want to talk about the whistleblower because they didn’t think I was going to release the conversation.  When I released the conversation, I blew up Schiff’s act. 


All of this is bald lying by Trump. Everything the whistleblower said about Trump's conversation with the Ukranian president has been borne out, both by the "transcript" and by facts learned from other US officials who were or became familiar with the scheme to force Ukarine to announce a bogus investigation of Biden. 

Notice that I put the link for Trumps remarks beneath them. It is the White House. In other words, Trump is baldly lying to and gaslighting the American people, and the White House releases a transcript of the lying and gaslighting to the public. They are proud that he is a liar. 

The whistleblower information came out about a month and a half ago. The facts have been gone over with a fine tooth comb by the media, by congressional committees , and by the American people.  There is not the slightest doubt that Trump is intentionally lying when he says , as he did TODAY, 

T he reason is that when the whistleblower — when they saw what the whistleblower wrote, and then when I released the conversation, which bore no relationship to what the whistleblower saw, they said their case was out the window.

Until Trumpism began to infect America 4 or 5 years ago, we never saw anyone stand in front of cameras and lie like this all the time. This sort of thing only took place in Russia or North Korea or some other dictatorship, or in the movies. 

Now we have people believing it. 

Those of you who remain silent, what do you have to say for yourselves? 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Will some of you ever tire of being played for chumps by Donald Trump? 

Freshman Silent
4  freepress    6 years ago

He lies about everything. Lying is absolutely the only thing he does well. Sad thing is that gullible people and blind supporters excuse every lie no matter how outrageous. Yet call every liberal who states a fact a liar. It is just insane and I do mean literally insane that there are people who embrace lies. Trump is like Santa Claus to his followers who accept every lie and won't hear any attempt to dispel the illusion that Trump is false and the lies he tells are false. 


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