The study, a meta-analysis published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology , found that men who subscribe to traditional ideas about masculinity are more likely to suffer psychological and behavioral problems, such as depression, anxiety, poor body image, substance abuse and being unable to form meaningful relationships.
The researchers identified 11 attitudes and behaviors generally regarded as masculine: a desire to win, a need for emotional control, risk-taking, violence, dominance, sexual promiscuity (e.g., “playboy” behavior), self-reliance, primacy of work (i.e., an obsession with professional success), power over women disdain for homosexuality and pursuit of status. The more strongly men associate those characteristics with manliness, the more likely they are to suffer psychological problems.
But one part of the study was particularly interesting, especially through the lens of pop culture: The association between traditional masculinity and the negative mental health outcomes mentioned in the study are especially strong for men who emphasized self-reliance, power over women and playboy behavior.
There are two possible explanations here: Either depressed men are trying to work and fuck their way to happiness, or being a controlling, workaholic, sex addict makes one depressed. Either way, the study proves that no amount of money, sex or power will fill the void in men’s souls, troubling when you consider men are often socialized to believe these things are ends unto themselves, the ultimate rewards in life. Instead, they appear to be the marks of a lonely existence.
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We’re familiar with the Secretly Depressed Super Successful Guy, but his existence persists in both the fictional and real worlds. Society knows money, sex and power are empty pursuits, yet men continue to pursue them anyway. This is exactly why traditional masculinity is so toxic: It teaches men to want what won’t make them happy.
WTF is this? The Beta male magazine to make the Soy boys feel better about their feminism?
What I 1st seen on their home page...
[ deleted ]
This is the Dollar Shave Club's magazine...
In May 2015, the company began hiring writers and editors for a new website, Mel Magazine (stylized as MEL [27] ) which went online in late 2015. The website contains editorial content described by the company as "men's lifestyle topics". [27] [28] While the site does not host sponsored content , its business model "relies upon being a branded publisher", according to Fast Company . [29]
...do a little homework before making a comment on any of my articles; or, stop being purposefully obtuse and deceptive. You pulled one comment from one article in the whole magazine, to try to make it look like a gay site; that is shameful and deceitful.
Never said no such thing, I followed your seeded link. Is the comment I linked not at the top of the web page?
ta da ! we are getting somewhere
This comment is a thinly veiled personal attack on the seeder. I think the mods ought to explain the rules of this site to KD Michigan. [Deleted]
[ deleted ]
never heard of it
as are many around here
Don't know anything about Mel Magazine , but I did do a quick search for what sort of thing appears there, and found this article, which is about heterosexual relationships. It mentions the readers partner being a woman at least a dozen times.
I was distracted by this article.
Good find.
And no one can disagree with this one;
What is your point? Who said it was a gay magazine?
There is all kinds of reading you might find interesting I'm sure.
When someone seeds from the Washington Post or The Examiner or the WSJ, do you search around the personal section or the Posts' dating app?
Still not seeing gay content in there. Here is a photo from one of the articles in the section you are mentioning.
Well seeing the seeder responded to my comment instead of flagging it I guess he didn't feel the same way as you.
So would your comment be considered META?
Personally, I find alpha males to be far more into themselves and their own body than intelligence and credibility. Most are far more interested in talking about themselves and how great their bodies are and how women just can't resist them than holding an interesting and intelligent mutual conversation with others.
I have known a few of such alpha males in my lifetime and they are not only exceedingly boring when all they do is brag about themselves, yet, they wondered why I was not drooling over them as they spoke.
Also, alpha males tend to be rude, crude, overly demanding and very misogynistic. I'll pass.
You are just talking about meatheads. Trust me, there are many men who like to be the alpha intellectually as well. They can be every bit as annoying.
My father was an alpha male, but only in business. He was the kindest and smartest man I knew, who was fiercely loyal to his friends, family, and customers. He had a total respect for women and recognized their accomplishments.
That is what all males should be striving to be. Kind, smart, loyal, respectful, caring and observant. Not the supposed "Alpha" males that grunt like Neanderthals as seen in the old "Home Improvement" show who are merely abandoning their sense and reason for the adrenaline rush of animalistic pounding the chest and a overwhelming desire to imitate dominance. The faux strength championed by some that requires dominating their female, being "hard" or "mean" instead of showing empathy towards others, the collection of and almost romantic admiration for weapons of war and violence, all of it exposes the weak little mentally deficient man baby inside the supposed "Alpha" male who does nothing to benefit society as a whole. You rarely find the "Alpha" males taking the lead in helping others, you often find them taking the lead to help themselves. You rarely find "Alpha" males trying to work towards others doing as well as themselves, fighting for pay equity for women, fighting for equal rights for everyone in society. You almost always find Alpha males working for the exact opposite, pushing others down in an attempt to achieve some dominance over others because they don't have any real self respect and self confidence, they find it hard to feel good about themselves without tearing others down first. Many alpha males also cherish ignorance since it's far more "Alpha" to claim you know everything already and stick with their preconceived misogyny they were indoctrinated in as a child in lieu of being humble enough to be curious and admit that you don't know something or are in fact lost and need a map which their wife likely pointed out to them many times already.
Sounds like my own Father. He was born and raised a Southern boy, but, he had none of the usual misogynistic attitudes towards women that is so common among many Southern men.
It is so rare these days.
Don't let the article fool you, that is a Alpha male.
Charles Atlas had it backwards. That scrawny kid should have been happy to get sand kicked in his face.
well in today's reality, the scrawny kid can just grab a gun and blow away his foe....no ?
These days I wouldn’t be surprised if the scrawny kid did the tuck under, wore a yellow polkadot bikini and called himself Sally.
The scrawny kid got a degree from MIT and now owns the company the sand-kicker cleans toilets at.
In the real world this is what happens when the scrawny kid grows up.
5' 6'' and 130lbs today.
And he's from Larry's area of the county.
So, that's what Zuckenberg is? How 'bout Bill Gates? Where's their guns?
Yes, he has and when he was a kid he was nerdy/skinny and grew up to become a music legend.
That's the point.
'You wish it happened that way Larry but we both know the scrawny kid grew up to be an incel and mass shooter.'
It's only on the 'right' that that happens.
When I was a kid I never wanted to be a beta like Dylan. I wanted to be an alpha like Elvis.
But they're just stereotypes, they mean nothing. Most nerdy/skinny people are not geniuses and most muscular fit people are not stupid bullies. There's no correlation between body type or size and intelligence. Nor is there any to being mean or a bully or evil in general. Some of the most violent, evil people I've known were physically unfit, they were just bad people while some of the scariest brutish looking people I've known were the kindest gentlest people.
LOL, I wouldn't call Dylan a beta cuz the women seemed to have a crush on him.
You come up with some good one's Dean. Always fun to spar with you.
The Rock is a perfect example.
Just as the alphas described in this article, he died addicted, physically and emotionally unhealthy, and alone.
This is dedicated to all the alpha males on NT...This song is for you...
I don't know any. Do tell...
I'll introduce you to MUVA who thought he was an Alpha male until his wife told him he wasn't..
Dammit MUVA that is a quote from you...Were you telling a fib?
I was 5' 1'' in 11 grade so I quit school and went into the military. When I left the Army I was 6' 1 1/2''....That is the truth, well some of the truth.
LOL!! Very fitting.
So macho Kavika!
I don’t know Kavika I had always envisioned you to be more like Billy Jack than the Indian in the Village People.
Ya think so Dean. Although Billy Jack was a wannabe he was pretty cool. Felipe Rose is Lakota/Taino/Puerto Rican and a real Indian...He also has mastered quite a few of the martial arts.
Here is a photo of an acquaintance of mine, he has since walked on a few years back, in a Billy Jack hat. He's a real Indian..
Ok I believe you. I thought Billy Jack was macho and pretty cool too.
"Generally regarded" by whom?
This reads like a list of things angry weak people want to pretend "alpha males" believe.
( from the link in the seed )
You know what I find amusing? All these men talking about what is alpha or beta with very little imput from the women, who actually date and marry men.
Alpha isn't hight. It isn't muscle. It's a state of mind. You can be 5'8" and be an alpha male or 6" and be a beta (according to the rules from these guy sites).
I had a 2-year relationship with a guy who was 5'8". He was most definitely self-assured. So much so that the girl he dated before me was Carol Alt, who was 6 feet tall and had no issue dating him. On the other hand, the guy I almost married when I was 19 was a beta (again according to these guy mags) and he was 6 feet tall and worked out. But I ran circles around him.... hence why we didn't marry.
Girls find a lot of things sexy in a guy. There is no formula for it.
Exactly. The things this article attributes to a Alpha male that is bound to suffer mental problems I find Hillaryious. I might get labeled as some of the symptoms but I don't see all of them, is cooking 90% of all meals leading to psychological problems. Or taking care of the household doing the laundry and dishes and folding clothes because I'll quit doing that shit right now.
I have been reading the male wars for the last couple of weeks and the same could be said about what are beta males. In truth, I don't think that most of the things that men thing are alpha or beta are not what women think are alpha or beta. And given to any extreme, neither is good. Like most things, balance is probably what is the best.
Alpha Males
There are many things that I find sexy about men, without the very hairy armpits, hairy legs and huge muscles.
Intelligence on many levels is one, their taking the time to find out what I like as well, a good listener, a good sense of humor, and taking responsibility for their own actions are but a few. Height is not a priority, and even though I am 5' 10'' I dated a few short men in my life and we had a lot of fun.
I found that with alpha males, if the primary conversation isn't about them on an on-going basis they get bored very quickly. And so do I.
Just not my type.
See, that is the thing about women. We all have different kinds of types. Some of us have no type at all, other than someone who can be a good companion.
I dated a guy before I met Mr Giggles who thought he was an Alpha male but I ran rings around him intellectually. Then I met Mr Giggles who was no muscle bound meat head like the previous boyfriend but he is kind, smart, and a real hoot.
I met my match and it's been 30 years.
Awww.. that had a happy ending
I think it's pretty basic. Alpha-types, male or female tend to be leaders in a group, they are more dominate in general but physical attributes don't necessarily denote an alpha personality.
I would have to agree with that Pat.
Dear Friend Larry Hampton: When a very close friend of mine blessed the impeding marriage of his daughter to her suitor he said the following to both.
"Your job for life is to love, support, understand and care for each other.
Think of each others needs first.
Enjoy life together".
Wisdom indeed.
Its not about dominance.
Its about a marriage being more than the sum of the partners, living in unison.
Great thoughts Larry.
Please keep more coming.
Thank you Enoch; your words of wisdom,,,,are always, always welcome.
What is up with all this Alpha male nonsense here on NT?
Why should I believe that there are any actual Alpha males wasting their time here?
Jerks, yes. We've got those, but...