Rush Limbaugh producer 'Bo Snerdley' founds new PAC for black conservatives
Category: News & Politics
Via: freewill • 5 years ago • 66 commentsBy: Jennifer Harper

In the wake of the backlash surrounding the presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh at the SOTU address, Rush's producer of almost 30 years shares an interesting perspective. He also said in a recent newsletter:
The battle lines have been drawn by liberal Democrats and their friends in the media. No sooner did President Trump award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to my friend Rush Limbaugh than they cried “racist!”
I have worked for Rush for almost 30 years, and I have learned a lot sitting beside him every day. I know Rush and I know liberals. One has profited from keeping blacks down and the other hasn’t.
Your thoughts?

He is well-known on the air waves as “Bo Snerdley,” the senior producer for Rush Limbaugh’s daily talk radio show, heard by an audience of 14 million. His real name is James Golden , however — and he is now on a mission to “make Black Americans Republican again.”
With fellow black conservative Autry Pruitt , Mr. Golden has founded New Journey PAC, a political action committee that promotes conservative values among black Americans — and everyone else for that matter. The organization includes MAGA.BLACK , a new online destination for one and all, they say.
“For 80 years, the Democratic Party has taken the black vote for granted. Under the leadership of President Trump, Black-Americans enjoyed the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded. The Trump approach has produced an economy that works for all Americans, yet Democrats are promising more of the same — votes for crumbs. It is simply not enough to stand on the sidelines and hope for the best,” the two founders say in their mission statement.
“The concept was not to build a destination solely for black conservatives or to solely promote black conservatism, but to be a destination for all conservatives. Frankly, we founded this destination out of frustration. We are fed up with the racial narratives that the left uses to paint conservatives as bigots and racists, simply because we have a different view of public policy and politics,” the statement said.
Among the goals of the new PAC is to “debunk the phony liberal narrative that Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, evangelicals and even conservative Democrats are racist.”
Mr. Golden believes the Republican Party’s historical ties with black Americans is ‘inarguable’ — but has been “purposefully ignored by academia, and the main-stream media” for the last five decades.
“The result is that entire generations of Americans have been subjected to a false narrative about who Republicans are, their role in the civil rights movement, and their interest in seeing all Americans, including blacks, achieving the American Dream,” Mr. Golden said.
The two founders also cite promising poll numbers from Rasmussen Reports and Emerson College which now place support for President Trump among blacks at an “astonishing” 34%.
Both also say they are optimistic about the recent trends and are “anxious to spread the conservative message to communities ignored by skeptical politicians.”
Interesting perspective from James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, producer for Rush Limbaugh.
He’s right on! He can help Candace Owens with Blexit as well
Indeed, he can. Golden's message also aligns with Jexodus and Brandon Straka's Walk Away movement.
A great combination to get people to abandon the party that takes their votes for granted while doing nothing to help those people.
In a perfect republic, skin color should be as immaterial as religion,
no really...........................................
Maybe, someday but certainly nothing the world has yet to see.
That was MLK Jr’s dream and Republicans are all for content of character rather than race being how people are judged.
Maybe a conservative can start by "republican-plaining" that reference made by Impeached President Donald J.Trump:
Because that movie was released in 1939 and I am not sure at all that a president can indulge himself in getting an Oscar nomination action for it nearly a hundred years later! But this is 'throw the rules out the window' Donald! He has that conservative mojo thing going for him.
Now about that 'plaining,' please.
Easy! He's a jackass. Doesn't have a whole lot to do with this seed though, eh?
There’s supposed to be something bad about the movie “gone with the wind” now? Is that a new version of PC I haven’t heard of yet?
That is your idea of 'plaining' Trump's comment? You're kidding right? It took you the bulk of the day to respond like so?
This your idea of factual BS?
It must be since so many on the left read so god damn much into each and every last Trump comment. The man is simply not that deep. He likes "Gone with the Wind"; you do realize that it is considered a classic movie? Remember how old Trump is? Maybe he just likes the classics; and prefers them over what Holly Weird is cranking out these days.
Hey, maybe you can come tell my mother that she is a racist for liking this movie and so many other classic movies that she grew up with? Just make sure that you duck and backpedal quickly to the door when you do; she has a wedding ring she has never been able to take off- and it cuts damn deep when she hits you.
Stop with the race baiting BS. There are enough reasons to hate Trump w/o making shit up.
And the left wonder why so many are sick of their shit?
Well, I always let black friends, black family members and black NT members have their say about racial matters from their perspective without referring to it as race baiting.
The next black Academy Award winner would be Sidney Poitier in 1963
I happen to have loved the movie Gone With the Wind. For your information. I happen to like to say "shit" every so often too. However, Gone With The Wind and the word, "Shit" have their proper time and place in conversation. Neither Gone With the Wind or "Shit" have a proper place in a presidential rally. Who gives a damn what President Trump thinks or opines about the Oscars? Why is he doing pop culture references anyway? Why is he wiping his butt with anybody in public who speaks or acts in consequence of their professions?
You might say to me, because he can. To which I will tell you then I can call him the big-mouth, opportunist, racist he is. If he wishes to talk like some thug, or junior achiever, or street punk that is his prerogative—he aspired to become a president and leader of a diverse and great people. Thus, he has to temper his words with understanding, warmth, and yes, greatness. Not gutter talk. Not provocations. Not intentional divisions.
He can do that kind of conduct from the steps of Trump Tower, and walk away now from the wide door of governing. He can leave it up to those men and women who will guard their tongues, not letting their words be fire and ruin; men and women who speak their words with great care.
Lastly, there is nothing of importance or comparison to today found in Gone With The Wind. Indeed, most will not even remember Brett Butler's most iconic line. —But for the president of the United States who will send some backwards looking for the film. A film about black "mammies" and white women who owned black women as property.
Trump likes to appear that he is relevant and topical. Your easy 'excuse' that he is old, does not account for him being a fool. You can't have it both ways. Either he meant what he said and knew it would cut deep, or he is a fool who is not sensitive to the facts of the matter.
In any case, if he wishes for Gone With The Wind to re-garner today's Oscar, he is out of touch and foolish, because time itself has ran out on that fever dream of his.
Canada Lee (Lifeboat) should have won a best supporting actor award.
Yes. What about movies:
And so on and so forth. Movies which are damning without being damnable. Nah, Donald Trump did not think before he spoke—wait, or did he?
As stated above, while I can appreciate Gone With The Wind as a sweeping cinematic picture about a bygone era, its big leads and themes, it is inappropriate and rude for a president today to interject it as stream of consciousness in a political rally, in my opinion.
Especially while tearing down another film that he admitted he had not seen. You will hear it from me here time and again that he just needs to keep his tweet hole shut.
What Donald Trump is tweeting, what he is saying at rallies, is coming from "inside" the man. You will simply have to start listening closer and better; he is telling you who he is and who he wants to be. Now then, yesterday he came for this one, today he is after that one, you should really consider getting rid of him politically before he double-crosses you! Take what you already got—and Run!
Who is a "jackass"? Please clarify. How is the MAGA - President Donald J.Trump and what he says to an audience in a public setting, not answerable by MAGA-Black Bo Snerdley when it is he that is setting up to be the appeal to Black Americans?
Incidentally, when you detail your group as MAGA-Black and create phrasing like, "make Black Americans Republican again" how exactly is Bo post-identity politics?
Trump of course. But I think you knew that. If you think Mr. Golden should answer that then why don't you ask him? Why don't you listen to some of his interviews and perhaps you might even find answers to the other "questions" you asked below. Perhaps you will find that he is indeed NOT down on the former black president, just some of his policies and the policies of that president's party in major cities all over the country. Reasonable observations and examinations of the facts. And he does not "cover" for the current president, especially when Trump puts his fat foot in his mouth just like many others of us who lean conservative do not "cover" for him.
And who said anything about Bo being post-identity politics? Identity politics is precisely what he and many others feel needs to go. Perhaps you could listen to his interviews, get an idea about where he is coming from, read about why he is forming the PAC, and quit making assumptions like your friend below who just couldn't refrain from painting the "Uncle" label on him right out of the gate. Post-identity politics might be a goal, but clearly we are some ways from achieving that based on the assumptions people make about other people, without even knowing them.
I'll be on the road today, but happy to pick this up tomorrow.
That does not follow. So you can straighten it out if you can when you get back tomorrow. I'll wait patiently. . . .
As to listening to Bo Snerdley, I used to more readily listen in to Rush's show when on the road. I will assume Mr. Snerdley was that black conservative stand-in at times for Rush when he was out It's been a while for me away from "checking out "Rushbo," but I think I got the sway of things. Besides all that Mr. Snerdley has a presence on Youtube for his past remarks.
Since you are here offering people an opportunity to hear (and possibly learn from this man's history and experiences), you should be prepared to vouch for his character and speak to his record in part or whole.
Why? Because I thought his perspective, which is counter to those ready to brand folks as racists without knowing anything about them, was interesting and wanted to hear the thoughts of others on the matter? But I'll be your huckleberry....
I don't know the man personally (never claimed to), but I did do a little poking around to get a better idea about his world view before I posted this article. This interview might shed a little light for ya if you are truly interested, which I am starting to doubt by the way.. I can put together more for you tomorrow in case Google Chrome simply refuses to work on your machine.
As much as I'd so enjoy shooting the shit with you this evening, just got back from a long trip and need to hit the rack. See you tomorrow.
Well Freewill you did good. I hope that makes you feel better when you rise up to a brand new beautiful morning! I watched the video you delivered and it is okay. It is Mr. Golden at Liberty University clearly not trying to be controversial as he is when doing his "Official Obama Critisizer (sic) skits.
There is no need to load me up (or down) with a set of conservative points of view. BTW, I'm okay with conservatives have a worldview wholly unto themselves - as long as they are prepared to accept that other groups have their legal and proper worldview as well.
Black people do live conservatively culturally, many many do, but since black people experienced slavery, retribution, being cheated, and lied too, and oh the many swerves in life which come their way as a people, they are not inclined to listen to someone who is uniquely classifying himself as the "Official Obama Critisizer" especially when the man can't find much of anything to criticize about his own fellow conservatives who are in the process of buying into a presidential delusion that Trump can do anything he wants while in office. We know that is a lie!
We know it because we can read and listen to Mr. Golden diminish and cast down the first black president for simply attempting to govern the country. We've got the tapes. So much for honest and moral centering being the way of conservativism.
And for the record Donald Trump is a racist from way back. Even worse, Trump don't like anybody who is not letting him steamroll through their lives—especially minorities.
Actually that is how he was occasionally satirically introduced by Limbaugh on the show. He introduced himself, also satirically, as an “ African-American-in-good-standing-and-certified-black-enough-to-criticize-Obama guy ".poking fun at the media and political left's refusal to accept any criticism of President Obama, especially from whites. He doesn't claim to be "uniquely classified" to be anything other than able to observe, analyze, and state his opinion from his perspective. Why would you fault him for that?
Again, Golden makes it very clear both on the show and in other interviews that he is/was critical of some of Obama's policies, and those of other politicians of Obama's party, and cited clearly his reasons for such criticisms particularly with respect to how he sees those policies impact people of his race. Do you really believe that ALL of Obama's policies were beyond criticism? If you have evidence that " Mr. Golden diminished and cast down the first black president for simply attempting to govern the country ", then please produce it so that I may stand corrected. Why in God's name as a black man himself would he do that? And why would it be such a travesty that he point out which policies have helped the black community in terms of lower unemployment, higher wages, greater opportunity, etc., and which have not?
Another interview with Mr. Golden HERE . I don't think he has any illusions that black folks are ever going to like Trump as a person, or even come out in droves to vote for him, as is evidence by his story about his mother. But he isn't focused on JUST that election with his PAC anyway, he is focused on policies and candidates at all levels of government who promote policies that better serve our communities, including the inner city and black communities that he feels based on facts and his observations have not been adequately served by entrenched Democrats and their policies.
For a good work no-one should condemn Mr. Golden, Rush Limbaugh, or Impeached President Donald J. Trump! But do listen to this video and please observe something Rush says himself about 5 percent unemployment in this country at timestamp: 1:49. That black man, Mr. Golden, ain't doing satire. He is making fun of people in the 'hood' before people deemed not to live in the 'hood.'
Again, for a good work no one should be condemned. But when public figures are crude and rude they will be condemned. We don't have to take their crap and we won't. Furthermore, if this "Obama critisizer (sic)" was being fair about his complaints then he would recast himself as "Trump critisizer (sic)."
He can't - can he? Of course not! It does not work that way. Remember? Donald Trump's shortcomings and they are many, are not permitted to be spoken of by republicans, conservatives, and oh yes - Rush Limbaugh.
You mean the "EIB brothers and sisters in the hood" as he clearly put it? You don't think that might be a bit tongue in cheek? Nonetheless, I agree it doesn't come across very well, but not a whole lot different than we hear from some popular comedians today. You will note that his focus is on Obama's status among the liberal elite and his diatribe is asking the President elect how will you be any better than previous liberals and their policies and their impacts on those black folks not among the elite? It is a criticism of the ideology more than the man and his observation that the ideology hasn't done much to help those in communities he and many others might refer to as "the hood". But I agree that he could have delivered that message in a much better way like he did in some of the other interviews he has done.
I just ran across another where he plays this part again on the show, and I think he just takes what he thinks is funny too darn far. And from my perspective it isn't nearly as effective at getting his message across as he thinks it is, and as evidenced here it can even be counter-productive.
As far as him becoming a "Trump Criticizer", sure why not. Trump certainly has many attributes worth criticizing eh? Although it would appear that Mr. Golden feels that many of Trump's conservative policies are better for black folks based on numbers and his observations over the years, even for those from "the hood". So he'll likely leave the criticism of Trump to you fine folks. Certainly your criticisms are plenty to go around, eh? Let me put it this way:
She can't - can she? Of course not! It does not work that way. Remember? Obama's policy shortcomings and they are many, are not permitted to be spoken of by democrats, liberals, progressives, and oh yes - Rachel Maddow.
See how that works? Would you expect Rachel Maddow to criticize Obama for his arrogance in some situations, or for his policy promises that weren't true, or for ordering the assassination of an American citizen without the due process of law? Of course not. So why would you expect Mr. Golden to criticize Trump for his awful character flaws when he agrees with his policies on a general level?
Of course, Mr. Golden went too far. He is a jobber. And, Limbaugh gave him a job as the "Obama Critisizer (sic)."
Okay you went there. And the largess of your comment will now rest on the above. Who is the American citizen you know or have been told was ordered assassinated by former President Barack Obama?
Anwar al-Awlaki, oh and his 16 year old son as well two weeks later
Is that acceptable and sufficient for the rest of the largess of my comment to rest upon? Or do you have evidence to the contrary?
Oh wow! You quoting a Glenm Greenwald article now? This is a selective outrage for this man was an active terrorist carrying out plots in theregion thereabouts. And it was extraordinary circumstances. As you well know. All the same, yes it happened. Thanks for the "refresher." Former President Obama was criticized about it by liberals too. But I am not about to rehash that period with you.
It happened. Obama faced "blow-back." If conservatives want to "lock him up" —go for it if you have justification. If not. . . . I did not then and I will not now shed a tear for that man. The son was sad for me, yes.
Well not really selective. It was unprecedented at the time and the "active terrorist" bit was never proved, at least no evidence presented. Just the word of the president and those he tasked with carrying it out.
Indeed for me as well, so was the daughter who was killed by another drone strike this time authorized by Trump. When they talk about "precision drone strikes", they must have a much different definition of "precision" than I do.
It may be indefensible. We can never know "all" from out "headquarters." It may have be justified. It may never rise to the level of needing further investigation. So all I can do is offer sympathy, empathy (to no one in particular), and release it. War is
heavenhell!Is Bo Snerdley still doing "Obama criticizer" shows? How come this black man disrespects that black president for helping resolve our last "great" recession and for liberating the LGBTQ community to have civil and marriage rights?
And by the way, what does being just a conservative have to do with success anyway? A conservative (Bush) could not help fix the global recession, a moderate liberal (Obama) did help end the recession and fix our broken healthcare system (using republican ideas "of old"), without republican support.
It explains why we need identity politics, because the diverse party of liberals and minorities can't catch a break from this nation's conservatives no way-no how.
Especially when Trump said that blacks are inherently born lazy and that he hated having a black accountant and preferred the guys with the little hats.
Yes, some of these people would like us to play 'pretend' for their benefit. We have better commonsense than to disregard truth just to hide away in alternative realms, while the citizens of this country are mangled by a self-righteous bunch of maniacs.
Let's get down and dirty with this:
to me , he doesn't sound so much like Anti
black, as
he may be a beaten man,
and probably, just maybe, ready to say
Tomorrows weather, appears awfully shady !
I simply wonder if Snerdley is putting dollars over commonsense. Because in the larger scheme of life, Black Americans, heavens all of us, need a big honking helping of both dollars and commonsense!
If Mr. Golden is just getting up and running with this 'Black thang' who comprises the republicans in the audience of 14 million Rush ditto heads Mr. Golden has been helping to influence to date? Clearly, it ain't black people!
Evidentially, Black America is simply not 'rushin' to get in to the Republican Party en masse!
Alright. Just what is it that so called 'black conservatives' want anyway.
Or could it be that Mr. Golden is comfortable being overpaid while promoting 'the white thang' and figuring that America, what ever that is anyway, will endure anyway.
He works for Rush...nuff said.
Well technically he has worked with Rush for close to 30 years and has said many times that if he felt Rush was a racist, he would not have hung around for any amount of money. So yeah... nuff said.
Nuff said? Not so much.
People are funny that way. Indeed, we all are, aren't we? We all have our 'pet' friend who clicks with us on the soul level where others can not. Surely, you have observed this. Heavens! There are examples of white klansmen "smitten" with this 'colored' or that one. Every rule has its exceptions. I thought you knew. Even slave masters fell in love with their slave "mistresses" —for life. She still knew her place. Her rank. Her status. And if she needed reminding, well——.
Well according to the Maga.Black website :
Is that alright with you, or shall they just shut the fuck up and sit down?
Er' can you tell those two conservative fools, "Maga Black" is identify politics. If can not call people out by their identity and simultaneously deny doing so.
If Maga Black wants to ask liberals to become conservative do that and drop the 'black exodus' needy crap. Moreover, black people are not liberals and democrats, because they can't see into the Republican Party or Conservative Movement.
Black people as people, can think, see, hear, and talk to one another. And, largely black people think, see, hear, and talk about conservatives who lie, cheat, steal, and falsely SAY with their lips they are Christians delegated to love while all the while it is clear to anybody with commonsense and eyes, just how self-interested, greedy, and self-righteous they are to judge and manipulate their fellow citizens.
Some conservatives, mainly Right wing Evangelicals, have been exposed as speaking with a forked tongue.
Perhaps, but where do they deny calling people out by an "identity" that has already been established by those fully invested in such politics?
They explain the reason for the name of the organization, "The concept was NOT to build a destination solely for black conservatives or to solely promote black conservatism, but to be a destination for ALL conservatives. Frankly, we founded this destination out of frustration. We are fed up with the racial narratives that the left uses to paint conservatives as bigots and racists, simply because we have a different view of public policy and politics. For decades, the Left has played the race card and slandered conservatives as ‘racist’ along with anyone who disagrees with their ideology. Many of those false narratives have gone unchallenged, or are weakly defended in the media."
As stated they seek to, "have a full voice in shaping the direction of this great land, without being called ‘Uncle Toms’ or other divisive and slanderous names". The black "identity" (in terms of its political utility) was not of their creation and they hope to someday correct it. The left has used identity politics for years to perpetuate their ideology, so why are your panties in a bunch over Maga.Black doing the same at least temporarily? Who knows, if they are successful, perhaps they'll shorten it to just MAGA. Will that make you happier? (-:
I'll thank you never to mention my "nether-regions" and I won't mention yours. (Smile.)
If these organizations don't wish to engage in identity politics, then don't engage in identity politics. To display some version of "bait and switch" is to use a technique of deception. That is, to say one thing, in this case to deny what it is they are in fact doing. Furthermore, if Maga.Black draws people in associated with race and ethnicity and then change mid-stream, what promise do they have the blacks won't evacuate once the new 'outfit' manifests in reality? Better to tell the truth up front and not be accused later of having a forked tongue.
Well I forked my tongue today at lunch, and it forking hurt. Next time I’ll ask for a spork.
These people will have there work cut out for them. Good luck with that. I say this, not as arrogance, but to alert all involved WORDS won't be enough. Just like the Supreme Court defined obscenity years back: Racism is something you know when you encounter it!
The fact that some black conservatives are shielded from racism or are shielding themselves from racism has no bearing on the majority black experience. We all KNOW racism is yet still alive and rumors of its demise are exaggerated. We can all hope that racism will die a 'swift' death relatively speaking, but for that to happen people will have to be honest and open with one another across the board and across 'battle-lines.'
Funny you should say that. Mr. Golden feels that the policies that have left some black communities in inner cities in shambles, all the while governed for decades by democrats are indeed a form of racism. He simply favors the sorts of policies that help lift such communities out of poverty and/or provides them with school choice, jobs, and opportunities to be part of leading their communities to success and equality of opportunity. If racism is something you know when you encounter it, then why not at least consider the opinion of a group of black men and women who feel they have encountered it, and who know the difference between the WORD "racist" being used as a tool of a political ideology against its rivals, and the results that same ideology has left in its wake for decades in the inner cities?
Well I can certainly agree with you on that.
Then, if you agree, start by telling your conservative friends to cease telling black people to "get over it." Our white majority which has ever been a minority somewhere else can tell stories of leaving its home of origin to find a new home to get away from the problems of being under the 'boot' of others. No one, certainly not just a small subset of individuals gets to tell any minority people everything will be alright if they simply give up their Cause.
It is too much to ask; and, conservatives can no more ask it of black Americans than it can expect it of Liberals. And Trump is no friend to anybody's cause. Just you conservatives cross him (if you dare) and you will easily face his efforts to remove your group from authority, influence, and power. Conservatism is a transactional relationship with Trump, as I see it—nothing more.
So, in other words the 'black conservatives' believe that Mitch McConnell, Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham, and others will deliver on those wishes?
Why do you have to inject your own " in other words "? Use their words instead of telling us what you think they mean or believe.
Indeed the main goals of their organization already posted above and according to their website include,
Anything at all unclear about that?
The " in other words " specialists are out in force tonight. Nice!
Apparently, according to CB my "conservative" friends and I are in the habit of telling Black people " to get over it " and to " give up their Cause ". Get over what, or give up what, I have no idea, but that is what CB somehow gathered from my comments here. Lovely. That is precisely the sort of thing that Mr. Golden talks about in his interviews; the arrogant presupposition that the liberal left and their policies ARE somehow THE "Cause" for all minorities, and then anyone who steps up to challenge that idea (including black folks for Christ's sake) is automatically a Trump affiliated racist. Some here have illustrated precisely why people like James Golden and Autry Pruitt felt compelled to to create an organization such as Maga.Black. Congratulations! You've made their point for them! If some minorities agree that they are not well served by the policies and conditions under which they currently live and care to join, great. If not, then they don't. Nobody is telling anyone to "get over" anything, or to "give up" anything they perceive to be their cause, or in their best interest. Honestly, why is this such a threat to some people that they need to make shit up?
And if I didn't make it clear enough above, I do not like Trump, he is a jackass and I did not and will not vote for him. I actually parted ways with the Republican Party after his election and am currently an Independent. So you can refrain from using your " in other words " powers on me, I see right through that sort of bullshit.
Did somebody call "CB"? Who is the conservative Right to tell black people they can't detect and avoid hypocrites in the conservative evangelical movement? Y'all are being guided by a shady conman and you turned over your political 'baton' to Trump of your own free-will. God did not order Right-wing evangelicals to seat this man,Trump in God's name! Y'all did that on your own.
And, you want people to join your party under this man's 'watch'? Why should anybody associate with Trump when you won't? What is this you telling others to do which you won't undertake for yourself? What is your defense of conservatism all about any way while not checking and 'chunking' Trump out this campaign season?!
Donald Trump is a racist. It's been proven. And to punctuate the point, he compounds it by never repenting, not saying he's sorry, won't apologize, and can't improve. Just see "Trump still thinks Central Park Five Are Guilty." It's topical. It speak volumes. I rest my case.
Black people don't owe Donald Trump a single solitary vote. It ain't worth it. Trump ain't worth it. Republicans nor conservatives can persuade Donald to apologize, repent, or say he's sorry. Why? Because there is firm evidence Trump is not sorry.
Trump could give a damn about those five black and Latino boys turned men in jail. Why? Because he was too lazy then and still is too lazy now as president to dig deeper and inform himself of their innocence.
Perhaps it is you who need to refrain from insisting blacks and other minorities who are impacted by negative race treatment, violence, and disrespect for and to their persons join the political party who hold firmly in place a lying, combative, racist at its apex and as it unique standard-bearer: Donald J. Trump.
Why the anger?
And------------"in other words" is absolutely applicable. The items listed were--------words without basis or any track record forwarded by the conservatives or the GOP for over a century.
Anger? Me? LOL... Now THATS funny! Holy shit. Thanks for the laugh my friend.
No. The listed items were THEIR words that directly contradict your assertion about what black conservatives believe and what their goals are. Especially the part I had underlined.
Look CB. I understand your anger and hatred for Trump and in many ways I feel the same way about him. But I also understand that others might not feel that way for various reasons, some good reasons, some not so good. Perhaps Mr. Pruitt and maybe Mr. Golden have their reasons for supporting him anyway (or more likely just supporting some of his administration's policies). But their organization and the goals they put forward indicate that they are more interested in recruiting and supporting a NEW wave of conservatives more inclusive of minorities who might share their observations of what sorts of policies have helped their communities in the last several decades and which haven't. And they don't appreciate being called "Uncle Toms" nor enjoy seeing their friends being called "racists" by people who do not even know them, which seems like a reasonable reaction to me. I thought they had an interesting perspective in the wake of the backlash on the Limbaugh thing and thought I'd open it up for discussion. And while I appreciate your opinions on it, I'd kindly ask you to refrain from putting words in my mouth and twisting what I say. To wit:
Who, especially in this thread, has TOLD black people that they can't detect or avoid anyone? Let me ask you, who is the liberal Left to tell black people they can't detect and avoid hypocrites in the liberal/progressive movement? I think that is kinda what Mr. Golden is getting at here. You may not like his opinion but he has every right to express it. Incidentally, last I looked it wasn't the conservative Right that forcibly and actually shut down or hindered free speech and the expression of opinion in several fairly recent high profile cases, simply because they didn't like it. If you supported that then you have no business making up false stories about me or anyone else TELLING others what they can or cannot do/say and then pretending to be outraged by it.
First of all, it ain't my party at the moment, and second I'm not the one who wants anyone to join any party. Now Mr. Pruitt and Mr. Golden might answer yes to that question, but they cite their reasons for this and make it clear that their organization is more focused on improving the Republican party with "new" candidates (especially minority candidates) at all levels of government.
Well I'm flattered that you feel others should follow my lead, but I never said that anyone should or shouldn't associate with anyone else. And I wouldn't presume to TELL Mr. Pruitt or Mr. Golden who they should or shouldn't associate with either. Would you? If people, especially minorities, want to associate with him for their reasons who are we to insist that they not?
Well it is a complete figment of your imagination, of course. I didn't TELL anyone to do anything and you know it. If you don't like my opinions or those of Mr. Golden and Mr. Pruitt, then simply don't listen to them.
Clearly I have already refrained from that as I have insisted on no such thing, and you know it. Are you insisting that they remain with the Democrat party if they feel that party and its policies have not helped their communities? Note that I am asking you that as a question not telling you that you are insisting on it and that you need to refrain. You do see the difference right?
From the Article: With partner Autry Pruitt, he promises to 'make Black Americans Republican again'
1. Don't you have all the conservative blacks already who desire to be in this Republican Party? Aren't conservative blacks intelligent enough to find their way to the Republican Party without a group proposition? Who else do you seek?
2. Black Americans, as a whole, are not Republicans, and there is not much chance of becoming so, unless a great many things change in the attitudes, character, and activities of the Republican Party. Starting with the Republican parting ways with bigots and racists groups who help 'balance out' its shrinking demographic. If and when blacks move in bigots and racists will have already departed the Republican Party or will then leave en masse. —Not sure the Republican party desires or benefits from that occurring, . . . how about you: You sure?
3. Nobody should want to sit down and 'sup' with a bunch of crude, rude, and uncompromising groups of people like some Republicans and Conservatives. Meddlesome, nearly the whole lot. On the other-hand, it's a free country Pruitt and Golden are welcome to try.
One last thing. Republicans and conservatives should be careful with what is wished. Things will change in the Republican Party when minorities arrive. The status quo will have to go!
Well I would hope so! That is at least a good part of the point Mr. Golden is making ain't it? To be honest I couldn't care less where the bigots and racists from either party go. Hopefully just away.
As for your other items, already covered that above, no need to rehash.
It's Black History Month! In the spirit of sharing I offer this video up for consideration. I may even extend it to Golden and Pruitt as a peace-remembrance:
The Ojays Ship Ahoy
We must remember the past in order not to fall prey to it again. Because when men ignore, step on, and diminish their own Rule of Law - many oddities flow backwards into the stream. All things once forgotten and laid to rest can reincarnate themselves as possible and accomplish-able once more. Golden and Pruitt should inform themselves that the Republican Party of Lincoln is not who these republicans are today. There was a great shift in politics and worldviews in the 1940's and 1960's. And, with a "stroke of the Presidential pen" or a single congressional act - what is up today can all come crashing down to the dirt. We must never allow our truth to rely on one man's whimsical ideas of right and wrong.
There will always be somebody, some group, some people on the bottom needing a hand up. Those who "sit in purple," according to Jesus, should be ready to consider that what they possess in this world is not to be confused with the nakedness of the soul and spirit - which supplies other equally if not more important treasures to men, women, boys, and girls.
There will always be the masses subject to falling below the wage floor, due to neglect, illness, accident, or disaster/s. The less fortunate ones. For the fortunate few, as you ride upon the future "high places" of this world take the time and actions available to look down and to the right and left of you.
Here is a metaphor for the mind:
And remember what and who are forever below!
One bad seed of division long considered forgotten plants itself in the damp, deep, and fertile ground of a nation's spirit, touched by rays of dark inspiration, and watered by spoken lies and deceptions, can root, push upwards, and blossom in the light of day.
No one will dare ask other groups of people (The American colonies; the Russians; the Jews; the Indigenous Peoples of this land, et ceteras) to forget their histories, to put away the sufferings of their past which inform the strives made today and for the future, in order to grow together as one in this land.
Black America need not homogenize itself based on the lies, deceptions, half-truths, and disinformation offered by supporters of Impeached President Donald J. Trump.
All is well, then.