"The Coup Has Started....." (Whistleblower's lawyer, early 2017)

When all else fails, such as honesty, integrity, and dignity, throw yourself on the inherent sympathy and kindness of the American people. Behold the defense of President* Trump that is coming to the fore. Trump is to be made a figure who deserves support simply because he is constantly besieged.
The 'rationales' for Trump's behavior and actions bounce to and fro hoping something will stick. The latest broad theme is that there has been an ongoing 'coup' against him that began before he even took office, and whatever unfortunate actions he takes, such as trying to bribe a foreign country into helping him cheat in the next election, are done only out of his frustration at being treated so unfairly by "liberals" and the mainstream media. The argument is that MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post forced him into impeachable conduct because they were irrationally unfair to him for the past 3 years. All he wants is "fair" coverage.
It is true that many people have always believed Trump is not worthy of the presidency. These are pictures from the day after he took office.
The bottom photo is from Grant Park in Chicago, where I live, where 300,000 people marched simply to protest the fact that Donald Trump was now the president of the United States.
Remember , this was the day after he took office.
Millions of people protested around the country, and they protested Trump's existence as president of the United States.
Was Trump being picked on, at that point in time? Of course not. It is extremely well known and well documented that Trump is not fit to hold the office of president. He wasn't fit on election day, and he wasn't fit on Jan 20, 2017 when he took office. And , of course, he's not fit today, and he is certainly not fit to seek re-election.
On what basis should anyone now display sympathy for Donald Trump? Based on what? How about the 10,000 plus lies, falsehoods and misleading statements he has made in public since he took office? Is that sympathetic behavior?
Should he be given sympathy after he has attacked hundreds of American citizens on his twitter account ? , which he himself claims is his official means of communicating with the nation.
Does he deserve sympathy for making an untold number of laughably ignorant comments about a myriad of subjects, some important, some trivial?
I have said, quite a few times on this site, that Trump is a KNOWN liar, crook, bigot, and moron. I don't repeat that line without forethought or do so lightly. Someone who is a known liar, crook, bigot, and moron is not fit to hold high office in the United States of America. It is completely to be expected that there would be people who want to remove him. And it is completely normal for them to talk about it, even every day.
The truly sad part is that it was well known before election day in 2016 that Trump is a known liar, crook, bigot, and moron, and yet many people voted for him anyway.
Well, they were fooled once (to put an optimistic spin on it), but the foolishness should end now and they should call for a new Republican candidate for 2020.
Or we can continue resisting Donald Trump every day for as long as it takes.

well, at least you know what you will be doing for the next 5yrs.
have fun
Unable to dispute the content, you relax. Oh well.
there is no content. your "opinion is not news nor is it even new. just more "hate trump" bs.
I did think the meme above was funny so thanks for my daily laugh
Pointing out that the president is not fit to hold office in the United States is not "hate", it is common sense perception.
your problem is.... he is president, he will be re-elected and your "opinion about that matters not.
if your shocked and appalled now? give it time... LOL
I doubt he will be re-elected. The results of numerous elections around the country since 2017 strongly indicate Trump's support has shrunk since 2016, as well as various polls show the same. His popularity has hovered around 40% since the day he took office. There is no doubt it would be lower but for "the deplorables". It doesnt seem he can get higher.
The Republicans could start their road back toward respectability by telling him he is out and will not be the candidate next November. That would be the best outcome as of now.
I wrote this particular article because we continue to see Trumpsters , and even some more moderate people , say something like "give him a chance". Give him a chance? lol. Someone who lies to the American people thousands of times doesnt deserve a chance, he deserves to be in jail.
There are people today who are excusing Trump trying to have a foreign country influence the 2020 election by saying, he is just "frustrated". Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
yea, you said in 2016 he would NEVER be elected.
how'd that work out for ya?
The difference between now and 2016 is that now people have seen him in office for three years.
hint: don't reply to me and I won't pester you.
What everyone here at NT notices is that you can never defend any of your hundreds, or thousands, of "I hate Trump" seeds.
You simply slink away from the last one and move to yet another "I hate Trump" diatribe.
No one takes these seeds seriously.
Bugsy, you have no game. Everyone knows it. Go pester someone else.
So you admit you can't defend ANYTHING of what you seed/post.
At least you realize it. Now, maybe you will stop it.
You don't make arguments, you vent ignorance. It is accepted as "free speech". Be happy.
Ahhhhhh. yes...the liberal go to. Insult when there is no argument to make.
Congrats, John..congrats..
He will. Just keep posting how wrong he is.
Looks like you are right. He's disappeared.
Stand by for the next "I hate Trump" seed to pop up at any minute.
I love the disconnect between bragging and. championing the Democrats "resistance" and then claiming Barr should be impeached for pointing out what democrats brag about.
I asked that same question to the seeder of this opinion piece, on another piece the same poster seeded. He has yet to answer it, just simply moved on to another post ranting about someone who the seeder hates so much , and must be horribly eating away at their mind.
Bugsy, you robotically saying I never prove what I say doesnt make it so. All it proves is that you are a one trick pony.
Everything in the article is accurate.
Trump is a liar. He has lied thousands of times, in public.
He is a crook. He paid a 25 million dollar settlement to hundreds of people he defrauded through Trump University, and he has been demonstrated to have committed tax fraud along with the rest of his family, including his parents. He is also the unindicted co-conspirator in the illegal payoffs to Stormy Daniels. He has been sued hundreds of times for non payment to vendors. He has lent his name to pyramid schemes, his company has repeatedly misled potential condo investors about the progress of various developments causing people to lose their down payments when the project fails, etc etc. He has been a crook all his life. He is a bigot. He was the face of birtherism in 2011, a racist conspiracy theory directed at the first non white president in American history. He has repeatedly tweeted and retweeted material from white supremacists. He has disparaged non whites of all sorts. He is a moron. He has made more inaccurate and false conclusions and observations and made more wrong statements than the other 44 presidents put together. It would take a whole seperate article to compile all his moronic utterances.
Pot....meet kettle.
Look at the rest of your post. No different than the thousands of other posts you have made.
I don't think so. We are seeing a defense mounted of Trump based on the idea he is "frustrated" by his belief that the media and the left is unfairly opposed to him. He talks about the stock market as a defense of him committing impeachable offenses in Ukraine.
As far as the rest of the article, it's all true. The "coup" did begin the day after the inauguration when millions of Americans protested his very existence as president and it has never stopped since. It is exactly what he deserves.
As far as me saying he is a liar, crook, bigot and moron, ----- all of that has been proven.
Up til this time his supporters don't care.
You left out that he has the spelling and grammar of an uneducated moron. I have enjoyed the fun we have had with covfefe though.
With zero proof offered.
Sorry, XD. I had to finish the sentence.
after the past 3+ yrs of bs, the left has no credibility remaining.
"the little boy who cried wolf" has been re-titled and now reads.
I talk about things and you talk about your opinion of me. The difference is obvious. Unfortunately Perrie allows you to pester people.
I don't have an opinion of YOU. I have an opinion of your thousands of "I hate Trump" diatribes day after day after day, zero with any proof.
Absolutely nothing has changed. Trump is still your President.
Bugsy, when you talked your nonsense about Trump when he retweeted false interracial crime statistics , I copied and pasted the material for you to see with your own eyes. Trump tweeted false info claiming 85% of whites are murdered by blacks. It is FALSE. I showed it to you and you went merrily on your way in denial.
I am not going to waste a lot of time humoring you.
The information about everything I said about Trump's crookedness, bigotry and moronity are widely available through an internet search. The New York Times printed an expose of Trump's tax fraud in the fall of 2018. It is almost book length and goes into extreme detail. It is easy to find.
Get your crap straight. I admitted the graph was wrong. However, the other 5 things you put up in the same post were proven to not be attacks on minorities, but simply telling the truth.
YOU are the one that went on your merry way after you were proven wrong 5 times in one post, and moved on to yet another "I hate Trump" seed.
Here the proof of yet another of your truth embellishing..
Look at the link on 4.1.14. JR claimed he proved me wrong and I went on my merry way.The link shows the opposite. I admitted one graph was wrong but the other 5 were not attacks on minorities, but truth telling.
Look who posted under my last post on that seed. NOBODY. Seems someone is relishing his story again.
From your fingertips to God's ears.
Bugsy, you dont know what you are talking about. One of the other items was Trump retweeting birther nonsense about Obama being born in Kenya. This tweet was from 2012, AFTER Obama had produced his long form birth certificate. Why would Trump retweet a racist idea AFTER it was proven false? Because he knows where his bread is buttered. It's the same reason he pretended to not know who David Duke was, and why he said there were "fine people on both sides" at Charlottesville.
And I told you that his family IN KENYA corroborated that he was born there.
Face it. You were caught with 5 lies in one post and you ran away. Then you claim today that I am the one who ran away.
Documented evidence of your "L" words suck, don't they?
“300,000 people marched simply to protest the fact that Donald Trump was now the president of the United States.”
DPW reported it was a nightmare with that many tears pushing the storm sewers beyond their capacity.
The President hadn't even put any policy in place yet. These people were nothing more than butt hurt turds that were mad they could not say "President Hillary".
He's not qualified or fit to be president.. The 300,000 people in Chicago and the other millions around the country that day knew that.
You support a liar crook bigot and moron to be president. It's that simple.
Thank you....I appreciate you looking out.
Looks like John has bailed again. That means another "I hate Trump" seed should pop up ant any minute now.
oooops...sorry to interrupt your "I hate Trump" seed.
So you are saying that you being showed documented evidence of your "L" words is not embarrassing to you?
Not surprised...
Now doesn't that sound stupid. Leftist cry babies take to the streets because their chosen one Hillaryious Hillary lost.
The crybaby's of the left can keep sheading them liberal tears. Their President Trump isn't going anywhere, and if they are lucky the Impeachment show going on now will not backfire in their face. But then again as I have stated before what are the Democrats offering to grab that independent vote but candidates that are worse than Hillaryious Hillary was.