Woman injures 2 after allegedly driving into traffic as a test of faith

A woman in Pennsylvania allegedly drove her car into oncoming traffic as a test of her faith in God and showed no remorse for her actions, according to authorities.
The incident occurred on Jan. 7 near Weatherly, Pennsylvania when 31-year-old Nadejda Reilly drove into oncoming traffic on Route 93, according to ABC News’ Pittsburgh affiliate station WTAE.
An investigator who spoke to Reilly said that she told him she had been driving around for several hours waiting for a calling from God when she decided to take action into her own hands and drive into an oncoming vehicle.
“Reilly related God took care of her by not having her injured,” wrote Trooper Bruce Balliet in an arrest affidavit. “Reilly expressed no concerns or remorse for the victims. Reilly also stated she did not care if the other people were injured because God would have taken care of them.”
Reilly, from Drums, Pennsylvania, had her $50,000 bail revoked and was charged with aggravated assault and other offenses over allegations that she purposely caused the accident that injured two people in the vehicle that she collided with.
The two people in the car that Reilly collided with were taken to hospital and treated for their injuries.
Reilly’s lawyer, Andrew Theyken Bench, filed a notice with the Carbon County court saying that Reilly planned to waive her formal arraignment but declined to offer further comment on Friday.

Sounds like something one of Trump's Christians would do.........
I always stay a safe distance for the drivers with the God is my co-pilot bumper stickers. You never know when they will let the co-pilot do the driving.
Now, that's not nice especially since I've added to what some would consider the superior race. I have 3 healthy white males. All with European ancestry AND no tainted blood in any of them so they're probably on the top of the recruiting list for the nazi or anti immigrant groups.
I'm sorry to report that they're morals are still intact. They're anti trump like their mother.
The real test of faith will be how she will pay the lawsuits and fines, she also needs to go to jail and have her drivers license revoked forever
I imagine she will be the next face the religious community will raise up. She will be their next martyr to be praised for her faith in God. A WH invitation is just around the corner.
Pj settles down on the chaise and stares up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath
Well Dr. XD - I've been feeling a little angry lately at some of my fellow, or x-fellow, country men and women. It seems like I've been feeling this way for......oh I don't know, 3+ years.
My eyes have been opened in a sense. I never realized people could be so fucking cruel and evil. Oops - sorry about the language.
Where was I, yes.....I never imagined that so many in this country would sell out their decency and moral convictions for money and to keep their race at the top.
You see, I'm disappointed and daggonit, I'm M.A.D. mad!
No, my position is not the minority. Those who oppose trump are only growing but you keep telling yourself everyone loves trump but me.
I'm pretty self aware and don't require paying someone to tell me that I have an issue with the supporters of this president.
I'm not wasting my time providing you with examples that you won't accept.
I know it's your thread, but I haven't read anything in the news that brings Trump into the topic. Care to enlighten us?
It's my thread. Any more questions? lol
Kidding aside, there's a precedence of this president inviting controversial people to the WH. Plus we're heading into an election year and he needs to secure his chrisitian voters so I'm speculating that her actions could parlay an invite to the WH.
If she ever does get her license back, and I imagine she will, because I doubt there are laws that adequately address this type of stupidity, I can't imagine who would sell her auto insurance. If I were an agent and read this story, I'd rip up the policy while she watched and send her packing.
I have a problem with the "mandated" thing. No business should be forced to assume the risks of behavior that is stupid to the point of possibly being homicidal.
"I can't imagine who would sell her auto insurance".
I don't think Farmer's Insurance has seen a claim like this, BummBeBummBumBum
I'm locking the article because I have to sign off. Sorry to those who are having a discussion but rules are rules.