Trump vs. Navy leadership: The showdown over Eddie Gallagher’s SEAL Trident
Now Trump is undercutting military leadership.
What the fuck. I used to look at the military as our nation's last bastion because we are sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, and that was our sole charter. This kind of bullshit undermines that entire premise. With fucking retards intervention, military personnel have more incentive to do shit he likes in hopes of being protected or promoted.
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Should the US military justice system be beholden to the whims of the president? If so then let's just call him emperor.
So you don't like Trump being CiC? Tough luck.
When the Navy pulls BS like this you can see why Trump gets involved.
If Greene doesn't like it; then he shouldn't let the door hit his ass on the way out. He isn't the first officer to disagree with a President's orders- he won't be the last. Get in line, resign, or be fired.
Were you this upset when Obama interfered?
I know, I know, but Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!
No, I don"t like the POTUS using the US as his own personal campaign.
And yes, opposed Obama's defense of Manning.
Manning? All he/she did was expose military graft and wrong doing.
Secret documents? Sure, maybe to many documents are labeled secret. After all, our tax dollars paid for them.
Usually vote your comments up. Didn't on this one. I just disagree.
No. Trump should have stayed out of it. This is a bad precedent to set.
We don't agree often, but here we are aligned 100%.
Those that have never been subject to the UCMJ, can hardly be expected to understand "Lawful Orders", and a military members responsibility to understand what is/is not, and not to follow an "Unlawful Order".
The chief clearly violated ROE's, exceeded his orders, and violated the Geneva Convention.
Does not matter. Everything that Trump says and does plays into division, confusion and other nations wondering where and what America stands for. Is Trump really
this vengeful, angry or simply unconcerned? Or---is something going on, strings being pulled, threats made against him by the Saudis, Turks and Russians?