
Trump Defense Attorney Says Biden Should Have Been Impeached Over Ukraine


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  5 years ago  •  27 comments

Trump Defense Attorney Says Biden Should Have Been Impeached Over Ukraine

The dweebish looking scumbag who works in Trumps white house counsel's office just said that Joe Biden could have been impeached over what he did in Ukraine. 

There isnt even a fragment of evidence to support that, but this is what Trump scum does these days. 

We are at "war"  with this disease known as Trumpism. And people who try to deny that are only fooling themselves. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    5 years ago

Within a matter of minutes from now they will know if the impeachment trial will end tomorrow. 

The key undecided senator, a fogey from Tennesee named Lamar Alexander, is set to announce whether or not he will vote for witnesses. The smart money is on no. 

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    5 years ago

Well, once again Trump slid through. 

I do have some consternation as to why the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court permitted testimony and accusations to made in 'this so called trial' that were either not true or were said without any proof or documentation in these proceedings of which he was allegedly overseeing.

And this too.  I've often wondered what would have happened or how Trump would have responded, if in those years long passed when he made it a point to be on the 'talk show circuits' to promote his Birtherism accusations---if somebody like President Obama would have made a pubic statement that he was leaving his presidential badge on the table and would seek out Trump and demand he produce the evidence Trump's so called Hawaiian Investigators gathered or he ( Obama ) would kick his ( Trump's ) ass.

I wonder if the preceding paragraph would have happened if there would have never been a Donald J. Trump as we now know it? 

Professor Quiet
2.1  bbl-1  replied to  bbl-1 @2    5 years ago

Am amazed that none on this 'alleged news/discussion site' that not one of you have an opinion or thought on my third paragraph. 

Then again, perhaps some things are really not what they purport to be, maybe? 

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.1    5 years ago

Entertaining?  Really?  What if he'd told him he'd kick his ass.  Put up or shut up.  How would Trump have handled that?  What would he have done.  After all, it was Trump making the Birther thing an issue.  It's all on him.  He was the main one pushing it.  How do you think Trump would react to a person standing their ground and demanding Trump either put up or shut up or he'd get his ass kicked in front of the world with the cameras rolling?  What would Trump have done?  Have any idea Mr. Texan1211?

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  bbl-1  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.3    5 years ago

Really?  The 'what if's' are the fulcrum of your discussions.


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