Ralph Peters: Why I left Fox News

You could measure the decline of Fox News by the drop in the quality of guests waiting in the green room. A year and a half ago, you might have heard George Will discussing policy with a senator while a former Cabinet member listened in. Today, you would meet a Republican commissar with a steakhouse waistline and an eager young woman wearing too little fabric and too much makeup, immersed in memorizing her talking points.
This wasn’t a case of the rats leaving a sinking ship. The best sailors were driven overboard by the rodents.
As I wrote in an internal Fox memo, leaked and widely disseminated, I declined to renew my contract as Fox News’s strategic analyst because of the network’s propagandizing for the Trump administration. Today’s Fox prime-time lineup preaches paranoia, attacking processes and institutions vital to our republic and challenging the rule of law.
Someone beat you to this story Larry, about two years ago.
Yup, thanks Dean. The article attached to AH’s seed has been taken down...I thought this could hang in it’s stead.
Ralph Peters gives himself too much credit. Fox News has been lying to the American public from the beginning, which includes all the time Peters was a commentator there.
Fox and Friends has been on the air since 1998 and it is widely considered to be one of the most dishonest and inaccurate news programs on television.
All true. Think about this though; how low is too low before fox news analysts start fleeing?
It has to be something, that eventually reaches folks like Peters or Shepard Smith, in a personal way. Carl Cameron, Megyn Kelly, Catherine Herridge, Elizabeth Hasselbaeck, all called it quits there for a reason. That is interesting, and I think should be paid attention to.