I'm Sorry
It's been so long since I've been here on The Newstalkers that I can't seem to determine how to write an article or where to put it. I apologize if I have put this in the wrong place.
Anyway, I would like to apologize to anyone I have offended on The Newstalkers. I'm known for using quite colorful language at times and I'm known for speaking about what's on my mind. However, I have a terminal illness that will take my life within the next six months so please accept my apology.
Is this article in the right place?
You are in the right place. I am so sorry to hear this. I would like to help as much as I can. No need for apologies to me.
Thank you, Perrie. I'll call soon.
You're in the right place Sichuan. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation.
As far as I'm concerned no apologies are necessary.
Ah yes, Kavika. How could I forget Kavika? Thank you, sir, for your comment. You will always have my respect and admiration.
And you sir will always have my respect and support.
I am totally unaware of any abusive/foul language from you Sichuan, so, obviously, I'm not offended.
Sorry to hear of your situation. Will send up smudge for your well-being.
Thank you, 1stwarrior, for your comment. I appreciate the smudge. I'll take anything that will help. I had to look up what a "smudge" is and now I know. You're a good man.
Just want to send you light and look forward to hearing from you here.
Thanks, lib50. I have so many things to prepare for I don't know how often I'll be on here.
Dear Sichuan, it is so good to see you here again. You have been sorely missed. Please know that you are always welcome here.
No apology is needed. The truth might hurt, but, not near as bad as a lie.
My prayers are with you.

Thank you, Raven Wing. I appreciate your comment. The only thing that hurts is that I won't be here to take care of my wife. She is a wonderful woman and causing hardships for her breaks my heart.
I fully understand your feelings toward your wife, and the loss of a loved one is never easy to deal with. But, the many wonderful memories she will have of the happy years she has spent as your wife will help her deal with the pain, and will help to make her strong to meet the challenges that may come her way.
The Creator will hold her lovingly in His hands in the days to come. So fear not, and let your heart be at ease.
Sichuan and I have something in common, in that we both married women from Chongqing, which I think is one of the smartest things both of us have ever done. He and I have been corresponding for a number of years and are looking forward to meeting here in person this summer. I have recently posted some of his photos of the Chongqing area on the Creative Arts group and hopefully he does not mind if I continue to do so.
So as I've already told you, Sichuan, continue to think positively. My late sister-in-law survived in remission after her diagnosis for 35 years by doing so. I am looking forward to our getting together this summer, and since the virus scourge is now ebbing here, we may not have to wear face masks. It's not easy to eat hot pot through them. Now that I think of it, maybe Chongqing got off easy because of the hot pot.
Thanks, Buzz. As always, I appreciate your comments and your emails. I'm going to try to make it back to China before I'm on my last leg. I have many people in China that I need to thank for their kindness, their friendliness and their hospitality. I have also always wanted to meet you and your lovely wife.
Peace, Sichuan.
Thank you, JohnRussell, for the comment.
I'm shocked and sorry to hear this, Sichuan. I don't really know what to say except you certainly don't owe me any apology.
I've never hurled any invective comments your way, Neetu2, but I appreciate the comment.
No, I know you haven't, Sichuan. We've always been respectful to each other.
Thank you very much for the information, Perrie. You know how much I appreciate it.