
Police: Family plots to teach child a lesson with fake kidnapping


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Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  13 comments

Police: Family plots to teach child a lesson with fake kidnapping

Police: Family plots to teach child a lesson with fakekidnapping

Rose Brewer, Nathan Firoved, Denise Kroutil, and Elizabeth Hupp.

Rose Brewer, Nathan Firoved, Denise Kroutil, and Elizabeth Hupp.

TROY, MO (KTVI) Family members plotted to have a six-year-old boy kidnapped to teach him a lesson on stranger danger because he was too nice to people, the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office said Thursday.

According to the sheriffs office, deputies learned of a kidnapping in Troy on February 4.

UPDATE: Police: 6-year-old boy kidnapped for being too nice to strangers

Investigators learned that sometime before February 2, 38-year-old Denise Kroutil approached a co-worker, 23-year-old Nathan Firoved, and asked him to kidnap her nephew to scare him. The victims mother, 25-year-old Elizabeth Hupp, and grandmother, 58-year-old Rose Brewer, agreed with the plan to kidnap the young boy to teach him a lesson.

The boys mother and grandmother did not know Nathans last name, only Kroutil.

On Monday, February 2, authorities said Firoved parked his pickup truck by the boys bus stop and waited for him to be dropped off after school. Firoved lured the six-year-old into his truck and drove off.

Firoved told the frightened young boy he would never see his mother again and that he would be nailed to the wall of a shed.

The young boy began crying, at which point Firoved pulled out a handgun and threatened to harm the child if he didnt stop crying.

Investigators said Firovfed bound the boys hands and feet with plastic bags, then covered the childs face with a jacket. Firoved drove the boy to his own home, carried the child into the basement, and left him there.

Kroutil, the boys aunt, walked down into the basement, pulled the victims pants down, and began shouting that he could be sold into sex slavery. She also allegedly chastised the child for not trying to resist her or Firoved.

The boy was kept in the basement for some time longer before he was finally unbound and allowed to go upstairs, at which time his family lectured him about stranger danger.

Family members and Firoved kept in contact via cell phone during the whole ordeal, which lasted about four hours.

The victim told school authorities on Wednesday, who then contacted the Missouri Division of Family Services. The sheriffs office was called to the home and the child placed into protective custody.

The family members told investigators their intent was to educate the child and felt they had done nothing wrong.

Firoved, Brewer, and Kroutil were charged with kidnapping, felonious restraint, and abuse/neglect of a child. They remain in custody at Lincoln County Jail on $250,000 bond. The boys mother, Hupp, was charged with kidnapping and abuse/neglect of a child. She remains jailed on a $250,000 cash-only bond.



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Kroutil, the boys aunt, walked down into the basement, pulled the victims pants down, and began shouting that he could be sold into sex slavery. She also allegedly chastised the child for not trying to resist her or Firoved.

This is INSANE!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I understand them being VERY concerned about the child's safety, but they sure went about teaching him the wrong way. How stupid!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Family members plotted to have a six-year-old boy kidnapped to teach him a lesson on stranger danger What about "Family Danger?"

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Where was the father in all this?

All three of those women need their asses kicked!!!

I'm normally a non-violent person, unless violence is the only way to prevent tragedy, but this takes the friggen cake.

They need their asses kicked, publicly.

AND, you would think that a 23 year old male has enough sense to know better also. they ought to tie him up and throw something over his head while threatening to kill him with a gun for a while also.

At least the boy had the smarts to tell someone.

I just hope to hell that they haven't created another sicko in the process.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    9 years ago

Nothingdefines motherly love more than scaring a child into a lifetime of psychiatric care.

And something about this:

Kroutil, the boys aunt, walked down into the basement, pulled the victims pants down, and began shouting that he could be sold into sex slavery. She also allegedly chastised the child for not trying to resist her or Firoved.

...bugs the crap out of me. What aunt in their right mind would pull their nephew's pants down under any circumstances? Besides, they were allegedly teaching the little boy about stranger danger. So why would he have a reason to 'resist' the aunt? Along those same lines, and pardon my often-times delusional, andalways suspicious tendencies, but why do the mug shots resemble a group of dubious characters that spend half theirtime under the influence of party pharmaceuticals, and the other half of their timeplotting scams that might earn an easy buck?

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I can't imagine the fear that poor boy felt, and now he'll feel betrayal of his family members...only 6 years old!!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

If this isn't the epitome of mental abuse, I don't know what is.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I hope he finds forever, loving and caring couple to raise him.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

She also allegedly chastised the child for not trying to resist her or Firoved. Well, DUH the poor child was scared to death!!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

The father is probably one o those dead beat fathers.


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