Sanders Claims 'Every Study' Shows Medicare for All Will Save Money
Category: News & Politics
Via: it-is-me • 5 years ago • 41 commentsBy: Newsweek - Chantal Da Silva
Bernie is the "Panderer Extraordinaire" !
The "Kiddies" of the country love it though !
Elect someone that bases their entire platform on "Assumptions".
Bernies "Assumption" is that his plan would be 450 Billion less than 17 Trillion over ten years that has been the best cost to date for HIS plan. And that's just the costs of "ONE" of his plans costs.
Go it.
Don't complain later though !
Promoting his signature Medicare for All plan, Sanders said at one point during the debate that "every study out there, conservative or progressive, says: 'Medicare for All' will save money."
While it is true that some studies have suggested that the plan could cost less than the current health care system in the U.S., other studies have found that Medicare for All would only increase spending.
Sanders appeared to embrace one particular study during the debate: a recent study published in medical journal The Lancet, which determined that his plan could cost $450 billion less in one year than the current framework.
The Lancet paper estimates that the costs for Medicare for All could come to $17 trillion over 10 years, a significantly lower amount compared to the roughly $30 to $40 trillion other studies have estimated the plan might cost the U.S. over a decade.
However, critics have been quick to dismiss that study, with health economists warning that its findings rely on unrealistic assumptions to arrive at that number.
"The assumptions are unrealistic," Gerard Anderson, a health economist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore recently told Kaiser Health News.
Noting that the study claims hospitals would spend less money on overhead costs with a single insurance plan, Anderson said the research ignores all the other costs that they would need to cover, including staffing electronic health records.
"You are never going to save that much money from the various providers," Anderson asserted.
In the wake of Tuesday's debate, a number of outlets, including The New York Times, seized on Sanders' use of the Kaiser study to rally support around Medicare for All, while also deeming his claims that "every study" has found the plan to be less costly as "false."
Much of the additional spending would be due to the fact that the plan would see coverage extended to more Americans. However, the plan would also include expensive benefits, which could also increase the cost.
Liu told Kaiser that she agreed that the Lancet paper made clearly uncertain assumptions. However, she also noted that the researchers behind the study acknowledge that their findings are based on those assumptions.
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All the Idiots that are going to vote for Bernie see is...… "Health Care for All" !
Sanders may be right. Sanders also may be wrong.
But, I do know that the 'private for profit' insurance industry currently managing America's health care payment system is not saving anybody anything.
They aren't designed to actually "Save" money for others. It's called "A Business" that funds YOURS, and everyone else they supply a service to, for a "Fee" ! They rely on millions of clients to help them fund that cost of Yours.
Bernie Supporters don't seem to understand that. Bernie supporters actually think the "Bernie Plan" is going to reduce "Actual Medical Costs", which it doesn't ! It tries to "Force (socialism)" Companies to take a lower payment, over what the costs actually are.
Even a Moron knows, if you try and negotiate too many times with a business (Hospitals, Doctors, Care Givers, etc...), they'll tell you to take a hike, or just stop services altogether.
Yeah. It's the 'fee' that concerns me.
A fee that is determined by profit margins, as well as if they will cover you at all should a medical incident happen. Insurance companies put a $ amount to what your life is worth, and generally that $ amount is much much less than you would believe.
Well....they aren't gonna "Supply" a Money service to you for "Free" !
Do you think "Bernie's" plan will ?
It's no different than SS. You want your retirement money, you better hope the work force grows (Contributors to SS).
And "Expenses" !
Every Business on the planet is in business to make a profit !
Sorry. Insurance health care billing executives do not deserve millions of dollars in annual compensation.
Government will do better ?
Governments always in "Debt", while the "Politicians" become Millionaires" for "Serving "The People".
Is that really a better option ?
So my (new 8-5 office job) would see a significant increase in customers looking for Med Sups! I'd really have to get my agent's licence then. I don't see a downside. I'm just joking.... mostly.
So it is okay in your mind, that a person's life is determined based on a company's profits? Fees are based on profit, expenses are just part of the equation in determining how much the fees are to make their profit margin.
Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight
Extreme Rise in Some Drug Prices Reaches a Tipping Point
Why Did That Drug Price Increase 6,000%?
Big Pharma’s Go-To Defense of Soaring Drug Prices Doesn’t Add Up
Yeah, I'm not thrilled with the $148 that Quest charges for a blood test AFTER most of the original bill is "waived" and Medicare pays their $30.00.
I use the "Insurance" that I pay for...all the time. I'm not dying !
I can't imagine what the cost would be "WITHOUT" that profit hording company I use when needed.
So tell us….how is Bernie going to force "Medical Costs" down, when one doesn't have insurance ?
You know...the "Real" problem (what the caregiver folks charge).
To eat? Pay rent, car payments.....
Let's be real. Even Burnie can't provide that.
It is good that you can afford your insurance, or have a job that can help you afford it. Do you truly believe that is true for everyone?
A fraction of what you're paying.
In case you haven't noticed, one of his big things is single payer insurance. If you're an American, you will have insurance.
So you are trying to deflect by pointing to one little piece of the pie, and ignoring everything else?
The fact remains that the current healthcare insurance system in America weighs a person's life against corporate profits, and lives are lost in that process.
As the Constitution stipulates.
ONE MORE TIME, I have never claimed Medicare covers everything, this is a deflection you keep trying to push. Medicare DOES NOT base its coverage on the profit margin.
14th Amendment
All the Maroons Hear from Bernie and his Types, is this fantasy of …… "I'm covered....for Nothing" !
What a bunch of "Gulli-bull....shits"
Government assistance programs are available everywhere. if you don't have a job, get on one of those assistance programs. I've been paying for that too with no qualms. Didn't bother me. If you tell me I will pay for it by law, My "Happy Camper" persona will quickly diminish. Happy ?
You've got the wrong kind of Medicare
the 14th has absolutely nothing to do with illegals.
you are correct, the EOB (6 pages) came 10 days after I paid the blood suckers at Quest...
and indicates I did not owe them the same amount.
I also have to check with the physicians office to see if I signed anything that said I would pay - i saw something to that effect on line.
I also saw where Quest harasses people and goes to collection regularly.