Supreme Court puts hold on House subpoena for Trump financial records

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday put a temporary hold on a House subpoena for President Donald Trump's financial records spanning eight years.
The House Government Oversight committee subpoenaed the material in April. The committee acted after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testified that "Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes and deflated his assets to reduce his real estate taxes."
House Democrats said they needed the documents to investigate whether the president accurately filled out required financial disclosure forms.
Lawyers for the president tried to have the subpoena thrown out, but they lost in the lower courts. A court order upholding the subpoena, and requiring the accounting firm to begin turning over the Trump documents, was to take effect on Wednesday.
Last Friday, Trump lawyers asked the Supreme Court to put the subpoena on hold while they pursue an appeal. On Monday, the court agreed. In a two-sentence order, the court said the House must respond by 3 p.m. Thursday.
The court's action, known as an administrative stay, does not indicate how the court might rule on the legal merits of the dispute. It simply stops the clock to give the lawyers time to file their papers.
Trump's lawyers have argued that if the subpoena is upheld, any committee of Congress could seek any personal information it wants from a president. "Given the temptation to dig up dirt on political rivals, intrusive subpoenas into personal lives of presidents will become our new normal in times of divided government — no matter which party is in power."
Lawyers for the House said the subpoena presents no threat to the president's ability to carry out his duties, because it is directed at his accountants and does not require him to do anything.
The Supreme Court on Monday temporarily blocked a ruling that requires President Donald Trump’s longtime accounting firm to turn over his tax returns to Congress.
The temporary stay order signed by Chief Justice John Roberts gives the Democratic-controlled House Committee on Oversight and Reform until Thursday to respond. The document did not note any public votes or dissents.
Earlier in the day, attorneys for House Democrats said in a letter that they would not oppose a temporary delay in enforcing the subpoena to allow the court time to consider arguments from both sides. The committee said in the letter that it would provide its response on Friday.
A spokesperson for the committee did not immediately provide comment after the chief justice’s order. The justices are scheduled to meet in a private conference on Friday.
The president has gone to great lengths to keep his tax returns secret as two efforts to procure them work their way through the legal system. Trump broke with decades of precedent when he did not release the records while running for president in 2016.
Trump has provided conflicting explanations for his refusal to release his tax returns. In court papers, his attorneys say that requiring their disclosure would set a precedent that could weaken the presidency, counter to the Constitution’s separation of powers among the branches.
The Oversight Committee has said it needs the president’s returns in order to address whether it should update ethics-in-government legislation.
Trump’s attorneys submitted a petition last week to the justices in a separate case involving his tax returns. In that case, the president is seeking to overturn the ruling of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals requiring Trump’s accountants to provide his returns to the Manhattan district attorney. The justices have not yet said whether they will consider that appeal.
If they decline to do so, it will effectively mandate that the accounting firm provide the tax returns. The firm, Mazars USA, has said it will provide the returns if legally required.
Trump’s push to block release of his tax returns come less than a year before the November 2020 election, when Trump aims to earn another term in the White House.
House Democrats are moving forward with an impeachment probe into whether Trump abused his power and tried to influence the 2020 election by urging Ukraine to investigate his political rival former Vice President Joe Biden. They have looked into whether he tied a Biden probe to the release of U.S. military aid or a White House meeting with Ukraine’s president. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.
The case is Donald Trump v. Mazars USA.
Trump's lawyers have argued that if the subpoena is upheld, any committee of Congress could seek any personal information it wants from a president. "Given the temptation to dig up dirt on political rivals, intrusive subpoenas into personal lives of presidents will become our new normal in times of divided government — no matter which party is in power."
Isn't that what's happening now?
Taxes are not personal information. Should not citizens know if their leaders at least pay taxes to help maintain the grounds at Arlington National Cemetery?
I'll believe you when you post your tax returns on this site.
I am not the president. Nor have I had charitable organizations shut down by the courts. Nor have I ever had secret business dealings with foreign nationals.
And if for any reason the congress, the IRS or The Treasury deems my taxes or business interests deserve an examination it is their right to do so and I also have the right to be properly represented to assure the examinations are done fairly.
You know, the old Patriot Act saying, "If you have nothing to hide-you have nothing to fear." Remember that one?
You wanting me to post my returns on this site is a cop out. Grow up. Act like an adult that truly understands what the hell is going on. JFC.
So you do understand they are private. You just think others don't have the right to privacy that you enjoy.
Of course taxes are private until and unless there are possibilities of discrepancies.
I was audited once. In 1987. I also had to show my tax returns for a home loan.
You worry about privacy? Really? Hell, you're on camera when you walk down the street. Get over it.
When he is elected president, I will ask as well. Trump is the POTUS, remember? I also recall him saying more than once he would release his taxes if he was elected... Well? Why is he literally taking this shit to the SCOTUS to hide something he said he would release?
That doesn't strike you as the least bit odd?
And I also assume you are fine with 'some people' at least not chipping in a bit keep the lawns maintained at Arlington National Cemetery? You call that patriotism?
Forever Trumper must be a strange place to hang your hat.
Then, as you explained, that is the job of the IRS to check out. Not some blithering idiots making unfounded claims.
And there are no laws or anything else requiring him to release his taxes. Just because the past POTUS' have done it does not make it a requirement.
I would post mine if I could. They would cure any member of insomnia.
What I am afraid of will be the new normal if trump is successful in this. Do you know what they are arguing?
Imo what they are arguing for would be more detrimental than what ever stupid crap his taxes actually show.
Just as the founders had feared. If it continues we will find ourselves with a Parliamentary form of government.
Even the SCOTUS knows a red herring when they see one!
Of course they have, Trump owns them.
How much did Ginny and Sotomayor sell themselves for?
What do you mean by that?
Why is Trump so sensitive about his financials? Could it be that his financials are------------- a complicity of compromise?
How many times has Trump ran to the courts for cover. And how many times have the courts provided it? Will Gorsuch and Kavanaugh be the game changer?
I think we all know why....he's a crooked POS who has spent a lifetime ripping people off.
You do know that he is audited every year, right? By the IRS - every year. The IRS is a Federal agency and if there were discrepancies, the IRS would handle it, right?
What right do you, a private citizen, have to view/analyze another private citizens tax returns - NONE.
Congress wants copies, that the IRS has, for eight years PRIOR to Trump running for President. Sorry guys - private information that you're not privy too.
Oh, and this "request" is a result of Cohen's "testimony"??????? Bullshyte.
No I don't know. That is what he says. If you believe him good for you.
Besides, now to The Supreme Court. To bad we peasants don't have that 'pull'.
Don't care. "You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide." Patriot Act thing ya know.
If Trump is so clean, so successful and so honest you'd think he'd be proud to show it---wear it as a badge of honor----and scream to the naysayers----SEE, I TOLD YOU SO! Except he won't. Why? Everyone else does and has done so for decades. And, on multiple occasions he said he would. But he never did. Why?
Cohen has nothing to do with this. Stop.
Better learn what you're dismissing before you dismiss it.
Directly from line two above in the seed - "The committee acted after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testified that "Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes and deflated his assets to reduce his real estate taxes."
It's simply another case of Trump proving himself to be a liar.
On more than one occasion he said he would release his taxes.
Thank you for that clarification, Wally.
I don't believe that I said it was illegal just pointing out that Trump is a liar.
Congress DOES have the right to request copies of Trump's taxes, whether you like it or not.
They can request till the cows come home but that doesn't mean that they are entitled to get them.................whether you like it or not.
For someone who argues in favor of everything Trump does, you sure don't seem to read up on laws, tax code, and the Constitution. I suppose it's easier to support Trump that way; if you can plead ignorance of those basic things, you can pretend to yourself that he has done nothing wrong.
Congress absolutely is entitled to get them if they can show the courts that there is a legitimate legislative purpose. The fact that Deranged Donnie keeps ordering his people to disobey subpoenas and anything else that would provide transparency - all while telling his deluded base that he's the most transparent President ever - may fool his base, but intelligent people know better.
The fact that the SCOTUS has put it on hold should tell you something. And do you have a clue to what a "legitimate legislative purpose" may be after all these years of DJT private citizen scrutinized by the IRS? I think I do..................
It tells me that they want to think about it before deciding whether it's a legitimate request. So far, the lower courts disagree with Trump - so we shall see how SCOTUS handles it. There's no guarantee they'll even take the case, so only an idiot would pretend they know exactly what that "something" is.
So what? If Cohen lied then one would think the Trump would be eager to prove it. Except Trump says nothing. Why?
You brought it up. Don't be so hard on yourself................
Actually they are.
It tells you nothing about how they view the case, they are merely following the appeals process and precedent by stopping the clock till it can be appealed by the Presidents attorneys, even though they've lost every single lower court battle.
I find it rather hilarious that the Republican defense comes down to "screw the law, screw the judges who dare rule against our dear Leader! All Hail Trump! All Hail Trump! All Hail Trump!".
Scotus will look at this and will rule the same way the lower courts have. The conservatives on the Supreme Court aren't rabid lawless bigots like many of Trumps supporters, they are men of intelligence and high morals and will find for the rule of law and will follow the constitutional precedents already set down in regards to congressional subpoena power just as the lower courts have ruled. The Presidents attorneys haven't got a smidgen of actual legal defense, just smoke and mirrors that the SCOTUS will see right through.
if they agreed with the lower courts they would not be hearing the case.
Just curious...if a dem candidate refused or lied about releasing their taxes.
..would u be ok with it....all the was to the scotus?
Trump is as transparent as a mud puddle.
of course they did.
who expected otherwise?
It's hard not to see this in the same light as the impeachment. They have been talking about getting a look at Trump's taxes since he was merely a candidate. The current efforts are just more attempts at jobbing the system to get what they want. If any of this stuff had actually been a concern, there would have been legal action against Ordinary Citizen Trump a long time ago.
This exactly......................
They don't think Obama's corrupt IRS "officials" didn't check out President Trumps financial records running up to the elections? IF there were something there it would have been made public then.