Republican Presidential Candidate : Trump Supporters Are A Cult Divorced From Reality

I was in Des Moines, too, so I tried to talk to some folks outside the event before they went in — makes sense, right? Here’s a captive audience of Republican voters. But it turned out to be one of the most frustrating (and frankly, sad) experiences I can recall.
I asked dozens of people a very simple, straightforward question: “Has President Trump ever told a lie to the American people?” And every single person said, “No.” Never mind that thousands of his misstatements have been meticulously documented. No, they said, he’s never lied.
I brought up his years-old claims that, unlike President Barack Obama, if Trump ever became president, he’d be too busy to play golf. Most people responded by saying they don’t care whether Trump golfs. But
three people said that Trump has never golfed since he’s been president.
No one said that they thought he did anything wrong with Ukraine. No one knew that our annual deficits just blew past $1 trillion .
Everyone believed hundreds of miles of new wall had been built. ( Fact check : False!)
When I asked whether they thought Mexico was paying for the wall, most people said yes but were at a loss to explain how. On and on it went: CNN was the enemy and Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), along with the rest of the congressional Democrats, were lying traitors.
Walsh is describing what he saw and heard at a Trump rally in Des Moines Iowa last week.
It is probably tempting for some Trump supporters to say he is lying, but what Walsh says is in line with what we have heard elsewhere and what we see with our own eyes when Trump rally attendees are interviewed.
Right wing media has successfully brainwashed millions of Americans , there can no longer be any doubt about that. What is to be done about it?
Somehow I dont think re-electing Donald Trump will cure this problem. Defeating him, and putting this plague on our country behind us will help, but won't end the torrent of misinformation known as conservative media.
Will better education help? It probably would, but the folk who most eat up these right wing lies are probably not still in school or planning to go back.
What it will probably take is conservative political candidates who openly reject support based on misinformation and propaganda. And that seems years away, many years away.

This is the link to Walsh's full article. NT terms of service prevents me posting it here.
Joe Walsh ended his presidential campaign against Trump with a statement today.
In his statement he urges everyone to vote for the Democratic candidates, not just for president but across the board.
I've got a bridge in the Arizona desert I want to sell to these 3 people
If it's one of these, maybe we can talk............................
You know, this guys comments reminded me of something.
Democrats tend to be very, very poor losers.
And they just keep digging deeper holes .....
He's not a Democrat. You are once again the victim of misinformation. You guys need to educate yourselves about reality.
My mistake ... you finally got me once John. Good job!
If you call for only Democrats to be elected, you are a Democrat.
The good news is Americans support the acquittal. From Reuters.
The national opinion poll found that 43% of U.S. adults supported the Republican-led Senate’s decision on Wednesday to keep Trump in office in a case stemming from his dealings with Ukraine. Forty-one percent opposed the acquittal.
From your link:
That doesn't coincide with the 43 approved of the acquittal. Maybe my math is fuzzy
Tell me what percent in the poll support the acquittal. I’ll give you a hint it’s two percent higher than those that are opposed.
48% of respondents think he's guilty and the repubs are protecting him. Doesn't that contradict the 43% who approved of the acquittal?
One can sit on a jury and think the one being prosecuted is guilty but if the prosecution does not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt the juror will still vote to acquit.
Or... also from your link
The results suggest that some respondents feel that even if Trump did something wrong, it was not enough to warrant his removal from office.
These same people think hannity tells the truth...
First cheering Richard Spencer, now praising Joe Walsh... David Duke is only a couple more denunciations of Trump away from an MSNBC hosting gig.
Unprecedented..........................oh, wait.
This seed has become so polluted with right wing lies and stupidity that I am locking it.