Amid coronavirus, Costco refuses toilet paper returns
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 5 years ago • 21 commentsBy: Stephanie Pagones

Costco is no longer allowing its customers to return some of the products they might have bought in bulk, including toilet paper, which is highly coveted and hard to come by amid the new coronavirus panic .
The store policy was instituted just days before U.S. Attorney General William Barr addressed the public during a Monday night press conference with President Trump. Barr made a point of calling out those who are hoarding and gouging the prices of certain items, largely "critical medical and health supplies."
Barr said the federal government had established a national task force to address supply chain issues related to price gouging and hoarding, and the Department of Justice will be assigning prosecutors in each U.S. district to pursue the matter.
Hooray Costco!
Hope these people like their lifetime supply of TP.
I went with a friend to COSCO to get gas. Still long lines but people limited to one basket and everyone didn't crowd together in line which made the line look longer.
Perhaps this was natural selection at work.
Jackasses crowding up at the stores, trying to hoard whatever they can, thus spreading the virus even further throughout their gene pool.
If people find they are stuck with TP, it can be donated to homeless shelters.
Fantastic idea but somehow i doubt these are the types of people who donate much to homeless shelters
My brother in AZ is having a terrible time finding toilet paper and other paper products. At some point the hoarders have too much and maybe people can buy it like they normally do.
I guess people are finding out they won't be allowed to sell (or people won't pay) $50 for toilet paper. They might also be worried they might get busted for price gouging. Too bad. They'll have to use it (for the next ten years) or donate it.
Regardless, the way the virus could be on anything, I would hope all sales would be final.
You read my mind. I don't want anything that has been in someone else's home.
Lol ... nice!
Yes, bears do shit in the woods and they do use TP.
Great memes Kavika.
Hilarious! Thx
I just got back from taking a friend grocery shopping and she found a 12 pack of TP. She gave me one and it was sitting on the table when the cat sat next to it. She had one paw on the roll and looked at me as if to say...."Feed me or the TP is history."
What's funny is the TP scare will be over by the time I finish the package I bought before it started. lol. My god how much toilet paper do these people use?
This scare really highlights the need for the bidet to be a standard bathroom item in American homes.
They're great in a master bath for personnel use but you don't want one in the bathroom that children or visitors use. Kids will make a mess and you don't want to share it with visitors or have to teach them how to use it. When I had one I used to use washcloths to dry myself like a little towel.